View Full Version : Input lag

04-01-2011, 05:35 PM
Hello everybody.
Got COD yesterday from steam and Im having one big issue with the game.
Fps are ok I think, but the input lag is unbearable. Every input I make while in game flying comes in with a lag, mouse, stick, keyboard.
It makes the game unplayable for me. I saw one thread at ubisoft forums about same issue but none here, so I thought to post this info here.

My system specs:
E8400 dualcore @ 3,4ghz
AMD 6950 unlocked to 6970
4gigs of ram ddr2
Asus P5kpl-am mobo
24" screen with 1920x1080pixels
none wireless peripherals

I have tried every possible settings in game and from drivers. Tried in smaller windowed mode, but lag persists.
Also tried to set flip que size to 0 from Ati traytools(prerendered frames).
Anyone else suffering from input lag? Got around it?

04-03-2011, 06:36 PM
I have the same problem here, mouse , firing weapons etc its all lagged.

04-03-2011, 07:33 PM
There is already a thread about this...
