View Full Version : BoP is great if you are an insomniac

05-18-2011, 05:25 PM
what better way is there to pass a sleepless night for those who suffer with this. unfortunately ( well actually fortunately ) I am not one of those....but its making me that way. the past couple nights have been extremely good on xbox. they start off slow but as the night drags on more and more pilots come out to fight. we even yanked some nubies into sim for E3s and 110s vs spit2s and hurris ( always one of my favorite senarios ) and 190s vs 51s. had to bail at 330 and they were still going strong. glad i work a PM shift or i would be the walking dead right now. so thanks rambo, ninja, echo, and the rest for a couple great nights...

05-18-2011, 05:59 PM
Amen to that bobbysock's.......

I played PS3 kinda casual...more of a bed 9.30pm retire with a book type.....Until.....out of boredom with kill kill kill 3rd person shooter's I picked up this green box in the shop's with a Stuka on it....that will do I thought...Yeh sumfin different !

Now....cant get of the dam thing ! Playing both Arcade & Realistic I have two set's of Great friend's....got settled into their games ok and now hold my own.....:cool:...But its addictive...."Just one more Game":-P:-P:-P

But.....as for those SkyBorn Terrorist's (love you all Guy's) that play Sim...WooooYeh....I get my A#@se handed to me on a plate everytime..!!!

Still I would not have it any other way...They are better than me and that's that....one day I will get better :)

05-18-2011, 06:02 PM
Aw man, I quit at about 11:30 PST after the Sim Strike mission (which was the first time I had fun in Sim, BTW, and we didn't even win). Now I'm wishing I had burned the midnight oil with y'all a bit more. Hopefully folks will be back on tonight.

05-18-2011, 09:55 PM
Aw man, I quit at about 11:30 PST after the Sim Strike mission (which was the first time I had fun in Sim, BTW, and we didn't even win). Now I'm wishing I had burned the midnight oil with y'all a bit more. Hopefully folks will be back on tonight.

That's kind of spot on when it comes to master the sim-mode Slothboy. My way in to sim was through strikemissions. It's easier to spot the bombers, they don't manouver that fast and they can put up a good challenge! But then again... If you take the full step on to sim it'll propebly wreck both your marriage and your sleep... ;-)