View Full Version : TM Warthog and CLOD

04-06-2011, 11:28 AM
I'm looking at buying the Warthog to cope with all the extra commands needed for CEM. I currently have a CH Fighterstick with X52 throttle (I use the joystick just for extra buttons) and CH pedals. I've got a number of things I can't really find the answers to (conflicting reports from those with different games) specifically to do with IL2 or CLOD.

Specifically I'd like to know if it is capable of using the thottle to adjust trim on the fly without using the trim thing on the base. Also, though I'm a single-engined person can you use the split throttle to command two engines? Plus, on the front of the throttle there appear to be two 4-way hat switches - is this right?

Can whoever has a Warthog setup tell me of any niggles or problems they experience with it other than those to do with crossing axes and button pressures etc. If there are any positives that will induce me to part with my cash I'd love to hear those too, if only to convince myself to pay out...

I've been reading the online reviews etc but if anyone has links to more technical discussions, I'd be glad to have them.



04-06-2011, 11:48 AM
I can confirm the 2 4way hats on the front of the throttle. The slew hat is in fact 2 axes that can be programmed to act as mouse, normal axis or buttons.

Also the split throttle can be used for 2 separate engines.

Are you asking if you can use the throttle levers as trim control? Yes you can, but then you lose that for throttle control. Each throttle lever can act as trim control for one of the planes controls: elevator, alerion, rudder.

I have setup digital trim (key bindings, not axis) on the joystick trim hat in all sims that I fly and it works nicely for me.

I can recommend the warthog with rudder pedals for COD. A very good setup for 1 or 2 engine planes.

04-06-2011, 11:57 AM
I have the warthog too. Works very well. You have to create your own profile because without a profile COD didnt recognize every button and switch. But with a separate profile it recognizes every single button.


04-06-2011, 12:06 PM
Hi Hood,

As a proud owner of a TM Warthog I'll try and answer some of your questions as best I can. The "trim thing on the base" I think you are referring to is either the friction wheel at the very end of the throttle (black colour) or the grey slider wheel on the right-hand side. The friction wheel at the end is what is used to physically adjust the friction level on the throttle, its not a trim wheel. The big grey slider wheel on the right-hand side acts as a slider axis control (in the actual A-10 aircraft it controls the friction of the throttle), great for use as a mixture or prop pitch control.

The throttle has two individual axis for seperate control of left and right engine, that was one of the main selling points of upgrading for me over my X-52. On the back of the throttle there is a 4-way hat switch and a slew control (acts like a mini-mouse stick - works great in DCS A-10C where I mainly use it).

I don't have any real problems with my Warthog as far as I can tell. My left throttle is a little wobbly if I wiggle it but that might of been because I clonked it with my foot hopping out of the "cockpit" lol. To get the most out of the Warthog for Cliffs of Dover you will have to make a profile for it using Thrustmaster's software which is better than what Saitek offers atm at least. I haven't started building my profile yet but the stick will work even better with the game when I do.

Overall I have felt like I've gotten my money's worth. It made my old X-52 feel like a toy that's for sure. I don't think I'll ever be able to buy a plastic stick ever again.

04-06-2011, 12:06 PM
I can confirm the 2 4way hats on the front of the throttle. The slew hat is in fact 2 axes that can be programmed to act as mouse, normal axis or buttons.

Also the split throttle can be used for 2 separate engines.

Are you asking if you can use the throttle levers as trim control? Yes you can, but then you lose that for throttle control. Each throttle lever can act as trim control for one of the planes controls: elevator, alerion, rudder.

I have setup digital trim (key bindings, not axis) on the joystick trim hat in all sims that I fly and it works nicely for me.

I can recommend the warthog with rudder pedals for COD. A very good setup for 1 or 2 engine planes.

Thank you. My question wasn't quite clear about the trim though. What I meant was - is it possible to use the buttons/keys on the throttle yoke - not the throttle axis - to adjust trim nicely (like using the rotaries on my X52 throttle). Ideally I'd like a trim rotary but I know it doesn't have those. I'm not sure about using button presses for trim as it is not as intuitive as a rotary to work out where trim is. How do you centre it - do you use a key binding?


Edit - thanks Phazon, saw your reply after posting this.

04-06-2011, 12:14 PM
Glad I interpreted your question correctly. I'm perfectly happy using it with CoD, not to mention every other game. DCS A-10C is especially good with this stick, as they were essentially made for each other. ;)

04-06-2011, 12:38 PM
Ideally I'd like a trim rotary but I know it doesn't have those. I'm not sure about using button presses for trim as it is not as intuitive as a rotary to work out where trim is. How do you centre it - do you use a key binding?


04-06-2011, 12:42 PM
You can also do other things with it.

I have a WT, but unfortunately I'm still in London so I couldn't test it yet with IL2 CoD, but, from what I've seen in IL2 CoD default controls setup, it allows you to use joystick axes modifiers, ie constructions like CTRL + Joystick 1 Z.

This should mean you can use a single axis from WT for multiple controls, without having to change WT's profile while in-game.

- in IL2 CoD assign all trims to the same WT axis (the rotary trim from the throttle for example), using different modifiers (Joy W, CTRL + Joy W, ALT + Joy W, SHIFT + Joy W, even constructions like K + Joy W might work inside IL2 CoD, you need to check for it)
- in WT control panel, program HOLD buttons for CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, etc (you can even program them all on the same button, by going through all at each button's press)
- voila, you should be able to use same WT trim wheel in order to control different trims

04-06-2011, 01:59 PM
since there are quite some people where with the warthog maybe someone of you could answer my question i posted over in the simhq-forums? Hers a link:

Thanks in advance!


