View Full Version : Map army brief

04-12-2011, 12:36 AM
How do we make them visable so that each army picks their targets.
I added some targets to the bob map but dont see any breifing that I wrote for each army.

The Hawkinge airbase is full of parked aircraf- to be destryed or protected. ;)
There are radar stations just east of Hawkinge actively scanning for any suspicious
aircraft. The tall towers look so tempting. :grin:

This is a work in progress all suggestions welcomed.

04-12-2011, 08:22 AM
The only one viewable is the mission briefing. Which of course isn't viewable once it's loaded up. As you know, you can't view army briefing.

You'll be pleased to know there is a workaround. When you give object names - in this case naming your spawn area's, put the target information in there.

eg.. spawn area object name "bombers1 - Target objectives K1: Convoy; I5: Airfield... etc.

Then of course, when a player hover's over a spawn the information is relayed to them. It can be checked pressing ESC during a mission and hovering over that spawn.

04-12-2011, 11:38 AM
great, wny didnt I think of it
