View Full Version : Flight Commands in Sim

08-04-2009, 01:23 PM
Hi all,

I just suddenly had a thought.... how do the radio commands for your flight work when in Simulation mode? I mean, in Arcarde / Realistic, you can target an enemy and then use the D-Pad to command someone in your flight to attack them. But how does that work in Simuldation since there is no targetting system? I'm at work at the moment so haven't been able to play around and figure it out so if anyone else has tried it and knows the answer please let me know!

Also, whilst on the subject, does anyone know which D-Pad directions do which commands? I know up is the one that commands a wingman to attack your current target. But what do the other directions do? This isn't included on the controller layout screen.


Kirill Yudintsev
08-04-2009, 01:35 PM
Yeah, good question.
In sim cover me, stay formation, attack mission objectives work the same way.
Attack target works differently. You have to 'look' on target (get target in center of screen) and then command 'attack target'.

08-04-2009, 01:39 PM
Yeah, good question.
In sim cover me, stay formation, attack mission objectives work the same way.
Attack target works differently. You have to 'look' on target (get target in center of screen) and then command 'attack target'.

In tiger hunt, when i command: attack mission objective, my wingmens never attack? They just fly away.

08-04-2009, 01:49 PM
Yeah, good question.
In sim cover me, stay formation, attack mission objectives work the same way.
Attack target works differently. You have to 'look' on target (get target in center of screen) and then command 'attack target'.

Ah I see. Good to know!

Just a suggestion, maybe somewhere in the controls overview screen it could detail which D-Pad directions do what?

Thanks for the reply and just to say as an IL2 1946 owner, I love this version of the game!