View Full Version : How to create/use a mod?

09-26-2008, 03:34 PM
I made a mod to get rid of that annoying sound when you dig and don't find anything because I like to hit D alot while travelling. But I am editing the main .KFS files. I'm not sure how to package it up for other people.

From what I can tell from looking at some of the Russian mods, you put your modified files in a .kfs file in the data\mods folder. Is that all there is to it? Does it require starting a new game or will it work on existing savegames?

09-26-2008, 07:46 PM
Is that all there is to it? Does it require starting a new game or will it work on existing savegames?

I'm no expert on this, but the only mod I've ever installed (http://kingsbounty.ru/mods/1.6.4/mod_164_Training_camp.zip) didn't require restarting. It adds item to your inventory in about 10 seconds after you load any save state.

09-27-2008, 12:21 AM
From what I can tell from looking at some of the Russian mods, you put your modified files in a .kfs file in the data\mods folder. Is that all there is to it? Does it require starting a new game or will it work on existing savegames?
That's all there is to it, it seems. In some cases, the changes are not effective on existing savegames (though just going to another map might enable them - can't try that in the demo), in other cases they are. Easiest way to test is starting up a new game without the mod, save, add the mod, reload, see what happens.

09-27-2008, 02:20 PM
Excellent mod. I'd like to take it a step further in my own game by removing the sounds that certain troops make during battles that I personally find really obnoxious (i.e. shaman's grunts and barbarian's axe on shield slam.), especially since they do it throughout the entire battle every couple seconds.

So at first I tried replacing the .wav files associated with those 'emote' sounds directly in the D:\King's Bounty\data\sounds.kfs. But that didnt stop them from sounding off as normal the next time I entered a battle. Then I found your thread on the no dig sound, promptly downloaded it, threw it in the mod folder, verified it worked, and finally tried both placing in the other shaman .wavs in both a new .kfs file and yours. To no avail. Any thoughts?

Hate to not use a useful unit like the orc's shaman because I find myself becoming really annoyed, when I know there's got to be a way to stop it since the world map sounds can be replaced with no sound .wavs like your dig one.

09-27-2008, 07:06 PM
Most likely you are mod'ing the wrong .wav file. How did you figure out which one to replace? I found the dig file by looking at sounds.csv in sound.kfs which listed a bunch of actions and the sound associated. I don't know if it was just for adventure sounds or if it also covered combat sounds.

Only other thing I can think of is what are you doing to make them silent? I just took the dig sound and opened it in Goldwave and replaced it with silence. Probably not the most elegant but it worked on the first try.

09-27-2008, 08:03 PM
I just double-clicked on all the shaman sound .wavs until I found the ones that matched up with the in-game emotes (shaman_aggro, shaman_voice1 /voice3). I tried both replacing them with another quiet .wav and then your .wav when I found your d/l location.

Gonna try editing the sounds.csv and see what happens when I remove the pointers to the shaman files altogether..
edit: eh, that didn't work either, nor changing which .wav it was pointing to a different .wav. Wondering if there's just some other weird labeled .wav I'm missing or how else the game is pulling down combat sounds.

09-28-2008, 03:37 AM
mebbe it is not really a shaman, but something else...

10-17-2008, 02:48 AM
I never did try to figure out the shaman sound...but I *did* figure out how to turn off the shaman idle animation that makes the sound. So now I don't have to listen to his grunts anymore :)

12-28-2008, 10:06 PM
I'm no expert on this, but the only mod I've ever installed (http://kingsbounty.ru/mods/1.6.4/mod_164_Training_camp.zip) didn't require restarting. It adds item to your inventory in about 10 seconds after you load any save state.

The reason is simple. It has been coded into the mod:

-------- Äîáàâëåíèå ïðåäìåòîâ â èíâåíòàðü --------------------

if not item_given_training_camp then
Logic.hero_lu_item_del ("training_camp") -- Åñëè ïðåäìåò óæå åñòü â èíâåíòàðå
Logic.hero_add_item ("training_camp")
item_given_training_camp = 1

06-01-2009, 05:51 PM
I never did try to figure out the shaman sound...but I *did* figure out how to turn off the shaman idle animation that makes the sound. So now I don't have to listen to his grunts anymore :)

If you're still around these boards, mind posting how you removed the grunt sound? Recently reinstalled KB and figured I'd ask before I finish my next play through.

07-10-2009, 12:18 PM
To do it like he has, you'd probably have to open the appropriate ATOM file and edit/delete the right animation block.