View Full Version : Supposedly it's possible to change loadout?

White Owl
05-19-2011, 10:31 PM
In the most recent patch thread, a couple people posted that saving your loadout in the game's main options screen will work, and you can use custom loadouts in the regular missions that way. Specifically, Blackdog posted: The confusion comes from the fact that you need to save at each individual options screen.

Example: Let's say i want to make a loadout with two SC250 bombs, 50% fuel and a custom ammo belt and convergence for the Bf-110C-7.
I need to first set the fuel and bombs on the first screen and save. Then i have to edit the guns for convergence and ammo belt and save in the second screen. Finally, i have to select my bomb fusing options in the last screen and save again.

If i save all of them with the same name they don't overwrite each other, because each screen is about a different part of the loadout.

So, if save each step with a name like "50%fuel,2xSC250" i can go into the quick mission builder and actually select this loadout for my entire flight and it will include ALL of the changes i made.

If i only want to individually customize my own aircraft, i can just change things and click ok on each loadout screen once again by pressing the "player plane" button in the briefing screen before i press "fly". In this case i think it's not even necessary to save as long as i press "ok", because selecting loadouts from the briefing screen prior to spawning seems to over-ride all other options, ie the loadouts work everytime for me if i set them from there.

Hope it helps.

I just tried this step by step. Went into "plane' options at the main menu and changed the Hurri Rotol to fire tracers out of all eight guns in order to visually confirm the loadout changes ingame. I saved a new loadout called all_tracer, and I saved it in every single place I could see an option to save. I chose the free flight mission, confirmed all_tracer was selected, and flew the mission. I pulled the trigger. I saw tracers out of only two guns, just like the default.

How do I get this to work, please?

Understand this is so very much not a whine thread about the loadout selection not working correctly. I understand it will be fixed. Right now I just want to know how to get the ugly workaround functioning while I wait for the real fix.

Thanks in advance for the help. :)

05-20-2011, 02:42 AM
Upon closer inspection i think it doesn't work on all aircraft or it works randomly.

Due to the prop pitch bug on the 109/110 i've been fiddling around more with RAF aircraft in expectation of the hot-fix. I followed my own advice to set loadouts on a Spit Mk.II via the "player plane" option in the briefing/map screen and added some tracers to verify it, but they wouldn't display.

I've certainly had no problem setting convergence and bombs for 110s though.

I think the best thing to do at this point is manually create a few loadouts in the FMB.

Start up the FMB, select the relevant aircraft, press ctrl-click to place it on the map and start editing its properties: just set loadout options and save them.
Do the exact same thing with other aircraft you regularly fly, then exit the FMB without saving the mission. The loadouts should appear for selection in each mission screen.

05-20-2011, 02:54 AM
The only way I can change loadouts (SP) is to edit the MIS file with notepad or using FMB which will edit and paste your named custom loadouts into the MIS file for you. Its a nusiance but at least it works. Some people say it's working and others say not, all very confusing.

White Owl
05-20-2011, 03:30 AM
Alrighty then, so I'm not just being blind and missing something obvious. That's good to know.

I didn't try any other airplanes or other missions. Right now I'm focusing on learning how to get the most out of the good ol' Hurricane.

It's tempting to start making a list of who can successfully select what options in what planes... but I guess there wouldn't be much point if it's going to be officially fixed soonish.

It just bugs me that the Hurricane's default loadout is so damn asymmetrical... pokes my brain right in the OCD, ya know? :-P

05-20-2011, 08:29 AM
I have managed to load the outer guns on the Spitfire with tracers, that is gun one and eight.
Problem is it looks like a laser light show lol.
I did this by selecting plane loadout and saving it in the main setup.
This gives me a tracer firing spitfire online.
The problem is however, every single bullet ia a tracer fired from these guns. I have not been able to create a manual belt which is somthing i would have liked to do. Two standard rounds, one dewit, one tracer and one incendary or AP.
Any help on setting up manual belts would be greatly appreciated :)

05-20-2011, 09:19 AM
we still have to wait till all that works proper

05-20-2011, 09:23 AM
we still have to wait till all that works proper
Thanks for the heads up...

05-20-2011, 09:31 AM
The link covers 'how to' manually..........


White Owl
05-21-2011, 03:37 AM
Thanks very much, See! I'm going to try that. :grin:

Edit: Okay, option no. 1 isn't going to work because the game doesn't save any changes at all to the Hurricane's loadout in user.ini. It does save custom profiles for the Spitfire, so I guess it's just the Hurri's code that's broken. I'll try following your instructions to manually create a loadout.

05-21-2011, 01:23 PM
Just copy the Spits or create gun profiles to the Hurricane in user ini. Thats what I do and they are all available for me in FMB to use when ever I write/edit a mission. Hopefully we will have it all fixed at some point......:grin:

White Owl
05-21-2011, 05:42 PM
Yeah, I followed your directions to manually create a loadout and it worked correctly. Thanks very much again.
