View Full Version : Weird things with chests in battles

11-14-2008, 03:13 AM
Maybe someone posted something about this already, but i have a few doubts on how chests in battles are generated.

I fought a troop on the first map of the game, grabbing a chest with a very nice +2 magic runes. Then for various reasons i had to reload and do things a bit differently, so some time passed before i fought that same troop again. When i did the chest was there, but with only 1 magic rune.

I tought that alla these things were fixed at the start of the game, so this somewhat surprised me, ad i decided to do a few tests:

- I tried again that troop with a previous save, and no changes (1 rune)

- I tried that troop from a save i had of my very beginning, and no chests at all (?!)

- I tried to fight that guy, grab the chest and then run away. When i went back to fight it again there was another chest, so i grabbed another rune! When i tried the third time, instead, chest was no more there, and more important all chests in other fight in the area (i tried some) had no more their chests! I'm sure they vanished cause i tried them without doing first the "run away" thing and they had some chests.

So, in conclusion, chests for battles does not seems to be fixed at start, but seems to change for various reasons... anyone knows more about this?

11-14-2008, 05:55 AM
Maybe becuase not every of those combat was on exactly same place. Thus, different random seed.

11-14-2008, 12:02 PM
You can change the battlefield by choosing to fight in a different place on the map. Different terrains mean different battleground setups and sometimes it will change the chests and/or add a wasp's nest or something. As far as the stuff inside the chest changing on a reload, I've never had that happen. If I reloaded a fight I always got the same amount of gold the 2nd time.

I think this is one of the most interesting parts of the game. I felt like I got more treasure chests on the battlefield when I was fighting monsters near a treasure chest on the map. I wonder if you'd get more chests if you dragged monsters to an unopened chest on the overland map...

11-14-2008, 01:49 PM
I'll try moving the mob as you said, but in my tests the mob was always in the same spot (well, not 100% exactly maybe) and i still got some different results.

More important, i saw that's actually possible to take twice one object in a chest by running away from the combat and coming back again. Of course you will lose your army, but some overpowered artifact could worth it ^_^

11-14-2008, 02:39 PM
More tries:

I tried luring the mob around for the map and 99% of the fights had the same chests, although differently arranged on the map. When i fought near the castle, the chests vanished.

I tried the fight you have to do to make Zerock (fire spirit) serve you moving around various maps and the chests always changed. It does not seems, however, that there are richer rewars if you fight near unopened chests in the adventure map.

11-14-2008, 03:26 PM
For me only weird thing with chests in battle is that some creature prefer to grab chest than fight :/.

11-14-2008, 04:36 PM
Why do neutrals pick chests up anyway? Only so you don't?

11-14-2008, 05:45 PM
Why do neutrals pick chests up anyway? Only so you don't?

Seems kinda obvious doesnt it? make you choose between attack or get the chest.