View Full Version : CoD Manual

06-09-2011, 08:38 PM
Under "Flying the Planes"-Spitfire, page 83 gives some general info on the plane. Page 84 shows the performance charts. I don't see any Take-off, Climb, Cruise, etc pages following page 84 for the Spitfire, as there is for the Hurricane, BF-109, and JU-87.

Are those pages missing, or should we be using the data for the Hurricane for the Spitfire, also?


06-10-2011, 12:36 AM
I've been using the same settings with good results, since both have Merlin engines.

This applies to other aircraft as well, for example you can use the Ju87 settings on the He-111H and Ju88 (this one even has markings on the instruments) and the Me-110 settings (not in the manual, they are again marked on the instruments) on the He-111P.

The 109, 110 and 111P all have DB601 engines, but it seems that the 110 is rated for a bit lower values if you compare what the manual says about the 109 and what the instrument markings denote for the 110. So, i would go ahead and use the 110 values on the He-111P just to be on the safe side.

On the 110 RPM and manifold pressure (Ata) gauges, you can see engraved in red text:
d for continuous
30 for 30 minute setting (combat/cruise) and
1 for 1 minute setting (emergency/takeoff)

On the Ju88 there is no indication of time limits, but it has three coloured lines:
green for continuous
yellow probably for climb and
red for emergency power.

Hope it helps.

06-10-2011, 12:58 AM
OK, that solves that mystery.

