View Full Version : Instead of Replays, I prefer a Photo Mode

05-01-2009, 05:00 AM
Nothing againt Replays, but they are boring to watch.

Now a photo mode is more fun.
You pause the game whenever you like for the perfect action shot. Then with everything frozen in time, you move your camera around for some good snaps, then add effects right in the game still (motion blur, exposure,filters, even simple text for your callsign over your plane) then it gets saved and converted into jpg on your PS3 HDD.

Wipeout HD already does this except for the text. Metal Gear Sold 4 does this aswell, also it automatically adds the Logo of the product on the photos when it saves them to the HDD.

This would be a fun feature and great for online clan/squadrons or just for friends.
You can message someone on PSN and attach the said file or upload/email yourself it. I would even create a IL-2 Sturmovik:BOP Blog Page just for IL-2BOP Screen Caps.

Here's examples of Wipeout HD using just the ingame Photo Mode/Screen Capture by players:


Here's Metal Gear Solid 4, then mostly Metal Gear Online Pics, taken by users ingame with the ingame camera:http://ui10.gamefaqs.com/2153/gfs_63080_2_22.jpghttp://ui02.gamefaqs.com/545/gfs_93727_2_29.jpghttp://ui26.gamefaqs.com/793/gfs_93727_2_91.jpg

05-01-2009, 12:18 PM
I really like the replays, just fotos suck

05-09-2009, 08:41 AM
I really like the replays, just fotos suck

I agree. Though, if you could take photos during the replay, I'd be happy. Besides, pausing in the middle of a dogfight sounds like a bad idea. You would lose focus on what you are doing too easily, and then the hunter would probably become the prey.

05-09-2009, 11:22 AM
Well in defense of my stated opinion, I will present some new angles too look at the situation.

Generally replays are boring, even the really good ones are fun only once in a while to watch again. Personally it takes too much time from me playing the game.

I can see some people really enjoying this feature, but it would be a very small group, and only the ones who would do Post Production on the video would work out.

I see this game having a maybe a Ace Combat type replay (last minute of flying till u won or crashed) with limited angles.

The picture feature is a better way to statisfy both parties, its a much easier idea to incorperate into a game thus = more quality time into IMPORTANT aspects of the game, and also we can still capture cool moments in a nice picture.

Also if I plan to take pictures ingame, I am not playing the mission to actually win it, just looking for moments of intense aerial action.

Gaijan Games go play WipeOut HD on PS3 and check out the picture tool in the pause menu!!!!!!!!!!!