View Full Version : Server start script

04-13-2011, 04:10 AM
Copy the items below and save as server.cmd in the root of your CLOD folder edit as you see fit and once the server starts type "f server.cmd"

missLoad (your mission here)
(0=off 1=on)
difficulty AntropomorphControl 1
difficulty ComplexEManagement 1
difficulty TorqueGyroEffects 1
difficulty EngineTemperatureEffects 1
difficulty FlutterEffects 1
difficulty WindTurbulence 1
difficulty StallSpins 1
difficulty Vulnerabilty 1
difficulty BlackoutsRedouts 1
difficulty Realisticgunnery 1
difficulty RealisticBombing 1
difficulty LimitedAmmo 1
difficulty LimitedFuel 1
difficulty CockpitAlwaysOn 1
difficulty NoOutsideViews 1
difficulty HeadShake 1
difficulty NoIcons 1
difficulty NoPadlock 1
difficulty Clouds 1
difficulty TakeoffLanding 1
difficulty RealisticLandings 1
difficulty NoMapIcons 1
difficulty NoMinimapPath 1
difficulty NoAutopilot 1
difficulty NoReplacementPlace 0
difficulty NoReplacement 0
difficulty NoSelect 0
difficulty NoReplacementArmy 0
difficulty NoCreate 0
difficulty NoSelectArmy 0

battle start

this will get your server started with your mission and your settings .


04-13-2011, 07:41 AM
Nice one oddball, you can also change the difficulty settings default in the confs.ini file, under Difficulty=

To get the correct number set the difficulty settings you want in your single player game, close game and check confuser.ini second line for the difficulty= number.

Amend confs.ini with this number and you change your default difficulty settings.

04-13-2011, 04:10 PM
strange - I tried to copy the bytesum value and it didn't work.

using a cmd script did the job though.

04-15-2011, 05:31 AM
Hi everyone, thanks for your input :)

Nice one oddball, you can also change the difficulty settings default in the confs.ini file, under Difficulty=

To get the correct number set the difficulty settings you want in your single player game, close game and check confuser.ini second line for the difficulty= number.

Amend confs.ini with this number and you change your default difficulty settings.

What are your own settings ?

On my local machine, difficulty is set to 131072 on my confUser.ini.

When I set this number to my confs.ini on my dedicated server, the correct difficulty settings are not loaded.


04-15-2011, 07:08 AM
Try 296221695 thats full real except antromorph and head shake, also allows for plane swapping selection and changing sides.

Alternatively, I haven't tried this yet, run your game up and host through the GUI and set the difficulty settings there, close the game down and see if it changes in the confs.ini.

04-15-2011, 07:22 AM
Try 296221695 thats full real except antromorph and head shake, also allows for plane swapping selection and changing sides.

Alternatively, I haven't tried this yet, run your game up and host through the GUI and set the difficulty settings there, close the game down and see if it changes in the confs.ini.
Thanks Blackrat, you rule :)
I'm gonna try this.

edit : Works OK :) mine is 293862911
Thank you very much !

04-15-2011, 07:42 AM
Maybe u shall turn off the "steam cloud" function before modify the confs.ini.

04-15-2011, 12:44 PM
Redundant post...deleted. My apologies

04-15-2011, 01:18 PM
I am so sorry Thee_Oddball.
I don't understand how I missed your first post. I did not mean to repost the obvious. I am taking it down.

04-15-2011, 04:21 PM
The divficulty settings have to be set ones and they dont change even after you restart the sever. Its good to have them in .ini if you change them offten ;)