View Full Version : FBM missions

Storm of When
05-08-2011, 07:54 PM
When I create a mission and spawn I always airstart, i`ve checked the spawn parked and parachute icons just like the BoBv1_6 missions, but everytime I spawn i`m always airborne. How do you set it up so that you spawn parked??.


Meant FMB, fat fingers!!!

05-08-2011, 08:15 PM
When I create a mission and spawn I always airstart, i`ve checked the spawn parked and parachute icons just like the BoBv1_6 missions, but everytime I spawn i`m always airborne. How do you set it up so that you spawn parked??.


Meant FMB, fat fingers!!!

is wav point one set to "takeoff"?

Storm of When
05-08-2011, 08:28 PM
No AI aircraft mate,
airfield is set to AI,Default and Airfield from top to bottom
type tab:spawn area, default, spawn area,
spawn area tab:
parachute and spawn parked ticked, height 0 and planes 1

I`ve checked it against the BoFv1_6.mis and it all looks the same, but I keep airstarting when I select a plane and spawn?

Sry if this is an easy fix, but i`m going round in circles lol.


Storm of When
05-08-2011, 08:34 PM
Sorted, juvenile error I found after stopping to think for more than a minute, sry...doh.