View Full Version : Su-26?

04-23-2011, 08:52 PM
Hello everyone,I just want to know what about the Su-26
I asked Oleg : Su-26 is in tunings now. For the release it wasn't tuned like it should.

How it will be distrbuted then in add-on or as a separate stand alone version with htis plane I don't know. It depending of 1c/publisher decision. My own opinion about this - should be free add-on.

But i want more detail, release date and where, screenshots if its possible please let us know more about this plane! we want it soon please!
PS:I heard it was released in moscow but in paywar, don't make it payward please!

Ali Fish
04-23-2011, 09:56 PM
heres is an extensive thread on the subject.(with no answers)
i will say, nobody knows yet. And it might be unfair to presume we are getting it as DLC. IT may simply be given to us at a later date
