View Full Version : 109, can't take off

05-22-2011, 07:59 PM
Soz..before posting I'v tried some research but i could't find a solution.

In few words..when i turn on the engine following the procedure ( magn to m1-m2,Fuel open,oil rad open,rad open, pitch to 100% ) everything seems ok. the problem is that when i go full trhottle the 109 can't get speed..??
I think could be a pitch problem maybe..but is already100%..
any help pls?

05-22-2011, 08:04 PM
Only two things could be causing that, the prop pitch or the brakes. As you said you have checked the pp, check the brakes, specially if you have them bound to an analog axis, check that they're not reversed.

Well, a third thing: you broke your engine, are you opening your rad flaps, arent you?

05-22-2011, 08:11 PM
Only two things could be causing that, the prop pitch or the brakes. As you said you have checked the pp, check the brakes, specially if you have them bound to an analog axis, check that they're not reversed.

Well, a third thing: you broke your engine, are you opening your rad flaps, arent you?

Thx to be so quick ;)
the left corner screen icon, show the pitch at 100%, i can move it to middle or to maximum-minimum(in other planes i can chose the pitch a like from 0 to 100)..could be a bug of it?
brakes are under a keys..so i dont think they are,, no prob to take off wit hother planes.
Rad flaps..you mean the right leg near trottle ? radiator icon ( light blue icon, on the left low corner of the screen) show it open only at 50%, but they are open
the engine don't seem to be broke, he has power, rpm increasing with full trhottle, but not enough to move the plane..i saw also videos and im doing everything properly..I mean..I hope:(

05-22-2011, 08:19 PM
Just press your brakes and release it again, just to be sure, sometimes they do get stuck.

As for the radiator, you have two indicators:

The water radiator: represented by the blue slider. You can check how much is open by looking at the base of the wings. You will see a small rod (pin) coming up and down from the surface of the wing. When the rad is full closed, the pin is completely up. When is opened, dissapears. (this last not correctly modelled, thoin should be visible even in that position).

And the blue slider always stays in the center, dont take it as a reference. Only moves when you use the controls, but always return to the center.

On the other hand, the oil radiator, is represented by the brown slider, and this slider indicates its real position.

05-22-2011, 08:24 PM
Oh and btw, I re read your post and make sure that you have pp at 100%.

Since last patch, 14588, the 109 pp is governed differently. You can check the pp by looking at a gauge at the right side in the front panel of the cockpit. The pp 100% is when that gauge is showing 12 o clock. When you start the game, it is at 9:30 pr something like that, and it takes a good amount of seconds to move it up to 12:00

05-22-2011, 08:37 PM
Oh and btw, I re read your post and make sure that you have pp at 100%.

Since last patch, 14588, the 109 pp is governed differently. You can check the pp by looking at a gauge at the right side in the front panel of the cockpit. The pp 100% is when that gauge is showing 12 o clock. When you start the game, it is at 9:30 pr something like that, and it takes a good amount of seconds to move it up to 12:00

Here we go, tested now, the clock is at 8.30 and doesen't move..pitch problem then:) ill try to reassign command on pitch.
Thx a lot m8

05-22-2011, 08:42 PM
Here we go, tested now, the clock is at 8.30 and doesen't move..pitch problem then:) ill try to reassign command on pitch.
Thx a lot m8

Remember that the lever has three positions: ( the blue lever in the front panel of the cockpit)

When ist being HOLD up, the effect is +RPM
When is being holding down, the effect is -RPM
When you release, it returns always to the center (spring loaded)

Enjoy your take offs :D

05-23-2011, 10:20 AM
Remember that the lever has three positions: ( the blue lever in the front panel of the cockpit)

The lever has four positions: grösser - neutral - kleiner - Segelstellung (full feathered) ;)

S! Varrattu

05-23-2011, 10:39 AM
Make sure your Keys for Prop pitch increase/decrease are mapped...

Fuel Cock-Open
Start engine with 1inch or so of throttle, you can throttle back once started
keep adjusting prop pitch until lil dial (clock Hands) top right of instrument panel are increasing..once ou get to around 10oclock increase throttle and your start to see/hear the difference in engine RPm and will start to pick up speed...kepp adjusting PP untill your at 11:30 and that will do yer :)

get this done then once your happy with it do the above but with flaps open 3/4 the way...you dont need to do this but it will make lifting off a tad easier..

Oh and 'dont' fasten seatbelts and you MUST smoke :cool:

05-24-2011, 09:18 PM
Sorry if its been posted already but it happened to me. The prop pitch was cranked all the way up. Hold the breaks, throttle up to full power then start reducing your pitch. As soon as it comes alive release the breaks and you're off.