View Full Version : What can be modded in this game?

09-26-2008, 03:53 PM
Could you add new buildings?

Can you edit the map?

How do you mod this game other then INI file changes?
Is there a built in scripting lang we can use?


09-26-2008, 04:03 PM
all the .kfs files can be opened with winzip or winrar. You can mod some stuff inside them pretty easily b/c they are text files. Others are probably more difficult.

For example, I found the .kfs file that has all the english text. If one of the people complaining about the translation wanted to, they could fix it for everyone!

09-26-2008, 04:26 PM
Can you edit the images? 'Cause I'd really like to have gay marriage possible.

10-07-2008, 06:32 PM
Bman654: Where did you find the complete English translation? I'd love to try my hand at this. You can tell that the game is cleverly written but sometimes awkwardly translated, so I'd love to make the translation more consistent. Unfortunately, I'd only be able to work with the English--but in most cases the sense can be deciphered.

10-07-2008, 09:42 PM
I *think* everything is in: C:\games\King's Bounty\sessions\base\loc_ses.kfs. Just make sure and use a text editor that can read/write unicode files (notepad works ok).

good luck!

10-08-2008, 12:41 AM
Yep, found it. Already edited and tested some of the conversations with King Mark. Thanks!

10-08-2008, 04:23 AM
If you clean up the language any be sure and post it for us all to enjoy! :)