View Full Version : Is there any place where I can get ancient ents?

06-19-2009, 07:33 PM
I am well into the game (lvl 27), almost at the end I think :(
I can't find ancient ents anywhere. Would appreciate any help on the matter.

06-19-2009, 07:37 PM
I remember that i havent any of them on my first game too. Mostly they are available in Elven Capital after beating Karador also can appear on main island in demonis but its quite much random

06-19-2009, 08:01 PM
Or they may appear nowhere at all :) I had game setups where a certain unit was just missing - like Ancient Ents and Archdemons (even if I beat Baal). The funniest thing was when I was playing the impossible paladin game - I scoured the entire elven lands and got no hunters whatsoever and when I beat a roaming party in demonis and opened up the sorcerer's tower - I found like 2000 of those :)

So as Elwin pointed out, Demonis is an option - but I wouldn't expect much, since by that point, you can have various other units to do the tanking for you - unless you decide to go on a low-level demonis raid (I remember raiding demonis around lvl 14), which is not applicable in your situation, since you're 27 :)