04-06-2011, 02:07 PM
hey warthog owners,

I know that Warthog has dead zone settings - when you set them to 0, does it mean that it has absolutely no dead zone at all?

For example, when dead zone is truly 0, the x & y axis should not ever return to exact center, never straight lines when moving along at an axis, and no 'delays' when crossing an axis.

MSFFB2, X52 (even modded) all exhibit this kind of behavior :-\ I want a joystick with absolutely no dead zone for precision flying.

04-06-2011, 02:49 PM
I know that Warthog has dead zone settings - when you set them to 0, does it mean that it has absolutely no dead zone at all?
Yes. If you set deadzone to 0 and deactivate the hardware-deadzone (it's switchable in the TARGET software), you have absolutely NO deadzone AT ALL.

11-15-2012, 08:45 PM
I too have finally moved from using my MS Sidewinder FFB Pro2 USB and even my Cougar FCC1 over to a WartHog set of controllers….

Glad I did it too.

The SW FFB Pro2 while having force feedback and precision flight controlling, it just didn't have the number of button and axes I needed. So I ended up playing the keyboard piano while at the same time trying to fly, manage CEM, TS3, etc.

Even my long standing Falcon4BMS favorite controller, the Thrustmaster Cougar with the Force Controlled Cougar version 1 mod was not precise enough for close up formation long range gunning. It was and still is perfect for FBMS or DCS-A10c, but just doesn't cut for IL2-COD.

So onto my question….
The mini-stick on the throttle doesn't seem to allow me to move the cursor very well at all in COD. Can someone who is using it successfully give me the details on how to do it please?

Thank you

11-16-2012, 04:27 PM
I too have finally moved from using my MS Sidewinder FFB Pro2 USB and even my Cougar FCC1 over to a WartHog set of controllers….

Glad I did it too.

The SW FFB Pro2 while having force feedback and precision flight controlling, it just didn't have the number of button and axes I needed. So I ended up playing the keyboard piano while at the same time trying to fly, manage CEM, TS3, etc.

Even my long standing Falcon4BMS favorite controller, the Thrustmaster Cougar with the Force Controlled Cougar version 1 mod was not precise enough for close up formation long range gunning. It was and still is perfect for FBMS or DCS-A10c, but just doesn't cut for IL2-COD.

So onto my question….
The mini-stick on the throttle doesn't seem to allow me to move the cursor very well at all in COD. Can someone who is using it successfully give me the details on how to do it please?

Thank you

Which mini stick? Do you mean the coolie hat switch that the left thumb uses, or the slew ultra mini-stick which is kinda like a tiny button inside a non-moveable hat switch (on the front face of the throttle controller)?

I may not be able to help when I know but I'll have a play to see what I find out.


11-16-2012, 04:38 PM
I got my Warthog a few months ago, and really loved it. Getting DCS-A10C is really what prompted me to get it, and it really shines with it - but so far I am very pleased with it in my other sims, including CLoD. Prior to it, I had the TM Cougar which I had modded with the U2NXT gimbal mod and hall sensors. Also the Warthog comes stock, with hall sensors in both the stick and the throttle, which is really good.
The stick does have some resistance, certainly more than the NXT gimbal modded Cougar I was running, but not as much as the stock Cougar had. And the resistance is very consistant throughout the throw of the stick - I do not find it too much for dogfighting, at least not yet.
I am fairly new to getting into CLoD, so I am basically building my Target Profile for the Warthog on the fly as I go - I first assigned all the basic commands I knew I would need, then as I come across them that I think - I really need this on my stick or throttle - I just add it as I go. The Target software is very powerful in what you can do with it,
One thing that is different though regarding the assigning mouse function - in the Cougar, it was very easy through the programming to just assign the mouse to the microstick - very easy. Not so with the Warthog, at least not that I have seen, to assign it to say the slew control - requires some scripting that I have not delved into yet.

11-16-2012, 04:59 PM
I did this simple mod which I found on Youtube to greatly lighten the stick centering force by removing the huge mainspring. It's not for everyone, since this makes the stick very light. It still self-centers.....but barely. Fortunately it's fully reversible, no seals are broken AFAIK, and it virtually eliminates the annoying center detent that can make precise aiming so difficult when zoomed in to 30 POV.


11-16-2012, 10:04 PM

Interesting mod there, but a bit too hardcore for me. It took me a while to
even dare to mod my Cougar to FCC1, Im just stuck on keeping things "stock".
I have two corvettes, I have replaced things over the years, but never did one
non-stock mod to them. Im kinda like that. But good for you man.

Im still looking for what scripting or whatever it takes to make the ministick
able to move the mouse around instead of taking my hand off the control stick
to move the mouse on the mouse pad.

I would like to have you pass along to your squad a huge THANK YOU for
supplying us (Im in the II/JG53) with a first class MP RvB server to fly COD on.
How you guys got the ground target and a/c damage debrief going is fantastic.
My one tiny request is that the clouds be reduced or eliminated because it kills
the frame rate for us guys on older systems, especially when theres >50
players online. But again, thanks!

11-16-2012, 11:39 PM
Thanks for the link Snapper - I had ran across that back when I first purchased the setup, and thought it looked interesting, but decided to just go ahead and run it stock for a while and see how it does. So far I seem to be pretty much at ease with it, but then again like you say I can see where it would benefit precision aiming, so when I get to the point I can do precision aiming I may want to give it a try :)