View Full Version : Dynamic Mission Generator

04-20-2011, 04:54 AM
After playing the SP of CoD I have to say I am completely unimpressed with the campaigns. Theres no large scale battles, no real feeling of progress through the war and its just so disappointing all around.
I know the game just came out but combined with the horrible enemy AI and boring SP missions I am already about done with the game.

Is there any chance that there will be a DCG incorporated into the game?
The Lowengrin DCG for 1946 is absoolutely awesome and gives real depth and realism to the game. There are huge amounts of planes in the air and all the WW2 campaigns are there. Its really the only thing that makes the single player worth playing, and it makes it more than WORTH playing it makes it a MUST play.

I dont want to go back to 1946 after waiting so long for CoD, and it will be really hard to leave the awesome graphics of CoD for the cartoon looking 1946. But what choice does one have for a realistic campaign experience?

Is the mission structure/code similar to that from 1946? If so then Lowengrin will probably make a DCG for CoD relatively soon. If not then he probably wont bother messing around with all new mission structure and we will be without any meaningful SP campaigns indefinitely. This is unacceptable, someone please tell me something good for a change...

04-20-2011, 06:29 AM
Couldn't agree more,
The game as so much potential but there is virtually zero single player "gaming" experience.

The campaign is very short and pretty rubbish, no immersion at all and the German one has many bugged missions. I love the game but am already getting bored with it because there's nothing to do. Replaying the few single missions or crappy campaign over and over again is not entertainment.

Really this desperately needs a decent campaign that FEELS like the battle of Britain not some cheesy small scale boring single missions

04-20-2011, 07:17 AM
I totally agree also. I have just about done everything in the game already and without an immersive campaign all the fantastic graphics are not enough to keep me playing long term. I live in central Australia so my internet connection is not up doing multi player.. There isnt even a proper quick mission builder that allows you to customise all aspects of a fight. I know there is the full mission builder but if you just want to jump in quick you have limited choice in the quick missions. Would it be that hard to have one the same as 1946? Also why is the loadout so convoluted, it was much better in il2 1946 when you went to the loadout screen just before you flew.
I have faith all these problems will be ironed out over the next few years. Il2 was similar when it was first released. With Il2 i played it for a couple of months then picked it up again about 2years later and since then it has been my main flight sim.

04-20-2011, 09:17 PM
all this bitching and moaning..

Here are your options.

A: There is a very nice & fancy mission builder. If your not happy, make your own missions. Enjoy. Your imagination is the limit.

B: Uninstall the game & delete you forum account, don't be a troll.

04-21-2011, 12:01 AM
all this bitching and moaning..

Here are your options.

A: There is a very nice & fancy mission builder. If your not happy, make your own missions. Enjoy. Your imagination is the limit.

B: Uninstall the game & delete you forum account, don't be a troll.

I dont want to make missions, I want them generated for me. This way I dont kow exactly what to expect when I go up in the air.

Who is trolling here? I am voicing my opinions on a game I paid for, it is lacking in certain areas and I have every right to make the devs aware of my displeasure. Now, why dont YOU go troll somewhere else.