View Full Version : Vote has done 24hours-Inc SpitII please

05-29-2011, 03:20 PM
Twice as many players want the SpitII ingame as to those who dont

The people cant be wrong and if there was that much 'Anti SpitII' going on then the votes would show otherwise which tells me most people will fly it anyway which ever side you normally fly on irrespective on what FM's are porked and which ones are not..

My venture to try and include the SpitII in servers may be to no avail but i wanted to see if what i think is echoed in the community...it obviously is

Id still fly whatever whenever whether its included or not but judging by the outcome of the vote it wouldnt change the number of people on a server enough to worry about but would make for a more enjoyable game if its that ride you decide to take..

I rest my case and not another word from me on the matter

~S~ All