View Full Version : What the H..E..double toothpicks happened?

04-02-2011, 07:59 PM
Here since day one - loved IL2 played for years Oleg and the team created a game and stood by it as a labor of love. The only game on my PC.


Cliffs of Dover. have things fallen apart? Is Oleg gone? Is this going to be a flop? could that be? I have been waiting for over FIVE years to get my hands on the FMB in this game. All I read about are problems. Release date ? web site? I need a hug!

Is this going to turn into a joke?

04-02-2011, 08:06 PM
Here since day one - loved IL2 played for years Oleg and the team created a game and stood by it as a labor of love. The only game on my PC.


Cliffs of Dover. have things fallen apart? Is Oleg gone? Is this going to be a flop? could that be? I have been waiting for over FIVE years to get my hands on the FMB in this game. All I read about are problems. Release date ? web site? I need a hug!

Is this going to turn into a joke?

Wait for a few months.
See how things are there.

04-02-2011, 08:12 PM
Worth buying now IMHO.

I've tweaked it and been enjoying lots of fast air combat.

Plus the devs are working round the clock to supercharge this sim!


Ali Fish
04-02-2011, 10:09 PM
Apparently Oleg has not completely gone. LEts say hes having a rest and avoiding all "THIS" and maybe taking a different role where developing is concerned.... as a developer i really dont blame him...

does anyone blame him for his foresight in the situation we and 1C are presented with?

04-02-2011, 10:59 PM
IL2 is a toy compared to this!

04-02-2011, 11:38 PM
Here since day one - loved IL2 played for years Oleg and the team created a game and stood by it as a labor of love. The only game on my PC.


Cliffs of Dover. have things fallen apart? Is Oleg gone? Is this going to be a flop? could that be? I have been waiting for over FIVE years to get my hands on the FMB in this game. All I read about are problems. Release date ? web site? I need a hug!

Is this going to turn into a joke?

Honestly I think right now (today) really only simulator hobbyists should consider it. It needs quite a bit of tweaking, but I suspect it will get better and better with each passing week/patch. We (the hobbyists) will be the ones that support (financially and to some extent emotionally) the developers until it is fully a go. I wouldn't recommend it to people that aren't already heavily invested in flight sims as it stands today, but I know that within a few months it will be something even casual simmers will be able to enjoy thoroughly.

04-03-2011, 12:25 AM
The reality is this.. the game as released is not what we wanted in terms of optimization and performance.. no one can doubt that. The initial quick patch made a huge difference and they are working on additional fixes to increase performce so that everyone can enjoy the game that some of us already are.. (Runs great for me at 1920X1200)

Just as there is no doubting the first paragraph, the following is also true. There is no Simulation on the horizon that will be made for PC's that in any way will do what COD will do in a few weeks of work by the Devs and tweaking by the users. PC Flight Sims are a VERY small niche, and if you spend all your time trying to kill this game title, you will get exactly what you wanted.. it will be dead and you will be flying flight sims on Xbox 360 or PS3.

The "Master Plan" is to use this game engine as the foundation for a series of add ons that will hopefully fund further development and keep the title self sufficient. Keeping it alive means continued improvement in both performance, and features.

04-03-2011, 05:24 AM
you will be flying flight sims on Xbox 360 or PS3.

The only flight sim I'm aware of that was on either the XBox or the PS3 was a port of Il-2, so I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be getting one there either.

04-03-2011, 06:05 AM
The only flight sim I'm aware of that was on either the XBox or the PS3 was a port of Il-2, so I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be getting one there either.

I think what he was getting at was essentially "Flight sims" will end up just being arcade flight games like Wings of Prey. It's a cautionary statement about a lot of the alarmists that seem to be bent on ruining the games name.

I'd say the best way to talk about whether or not Cliffs of Dover is a good purchase for an individual is to kind of divide those up with interest in two camps: 1) those of us that it is our hobby, 2) those that are casual flight simmers.

For group 1 I think most would be happy to buy it and give it time to mature.

For group 2 wait until it's more polished before you purchase it.