View Full Version : Right procedure to change bomb detonators in MP?

06-02-2011, 08:15 AM

What is the right procedure to change bomb detonators in MP?

Been wondering this a bit, is it a bug or am I just doing something wrong. What I try to do is:

I have selected the army(blue for instance), and the plane(Bf110).. I select the loadout above the "Create" button, say a SC250kg bomb... But there is no detonator selection here. So I click "Plane" .. I select the Bf110 and then click "Loadout", select the same loadout as for the flight I was about to create, go to "Bombs", select the SC250kg. Here I select either dive or low alt detonator. Then I save the loadout options, go back to the map screen and press "Create". But when I try to bomb, the bomb never detonates. It's like the detonator might be the >1km detonator... Which also doesn't seem to detonate even when higher than 1km...

I have done a mission in FMB to research this. If I put either dive or low alt detonator to the bombs in my Bf110, I have no problem with detonations in either sea or land targets I have in the mission. I have tested dropping real close and really far, the detonators seem to work in both cases.

With the >1km detonator I have never seen an explosion. So, might be that in MP I always have the >1km detonator whatever I do in the loadout screen.

Any ideas? (I think this will end in a facepalm for me as it's quite possible that I've done something obviously wrong .. has happened before :) )


06-02-2011, 09:06 AM
go back to the map screen

I guess before this you have to save plane preset (not only loadout preset).
Try saving it both as default and custom preset.

Or maybe even try to edit user.ini in notepad. This is what I have there
conv _Gun02 Gun.MG17 150 150
conv _Gun06 Gun.MG15 150 150
conv _Gun05 Gun.MGFF 150 150
conv _Gun04 Gun.MGFF 150 150
conv _Gun03 Gun.MG17 150 150
conv _Gun00 Gun.MG17 150 150
conv _Gun01 Gun.MG17 150 150
belt _Gun02 Gun.MG17 MainBelt 1 2 4 5
belt _Gun03 Gun.MG17 MainBelt 1 2 4 5
belt _Gun00 Gun.MG17 MainBelt 1 2 4 5 6
belt _Gun01 Gun.MG17 MainBelt 1 2 4 5
beltPreset Default _Gun02 Gun.MG17 MainBelt 1 2 4 5
beltPreset Default _Gun03 Gun.MG17 MainBelt 1 2 4 5
beltPreset Default _Gun00 Gun.MG17 MainBelt 1 2 4 5 6
beltPreset Default _Gun01 Gun.MG17 MainBelt 1 2 4 5
beltPreset AM _Gun02 Gun.MG17 MainBelt 1 2 4 5
beltPreset AM _Gun03 Gun.MG17 MainBelt 1 2 4 5
beltPreset AM _Gun00 Gun.MG17 MainBelt 1 2 4 5 6
beltPreset AM _Gun01 Gun.MG17 MainBelt 1 2 4 5
detonator Bomb.SC-250_Type1_J 2 -1 0
detonatorPreset "Low Level" Bomb.SC-250_Type1_J 2 -1 0
weapons 1 1 1 1

I have done a mission in FMB to research this.

You can go to Multiplayer >> Server and test the same mission online at your own server. You may need to add a spawnpoint to it.

06-02-2011, 11:49 AM
I can not give a proper answer but I will add two things in the hope that they may solve your challenge:

#1. Do not use a Bf109-3B
(they will not explode no matter what you do... actually there is a way to make them explode but it is not a realistic solution).

#2. while airborne, press the key to ARM the bombs. Otherwise the ignitors remain inactive and the bombs will drop without exploding.


06-02-2011, 12:48 PM
I can not give a proper answer but I will add two things in the hope that they may solve your challenge:

#1. Do not use a Bf109-3B
(they will not explode no matter what you do... actually there is a way to make them explode but it is not a realistic solution).

#2. while airborne, press the key to ARM the bombs. Otherwise the ignitors remain inactive and the bombs will drop without exploding.


I use the E3b with SC250 regularly. I have saved a Weapon profile with a single SC250 and called the preset E3bomben. I cant recall what detonator I chose in the preset.

In MP I select an E3B then choose PLANE then select E3B then loadout and choose E3Bomben. then select Create.

In game I have an E3B mit SC250. Once airborne Arm the bomb and select Short delay.
Dive deliveries with release height of at least 1000m always get a Bang. Yet to try lower.
Impact to boom is a number of seconds.

06-02-2011, 01:11 PM
and select Short delay.

Do you have to set up a special key for this? I think this is the part most people might miss.

btw. What does your sig say in English? )

06-02-2011, 01:29 PM
Once airborne Arm the bomb and select Short delay.
Dive deliveries with release height of at least 1000m always get a Bang. Yet to try lower.
Impact to boom is a number of seconds.


#1 where is short delay? I was palying with the selections of the bomb delay under the bombs selection menu (the infamous 8weeks delay time :D).

#2 I have never bombed from that high but sound interesting possibility. Dive bombing or skipbombing are my favourites until now. But it sounds like an option...
How do you aim with the Bf109 from 1000m ?


06-04-2011, 11:37 PM
Answers to posts:

Yeah I have been relentlessly trying to beat the Save buttons when ever I see them :)

My tests have been mostly with Bf110 and yes I arm the bombs before dropping.

The dive and low alt detonators allow me to "drive" the bomb to the target in FMB, releasing the bomb just tens of meters from the target, almost always resulting in detonation. This was a question mark for me too, about 75% of the time I get detonation, so what is the reason for no detonation... duds?

Releasing at 1km is a big no no for a jabo pilot :)