View Full Version : tips for fastest ending

05-18-2009, 05:41 PM
i want to beat the game in 5 days
(i don't care about unit losses, although i will try to minimize them)

what is the best way to move? what area's to get first?
i want to reduce on travel time as much as possible taking every enemy that is getting in my way

anyone got any tips for this?
(i won't go back for anga's ruby)

05-18-2009, 06:56 PM
I doubt it can be done in 5 days. 6... not sure.

These are the areas you must travel to and lose time (even if you time it properly, you still need to travel):
You lose 1 day from turtle island back to greenwort.
You lose 1 day to clean up all darion before going to the islands.
You lose 1 day to clear up the islands, and get back to greenwort.
You lose 1 day to do everything up to the point where amelie is kidnapped and you must travel to ellinia.
You lose 1 day to clean up ellinia, save queen violetta's soul and travel back to darion.
You lose 1 day to do everything up to the point where you get the key for the labyrinth and travel back to ellinia.
Then it's all up to you to complete the game in that 6th day.

Tips... Well, this is what I can think of:
1. Try to get the best possible start. The +800 leadership banner, other good artifacts, knights, horsemen and inquisitors available in darion.
2. Try to get a game with tactics tratise available. It will help you exploit the game for rage, since every suppression will net a substantial amount of rage.
3. Do this on normal. If it's possible on normal, it may be possible on the higher difficulties. If it's not possible on normal, it's doubtful it will be possible on the higher difficulties.

In my eyes 7 days is the best option. If you get a really good start and everything goes well, it may be in 6. But 5 days... I don't see how it's possible.

05-18-2009, 08:09 PM
I doubt it can be done in 5 days. 6... not sure.

These are the areas you must travel to and lose time (even if you time it properly, you still need to travel):
You lose 1 day from turtle island back to greenwort.
You start day 1 12AM so in fact when you are back from turtle island it's already day 2 7AM+, impossible to do better. So the path you describe is a 7 days path.

As far I know only two players that post their records here did it in 7 days in impossible, Calinda with a warrior and Crepuscule with a mage (and one less quest done).

Both are quite amazing score, only Calinda provides/provided feedback and savegame.