View Full Version : Banned

08-15-2011, 03:35 PM
i was banned(2 month) fore complaining in relation to performance and i also asked myself why this game was released in the first place , i guess the truth is to hard fore some people i guess !!!!! :mad:

08-16-2011, 05:00 AM

What is your purpose with this post????

08-16-2011, 05:08 AM
probably he want be banned again :D

08-16-2011, 05:42 AM
I think he wants us to gather up and overthrow the mods.

08-16-2011, 07:13 AM
I think he wants us to gather up and overthrow the mods.

Banned for speaking the truth thats not fair

08-16-2011, 08:38 AM
I don't blame them I guess bashing and bashing 1C and using words that the site has posted as "ban items" it would happen You would think after 2 months you would take it and move on with some reserve. I have yet to see someone fix something by putting them down

I myself don't enjoy the game I look at CLOD and a buyer beware loss way to complex just to " Play " I seen post on this MM of gun should do this and 5 pages on engine control or 3 hours to get your settings added just to lose them

Hearing that there are 2 other dogfighting sim ( games ) coming out
I can cut my losses here and wait to see whats in the future

You have to remember a guy had a dream and wanted a sim his way and worked on it for others to buy into it. We both bought into his dream Bashing him or the growing team isn't going to change anything even if EVERYONE started bashing it The money is already in the bank and those who paid it have to wait and see whats next

08-16-2011, 01:27 PM

What is your purpose with this post????

To stir up some trouble i guess. In any case, unless actual performance issues are discussed this post is off-topic for this section of the forums.

Should i lock it or will i end up hurting someone's feelings, what do you guys think? :-P

08-16-2011, 03:15 PM
i flipped a coin 10 times, 10 favor lock, 10 favor hurting someones feeling :D

08-16-2011, 04:49 PM
So is this how it is here say anything wrong with the game and you get banned?:confused:

08-16-2011, 04:56 PM

08-16-2011, 05:15 PM
It was released and has undergone many improvements. It wasn't perfect, it's getting better and there is more to admire than dislike. At initial release it was pretty clear that the title had problems but I didn't cancel my order. I suspect that for every customer that cancelled more went ahead and purchased.

In a nutshell, I (and quite a few others too I suspect) was glad MG went ahead. Maybe MG should have stated it was Beta but there was enough information on the forums, on-line reviews, etc that enabled consumers to make an informed choice as to buy or not.

As with any goods, a buyer can ask for a refund if they are not happy with the product. If you are not particularly impressed with CloD then don't buy it but feel free to leave a constructive opinion. Not every one gets banned for criticising CLoD.

08-16-2011, 05:24 PM
So is this how it is here say anything wrong with the game and you get banned?:confused:

It's not what people say, it's how they say it. There's loads of posts dealing with what's wrong with the game, but only the adequately worded ones tend to remain.

For example, saying things like:

"Hey guys, i think i've spotted a bug, this and this happens on my installation. Does anyone else have it or is it just me? Any workarounds?"

"Yep, that's definitely a bug. If you do such and such it should result in X type of action but Z happens instead. You could try doing this and that to fix it, cheers."

...is perfectly fine.

Saying things like: "OMG, feature X is broken and never getting fixed! They stole our money to buy vodka!"

...without even going to the trouble to provide some relevant detail tends to get on people's nerves and is not fine.

Moderation is not so much about the message and opinion presented, it's about the kind of attitude people display ;-)

08-16-2011, 05:32 PM
Reminds me of how clod makes me feel

08-17-2011, 02:15 PM
Lissen guys Quote:
(It's not what people say, it's how they say it). man o man i didn't say anything wrong , i aspect probably to much of this game . and even this week i give the game a try and bottom line is the game still doesn't run good and man that sound . :(

never the less i hope this game is getting some good mods in the future than i believe it is playable .

i still love the cockpit and its lighting but it feels different teams have working on this project because i see so many different qualities in this game .

and i do believe there come,s a day that i say yessssss wooow this is what i was hoping fore .

(please don't ban me :-)