View Full Version : JSGME Profiles..

11-05-2012, 02:10 PM
For those who do not know it.. you can create profiles in your JSGME. I have 3 profiles, HSFX, HSFX Expert and Stock. Any profile is never more than 4 clicks away. If all you use are a few mods this may not be an issue but if you have several mods in your JSGME then using the profiles helps. To create and save a profile in your JSGME create a profile of desired mods in the JSGME.. click on Tasks-->Save mod profile --> name your profile and then save it. I just let it go to the default folder of My Documents.

To call up any profile just click on Tasks --> Load mod profile. A window will open up with the folder you ave stored your profiles in scroll down to it and select it. Click Open and your profile will be loaded.

So say I have 4.11.1 selected in my JSGME and I want to change to HSFX Expert with Tiger's Uv3, perfect map textures and the Vs lower particle effects mod. Using profiles I will select Tasks-->Load mod profile-->HSFX E-->Open .. and done. I do not have to deselect any mods or reselect any mods.

This may be old news to some but I never knew it could be done.