View Full Version : About Bombs

04-30-2011, 09:20 AM
A squad-member of me has written a short explanation howto use the detonators.
It is related to reality, but i am confident that it will work in this sim the same way.
However, it explains why there is usually no success using bombs the old il2 - way.
Here it is:

Cliffs of Dover, detonators, arming and delay timing
I./ZG15 Rost

Since I had some difficulties with the Bf 109 E3b to hit targets with a bomb or better, the bombs did not explode, I made me a little smarter about the bombs and detonators implemented in the.
The models considered are the Bf109 and the Bf110.
The sources I used are the original documents used by the Luftwaffe from 1940 to 1942.
My knowledge of physics and particularly the ballistics and electricity is limited, you may forgive me for taking a little distance from this topic before I would consider it in more detail.

The game Il2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover offers players currently (April 2011) 3 different settings, which are essential for a successful detonation of the bomb.
1. Setting option: on the “Zünderschaltkasten” ZSK (arming control panel) in the aircraft (in flight). Switch to “Waagerecht” (horizontal flight) means 150 volts prearming voltage switching to “Sturz” (dive) means 240 volts prearming voltage

2. Setting option: in the aircraft selection menu bombs: the choice of the detonator (the number after "C50")

3. Setting option: in the aircraft selection menu : Delay time (depending on detonator type 2-3 different time delay settings)

All these settings directly affect the time the bomb needs after the release to be armed (arming time). When a bomb with electric a detonator (detonator type 15 or type 25) is dropped, the voltage, choosen with the ZSK, is stored in the bomb in a capacitor. On impact electrical contacts are closed and the current then flowing finally explodes the bomb.

The reason for the various arming times is the risk to the aircraft when the bomb is dropped at the wrong height i. e. accidentally dropped at low altitude or misjudged altitude.
The reason for the different delay times is to ensure for one part, a safe escape from the bomb –blast radius for the bomber and his wing men, or, for the second part, to give the bomb the time to penetrate and explode inside the target. For the penetration of the target hull or multiple floors the stored kinetic energy from the free fall is used.
The Luftwaffe used three terms: oV, mV and Vz
oV = ohne Verzögerung -> no delay
mV = mit Verzögerung -> with delay = 0.05 or 0.08 seconds depending on the detonator
Vz = Verzögerung -> delay = 8 or 14 seconds depending on the detonator

The detonator number 15 has the setting options 0, 0.05 and 8 seconds
The advanced model, number 25 provides 0, 0.08 and 14 seconds (the last setting allows a whole flight to make a low-level attack simultaneously and to escape from the danger zone before detonation).
The detonator number 5, used in game for all PC (that is armor piercing bombs, cylindrical)
or PD (armor piercing, thick hulled bombs, bomb can be pierce thicker armor and doesn’t shattered on harder targets, i.e.armored ship decks) is not visible in the sources.
So I think there is a translation error and detonator 55 may be meant therefore.

Before you start to load your bombs you should already have a rough idea of what your target is, because regarding to the following criteria:
Minimum release altitude
Horizontal drop or dive attack
Delay times
Objective nature and type (armor and speed)
you have to select a desired detonator delay time before the start at the aircraft selection.
In the following excerpts/images you can see the timing for all detonators, especially the arming times

Arming times Pt.1: see attached jpg's

Arming times Pt.2: see attached jpg's

Minimum release altitude: see attached jpg's

Der Bombenabwurf 1940

Beladevorschrift Bf 109 1941

Das Handwerkzeug für den Bombenwurf 1942

Fußgönheim, den 28.04.2011
Translation: 29.04.11 by robtek

04-30-2011, 12:07 PM
Thx Robtek

04-30-2011, 12:28 PM
thank you very much:-)

04-30-2011, 08:18 PM
Wow, many thanks for the excellent piece of information !

At least now we know what the bombs are supposed to do!

Can you please test thebombs on a Bf109 and tell us how close to reality they are?
(I have difficulty to make the Bf109 bombs explode, under any conditions).


05-01-2011, 05:56 AM
I tride to skip bomb a ship (tanker) and it did not seem to work like in IL2?

any one had the same thing ?


05-01-2011, 09:28 AM
I have successfully skip-bombed some tankers (online), the bomb was sticking in the hull.
In about 70% of the cases the bomb did explode, but didn't sink the ship, even 2 x SC500 didn't do the job.
The ship apeeared to be listeming to a side but settled then as if nothing did happen.
I approach the ship at about 400 km/h in about 10 m height, setting the ZSK to "Sturz" and release when the ship is twice the size of the revi-sight