View Full Version : show death kill?????????

10-29-2011, 05:58 PM
i know when you have mouse cursor on a monster its show how many is killed but when you strike the monster its only show damge not death also like it does in king bounty crossworld. is there a mod that can show the same thing here on kb:tl i know i can see it from the log when the battle is on

10-29-2011, 07:09 PM
Edit game.ini file and instead of showflyingdead=0 put showflyingdead=1.

10-29-2011, 08:09 PM
when i did open the folder in data i did not find show deathflying do i need to type it in there or? i have only KB:TL installed

10-29-2011, 08:35 PM
If you do not have this parameter - just add another line with it.setf ~showflyingdead 1

10-29-2011, 09:30 PM
If you do not have this parameter - just add another line with it.setf ~showflyingdead 1

its only showing what dam the monster take if i kill some one or the enemy kill some of my monster its does not show the kill like crossworld

10-29-2011, 10:11 PM
its only showing what dam the monster take if i kill some one or the enemy kill some of my monster its does not show the kill like crossworld
setf ~showflyingdead 0= what damage
setf ~showflyingdead 1= how many kills

BTW: I do not have Crossworlds, but you said:
when you strike the monster its only show damge not deathAfter setting "1" now you can see number of deaths instead of damage.

Also, I hope you have latest patch (1.7), because this parameter was introduced later.

10-30-2011, 11:11 AM
on Data folder there i did fine game.inf there i have this
setf ~screenresoultionx 0
setf ~screenresoultiony 0
setf ~shadowresolution 1024
setf ~map_camera_sens 0.100000
setf ~map_camera_wheel_sens -0.500000
setf ~map_camera_dist_sens 15.550000
setf ~arena_camera_sens_x 0.100000
setf ~arena_camera_sens_y 0.100000
setf ~arena_camera_wheel_sens 0.500000
setf ~highlight_arena 1
setf ~windowed 0
setf ~slowsave 0
setf ~rotateradar 1
setf ~splitnumchar 44
setf ~enableautosave 1
setf ~r_shadowmap_4sample 1
setf ~r_blur_shadowmap 0
setf ~r_vsync 1
setf ~r_fsaa 0
setf ~disablefightlog 0
setf ~r_filter 2
setf ~cl_master_vol 1.000000
setf ~cl_sounds_vol 0.750000
setf ~cl_music_vol 0.500000
setf ~r_gamma 1.000000
setf ~r_anim_speed 0
setf ~r_clip_distance 0
setf ~r_refresh_rate 0
setf ~r_water_quality 2
setf ~r_skipmip_landscape 0
setf ~r_skipmip_particles 0
setf ~r_skipmip_units 0
setf ~r_skipmip_other 0
setf ~cl_sounds 1
setf ~cl_music 1
setf ~cl_movies 1
setf ~in_mem_maps 2
setf ~in_mem_arenas 2
setf ~r_use_adapter 0
setf ~streaming 0
this one i have add> setf ~showflyingdead 1

is this right?

10-30-2011, 11:25 AM
on Data folder there i did fine game.infinf? I have ini.

If it's ini (and you mistyped) and you have v1.7 then yes.

10-30-2011, 11:43 AM
i did miss type and i have also 1,7 patch also but its show damge not death and i am not sure why? i like it if it can show both too

10-30-2011, 12:08 PM
i did miss type and i have also 1,7 patch also but its show damge not death and i am not sure why? i like it if it can show both too
Here is some more info, maybe it will be helpful: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=5748

Also, to show both, you need to put "2" as value of this parameter, but I do not recommend doing that as both numbers in KB:TL are shown together at the same place of the screen and they are harder to read.

10-30-2011, 04:40 PM
it does not seam too work. i am not sure why i use some mod too

10-30-2011, 04:57 PM
Maybe this option is only available for specific versions? What version of game you have? Retail? Steam? GamersGate? GOG? Other?

10-30-2011, 08:50 PM
i have the retail version of this game

10-30-2011, 09:15 PM
I know for sure that this option works in Steam, GG and GOG versions. I do know nothing about retail.. but I can not find the answer why not?

10-31-2011, 02:41 PM
ok thank you for yours help