View Full Version : Cheating already?

06-29-2011, 09:11 PM
Ok what im not going to do here is mention names cuz i dont know facts though ive always wondered why this person racks up kills very very quickly with hrdly any losses...Ever so here goes...

flying on Repka 1 earlier and i see a 109 pilot kill spits with what seemed short bursts..i mean short bursts as in hardly any tracer..no flames,no smoke and both were pilot kills..

I know this because same 109 (or same markings and skin) shot me too with a pilot kill on a merge, no other hits that i heard, no tracers that i see..only a merge then...pilot kill

Now this person is either a very lucky shot, OR im not seeing or hearing tracers and dmg (though i do any other time) OR something fishy is going on.

Its just pure luck that i happen to see this twice in 5 mins then it happen to me 10 mins later..no other AC involved before anyone mentions that.


06-29-2011, 09:40 PM
I dont know the situation (track would be good next time), but this fact: much more vulnerable the pilot, like Il-2. I like the aimed, short bursts, and most of my kill are PK.

somebody shot me in such a way yesterday that I did not hear shooting. I flew with 109.

06-29-2011, 10:03 PM
Probably someone who spent all this time flying instead of hanging around here. :-D

06-29-2011, 10:19 PM
Probably someone who spent all this time flying instead of hanging around here. :-D

Aoutsch, that hurt :-D

Honestly, if he used only guns, it would have been diffcult to see the tracers (compared to cannons+guns)

And, if he uses guns, he will make a PK in 90% of the cases if he aims correctly.
P-40 in IL2B did the same if you knew where to aim.

Just assumptions.

06-29-2011, 10:24 PM
Well, it is not so hard to do pilot kills with MGs loaded only with tungsten carbide ammo, especially now, when E-1 is available.

06-29-2011, 10:26 PM
Honestly, if he used only guns, it would have been diffcult to see the tracers (compared to cannons+guns)

Especially if there were no tracers loaded at all.

06-29-2011, 11:35 PM
Fair enough

06-30-2011, 12:00 AM
I thought I read somewhere that the HE stuff is crap. So I switched to all AP type ammo. I have not encountered a real pilot but the few AI I attacked have resulted in a dead crewman every pass. The AP loadout is far more effective than having HE in your belts.