View Full Version : OFF TOPIC: Bouncing bomb

05-02-2011, 07:12 PM
I am watching a program on channel four where a team of geezers tries to recreate Barnes Wallace's bouncing bomb and saw an AMAZING bit of footage where a bomber was flying too low on a test run and dropped the bomb, which promptly bounced right back up and took the tail of the plane off....does ANYONE know where i can find this footage...it was absolutely amazing.

EDIT: Here it is. Just...wow.


ANOTHER EDIT: Another good video.


Ivan Fooker
05-02-2011, 07:31 PM
First video:
But the bomb didnt bounced back imho.
The time to detonate was just not entered.
Means it detonated direclty on touch down.

05-02-2011, 07:33 PM
Nope, it definately bounced back. It was another angle of the same thing that i saw on the telly, and very clearly showed it bouncing back into the tail.

EDIT: also if you watch the video you can see the bomb bounce straught through the tail and carry on on its trajectory. You sir, are wrong :P

Heinz Laube
05-02-2011, 08:00 PM
u mean the dambuster?

and yes in first vid the bomb bouncing and hit the tail..


05-02-2011, 08:06 PM
It did bounce back and hit the tail - it is clearly visible in the video. Poor chaps. I just hope they did not realize what happened and that they went quickly.

Back then and particularly during these dramatic years a basic engineering approach was still a lot of trial and error and the cost in human life was accepted. I cannot remember how many people died on the launch site when they did trials on the V2 rocket but it was a lot.

Also few know that 3 astronauts died when trying out the Appollo capsule.

05-02-2011, 08:19 PM
It did bounce back and hit the tail - it is clearly visible in the video. Poor chaps. I just hope they did not realize what happened and that they went quickly.

Back then and particularly during these dramatic years a basic engineering approach was still a lot of trial and error and the cost in human life was accepted. I cannot remember how many people died on the launch site when they did trials on the V2 rocket but it was a lot.

Also few know that 3 astronauts died when trying out the Appollo capsule.

An awful lot of cosmonauts 'vanished' as well, with no explanation from the soviet government. Infact there are quite a few who believed Yuri Gregarin was not the first man in space, only the first to have survived.

05-02-2011, 08:47 PM
To lighten up a bit:


05-02-2011, 08:53 PM
Ha! I laugh at your out moded manual systems!


But any one can have a good idea, it's the development that counts!


05-03-2011, 11:04 AM
Check out my Dam Buster animation I did last year. The compression made it way too dark though. Still need to upload a better version:


Edit: here (http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/avro-lancaster-mk-iii-3d-max/566804) is the model I built for the animation

05-03-2011, 11:12 AM

A link to the story behind the A26 Invader shown in your first clip.

Link (http://napoleon130.tripod.com/id725.html)



05-03-2011, 11:29 AM
@ Seeker

That first video of yours is spliced. The plane clearly drops a drone-type bomb with a tail (the Fritz-X), then cuts to actual footage of the tests by the Briitish. Fail!

I was disappointed that the programme could do some clever CGI effects, yet couldn't get 617 Squadron's prefix AJ correct.....

05-03-2011, 01:39 PM
early on in the war, Condor pilots perfected skipping bombs on the water into merchant ships .. guaranteed a kill ..that's before merchant ships were armed with guns.


05-03-2011, 02:36 PM
To lighten up a bit:

Ah grand, thanks for dishing out the primitive cliches about Germans......guess you must be a Sun reader or some other crude british yellow press paper?

05-03-2011, 03:00 PM
Ah grand, thanks for dishing out the primitive cliches about Germans......guess you must be a Sun reader or some other crude british yellow press paper?

By comparison the original video was quite mild, the cliches were based on nothing more than an 'accent' and I thought the 'dambusters' ad was almost complimentary to the 'plucky' german guard, I don't think the world cup footage was even remotely offensive.......but your response video was disgusting and pure racism (proof of a lack of humour)

05-03-2011, 03:18 PM
By comparison the original video was quite mild, the cliches were based on nothing more than an 'accent' and I thought the 'dambusters' ad was almost complimentary to the 'plucky' german guard, I don't think the world cup footage was even remotely offensive.......but your response video was disgusting and pure racism (proof of a lack of humour)
Ah right, so it is ok to make fun of other nations, but don´t dare make fun of yours......great humour! I am laughing.....

05-03-2011, 03:30 PM
Ah right, so it is ok to make fun of other nations, but don´t dare make fun of yours......great humour! I am laughing.....

there is a difference between making 'fun' and being totally offensive.....if you can't handle the slightest but of humour then you are hypersensitive.

I will say again...the original video was just a bit of fun with nothing offensive towards the Germans, or do you deny that in the German accent the word 'thinking' sounds like 'sinking', simple wordplay and no mention of your dietary habbits or suggestion that your male inhabbitants are 'smug faggots' etc etc........so yes your video was offensive and not on a par with the original video's level of humour.

05-03-2011, 04:40 PM

A link to the story behind the A26 Invader shown in your first clip.

Link (http://napoleon130.tripod.com/id725.html)



Brilliant!! Cheers, is an interesting read XD

05-03-2011, 05:13 PM
Ah right, so it is ok to make fun of other nations, but don´t dare make fun of yours......great humour! I am laughing.....

Quite honestly mate, that video shows exactly how Terrible events like WW2 start when people have that attitude, just a joke right? but if you hadnt noticed not once were the 'Germans' in the clip posted, spoken of or refered to like they were sub human and that was the ENTIRE CONTEXT of your posted video.

