View Full Version : Is there a way to edit planes in MP?

04-12-2011, 08:41 PM
Hey does anyone know if you can edit things like armorment / convergence / bullet type in multiplayer or quick mission?

Does the "Plane" area of the main menu have anything to do with it or is it not possable?

If not, what is the point of the whole "Plane" area of the main menu anyway?

Do you have to save a profile there before you can use it on multiplayer / quick mission or something?


04-12-2011, 10:12 PM
Not looked into it too much.. But i tweaked around with it via the main menu "plane" (that is, not on a server).. and the custom loadout i did there carries into MP.

04-12-2011, 10:41 PM
Do you have to save a profile there before you can use it on multiplayer / quick mission or something?


It is supposed to but not working 100% yet at least for some planes (works for convergence only but not loadouts for me). It is more reliable to create loadout profiles in FMB and then they are available in QMB and online.

04-14-2011, 07:00 PM
How exactly did you do this with loadout creation in fbm? I tried to do this and I could save loadouts but they are unavailable for qm. At least for the Spit.

04-14-2011, 10:09 PM
Some QM are bugged. I copied QMs and Single missions from Steam folder into my Documents folder\Il-2\missions\single and open them with FMB to run from FMB or edit and then run it from Single missions instead of QMB.

BTW if you save your preset both as "default" and "custom" the game will have no other choice than to use them I think even in QMB. Then you can open and edit user.ini to check if loadouts are saved there correctly.