View Full Version : Propeller Pitch Handle Bug with Bf 109 E

04-26-2011, 08:54 PM
The handle for the propeller pitch adjustment in the Bf 109 E should return to neutral when not in use. Currently, this is not the case.

Source: http://www.cockpitinstrumente.de/Flugzeuge/J%E4ger/Me109E/Instrumentenbeschreibung/Bilder.htm

Adjustable switch for propeller
- Fl. 18502
- Manufacturer Bosch

Note: This lever was used to switch operation of the adjustment of the propeller. Pressing up, the engine speed was greater, by pressing down smaller. The lever returns automatically to neutral. From version E-4, the switch was replaced by a thumb switch on the throttle 32 337 Fl. The opening in the instrument board was sealed with blank sheet metal. Marked on the instrument board: E9.

04-26-2011, 10:25 PM
Good one Luke!



04-26-2011, 11:11 PM
Which begs the question...

How should the pitch lever be animated in non-CEM flight?

Currently you can watch the lever move gracefully through its range as the AI keeps the pitch within the power band. But if the lever is just a paddle switch then the blue knob will be constantly flicking up and down like a maniac as it adjusts the pitch.

04-26-2011, 11:13 PM

it could simply not be animated at all. be static.