View Full Version : BoP multiplay

03-11-2009, 06:57 AM
Hello everybody, I'm new here in this forum but I've understood that new Il2:BoP is going to be released on several platforms, for example Xbox and PS3. I've played IL2-series already...hmm how many years...maybe 6 years. Started when Forgotten Battles was released.

I've planned to buy PS3 as soon as possible and also looking forward this new release of IL2:BoP.

Couple of questions I have though: does anybody know is it going to be possible in IL2:Birds of Prey that the PS3 owners could play with Xbox owners in multiplay via Internet?

And is it possible to play in LAN with other PS3's? We've had great LAN sessions with IL2 1946 and because everybody of our team is now buying PS3 we hope we can continue.

Thanks and let's hope release is going to be soon...both BoP and BoB:SoW...


03-11-2009, 01:03 PM
Hi again,
maybe I should be more accurate with this. Actually I do not know if there is going to be such a Multiplayer mode as in IL2-series at all but I was thinking mainly a co-operative missions where me and my friends could together fly against AI enemy.

And in addition to this, when we play coops (in LAN or through Internet) against AI (or real persons) is it possible to use different consoles (Xbox and PS3 for example) when playing together.



Anton Yudintsev
03-11-2009, 01:17 PM
Playing in one session from PS3/Xbox360 is prohibited by console manufactures.

03-11-2009, 03:13 PM
Actually I was just going to make a post about the multilayer but you beat me to it. My question is more about the reward and ranking system. Not sure if this info is already out there or if Anton can help. I was curious if as you rank up in multiplayer how does the game reward you? Like do you unlock better planes or improved variants? Also is there a simulation mode for multiplayer with realistic damage and players are limited to the cockpit view? Sorry if this is common knowledge but I've never played IL-2 for PC before.

03-11-2009, 03:53 PM
PS3 as a console does not feature lan play , but 360 does and its cheaper

03-11-2009, 07:22 PM
Wow, no LAN play on PS3????

I wonder just exactly what it has been that I have been doing with my friends hooking our PS3's together with ethernet cable and hubs/ switches etc and blowing each others brains out until the wee hours of the morning??

03-11-2009, 08:51 PM
Hi all,
Ok so there is a LAN possibility in PS3. Good. To Scottyb825: in the original IL2 you can play Campaigns and get higher rankings after the mission but you can adjust the difficulty so many ways that getting higher ranks can be difficult (or easy...). I haven't played that much of Campaigns. There are also so called co-operative missions where you can just fly in the same virtual air with your friends against computer AI. There are thousands of these kind of coops in the Internet. They are fun during LAN. And in online gaming also or course.

But I understood that there is some kind of multiplay in BoP but does anybody know what kind of possibilities and features it includes compared to original IL2-series? Or is it just so that this information just can't be published yet ;) . As everybody in this forum knows IL2 Sturmovik when originally released started a whole new way of playing WW2 flight sims and changed the whole genre. And one part of that "revolution" was a great multiplay possibility and you could actually build those mission by yourself using the in-game tool. I hope that even some parts of that could be included in Birds of Prey.

Raw Kryptonite
03-12-2009, 02:43 AM
I'd really like to know the game types to be offered.
I'm hoping for confirmation of an attack/escort the bomber vs. defense game to be in there.