View Full Version : bought this game to play multiplayer so

04-04-2011, 12:11 AM
why is this not working and why havnt we heard anything about this.never mind about 128 player battles online just 2 would be enough for now,

04-04-2011, 04:24 AM
Its actually a STEAM issue for the servers not showing up if thats what you mean, they are on it. Its been reported.. Direct IP connection does work and I've heard that a Hyper Lobby type setup should also be doable..

04-04-2011, 06:34 AM
why is this not working and why havnt we heard anything about this.never mind about 128 player battles online just 2 would be enough for now,

SSSNake buddy WHATS UP??? havent seen ya in a while since WoP. Yeah I cant wait to play this at all. I got the steam preorder and Im still waiting to download it.

04-04-2011, 07:38 AM
Hooves howya doin bud,been playin some IL2 and a little WOP but while this has potential,sticking mainly with IL2 till the patches make it acceptable but I hiope by the time you get it it will be patched some what,I think you will like it though,keep in touch man.im always checking out these forums and Sim hq so ill look out for your posts :)