Basically that BS you posted was exactly what Hitler and his crones believed about anyone who didnt fit the criteria - and he was prepared to send millions of your country men and women to the deaths for, while letting millions of other countries populas die trying to stop that disgusting ideal spread.

Shame on you.

05-03-2011, 05:50 PM
early on in the war, Condor pilots perfected skipping bombs on the water into merchant ships .. guaranteed a kill ..that's before merchant ships were armed with guns.


Hmm... English military seamen back in Nelson's time used to do this regularly with cannonballs to hit enemy vessels near the waterline, so I'm pretty sure that they perfected it before the Condor pilots.

05-03-2011, 05:50 PM
OMG, somebody with a lack of humour. I loved that part with the dambuster and it is rather making fun of the Brits themselves (Wutz obviously didn't get the punch). Yours is shameful and racist, Wutz, and not even funny. And this I say as a German. I cannot stop shaking my head in disbelief.

Sorry to the British, I assure you not many share those deep anti-British opinions like that in Wutz' video.

05-03-2011, 07:46 PM
Imho it's quite funny. The part about women is quite off though.
German women are generally ugly and their average age is 56.
I hope I fitted to the tone of this vid with the above statement.

05-04-2011, 02:14 AM
A typical case of cultural misunderstanding...

Having spent many years in Germany, France, USA and Canada, I have to tell you that humor is very much cultural specific:!:. What makes a Frenchman laugh doesn't necessary work with an American.

Watching those videos first degree style gets you angry when you are on the opposite side. The German one uses a more vulgar style but that is apparently done on purpose (grotesque racist remarks creating a "2nd degree" effect).

As a general rule, refrain from this type of humor if you are not sure the other side understands the message.

Examples of cultural misunderstandings:

-1- an Englishman forms a ring with his index and thumb, meaning "great job"....the same seen by a Bavarian means " @sshole"

-2- shrugging your shoulders for a German means " I don't know", for a Frenchman it means " f... off"

-3- the American girl who starts a conversation in a crowded Metro wagon just wants to reestablish a social distance between her and the person she is facing; the French guy who is facing her thinks that she wants to get laid...

etc. etc.

Conclusion: don't try cultural specific humor in an international forum...another way to start a war and to be obliged to fight it out over the Cliffs of Dover :-)



05-04-2011, 04:06 AM
OMG, somebody with a lack of humour. I loved that part with the dambuster and it is rather making fun of the Brits themselves (Wutz obviously didn't get the punch). Yours is shameful and racist, Wutz, and not even funny. And this I say as a German. I cannot stop shaking my head in disbelief.

Sorry to the British, I assure you not many share those deep anti-British opinions like that in Wutz' video.
So so, well then you do not know that the fellow who did that video is a well known comedian? He did it in a British humor style, which even many British acknowledge in the comments on that video, but sure main thing is to be embarrassed and say you are German and such a terrible video.....I guess you go down in the cellar to laugh? Ever had a look at some British comedians? But main thing is go with the majority...fine to bash Germany, don´t say anything about the British. Wenn Du wirklich Deutsch sein solltest, dann lass Dich Ausbürgern wenn Du es in Ordnung findest das man sich lustig macht über das eigene Land Vollpfosten!

05-04-2011, 04:37 AM
Please cool down Wutz or people will start to think that you are some kind of Troll.

I had to check myself on YouTube who was this guy making those very rude jokes. In the beginning, I thought this was some kind of Neo-Nazi: Using pictures of piles of dead from Dresden is usually their hallmark.
Apparently this comedian is just a comedian who choose to be extremely vulgar (2nd degree effect). On YouTube he is making the same kind of jokes about almost every country including Germany. Nevertheless, bad taste and extremely rude remarks can hurt people especially when you talk about royalty (which still has a sacred function). You wouldn't appreciate similar remarks about the Pope, wouldn't you Wutz?

So let's call it a day, rein in our passions and shake hands...



Ps: Is that you riding this sow? Great job, you didn't even spill the beer...:-)

05-04-2011, 01:35 PM
Either way this forum is no place for vulgar crap like that, joke or not, big comedian or not, English or German is no excuse.

If you want to tease the brits about how their accent sounds when they try to speak your language go right ahead no one will say anything to the contary, Or tease english culture, crack on and do it. But rest assured I will report the next person who posts something derogatory that steps over the line. I dont want to do that because I'm sure it is just the difference of what people feel is acceptable but when its moving towards degrading standards its not right from either parties.
We have to remember also that children can use this forum. I wouldnt want my children to hear that sort of thing if im honest.

05-04-2011, 07:09 PM
Please cool down Wutz or people will start to think that you are some kind of Troll.

I had to check myself on YouTube who was this guy making those very rude jokes. In the beginning, I thought this was some kind of Neo-Nazi: Using pictures of piles of dead from Dresden is usually their hallmark.
Apparently this comedian is just a comedian who choose to be extremely vulgar (2nd degree effect). On YouTube he is making the same kind of jokes about almost every country including Germany. Nevertheless, bad taste and extremely rude remarks can hurt people especially when you talk about royalty (which still has a sacred function). You wouldn't appreciate similar remarks about the Pope, wouldn't you Wutz?

So let's call it a day, rein in our passions and shake hands...



Ps: Is that you riding this sow? Great job, you didn't even spill the beer...:-)

He even said that if I found the video I posted funny I should ask for being stripped of my citizenship *rofl*

No wonder that people believe that Germans lack humour if all with humour are asked to drop their citizenship ...