View Full Version : [REPORT FOR DEVS] FullMissionBuilder

04-01-2011, 04:29 AM
As I can't actually play, with a constantly crashing launcher and a slideshow on DX9 with a DX10 card, I spend most of my time in the FMB collecting questions and bugs to report.

1st April

1. A mission that is being worked on can not be started from within the FMB. -> Solved itself. No indication why.
2. There is no option to sort the entries in the the object viewer.
3. The newly created vehicle columns can not be selected (no 3D preview created) put into a country folder or actually costumized. -> Workaround is to give them a one word name and rename them after creation. Though this only effects the listing and not the FMB icon label.
4. The number of vehicles in a unit is too low. 8 is not sufficient to recreate historically correct units. A simple tank company like this: http://www.wwiidaybyday.com/kstn/kstn1171b1feb41.htm needs to be split up into 7 seperate units which will get really tedious when you want to employ a number of historically correct units. Plus, a unit must be allowed to be made up of cars, trucks and tanks.
5. The German tank transport unit is mislabeled as British, yet put correctly in the German folder.
6. The costumization given for number plates and technical markings do not show in the preview screen or during the mission.
7. The Ford V8 truck is only available as a open flatbed for the Germans, while the British have access to a covered bed version as well.
8. Apparently, there is no way to set the speed for vehicle columns. Can we therefor assume that all vehicle columns and vehicles will move at the same speed? PzIV = R71 motorcycle?
9. The choice of ships is especially ecelctic. Why do we only have a single tanker/boiler and no other sea worthy cargo ship? Additionally, there is not a single navy vessel?!
10. The complete lack of french vehicles, trucks, trains and tanks is also very strange.
11. I would like to be able to scroll through the object viewer with my mouse wheel.
12. The object viewer should always snap to the listing of the object selected, which it doesn't do right now. You always start either at the top or bottom of the listings even if your selected object is bang in the middle.
13. Trench objects on the arcade maps only result in swimming pools.
14. Newly created units are lost after game restart.

2nd April

15. When assigning loadouts to train cars the editor jumps to the last waypoint.

4th April

16. Battle recordings of FMB created missions only show default skins (Bf109 only plane tested), even though the pre-selected skin is shown during actual gameplay.
17. Elevated objects get placed back on the ground when the mission is reloaded. Could it be made so that elevated objects stay in that position when the mission is played?
18. Co-op takeoff waypoints result in spawn explosions (examples: Tangmere and BigginHill)

5th April

19. In the 3D preview screen the map grid overlays the view port.
20. All bombs are placed on ground level when assigned as a loadout for bomb trolley, sled or hydraulic lifter in object viewer. During gameplay their placement is correct.
21. When you switch between the arcade maps and the channel map, the grid layer of the arcade map will stay as an overlay on the channel map.

7th April

22. The spawn point window is a step back from the current 4.10 IL-2 version. Especially the loadout restrictions are less userfriendly. Additionally, could you please introduce a unit/squadron restriction menu that will allow us dogfight server mission builders to limit the actual units/squadrons available.
23. There are no accurate version numbers for the different German plane types. Is it a Ju-87B-1 or B-2? He-111H-2 or H-3? A Ju88A-1 or A-5? etc....
24. No German bomber can be outfitted with a SC1000 bomb.
25. Tons of bomb types are simply missing. All mines, canisters, proximity stick versions, the SC1800, the entire PC range plus their rocket assisted subtypes. That is only the Luftwaffe, so there is a good chance the RAF is also short of a number of bomb types. If you just asked me, I would have happily build you all of them...

16th April

26. The routing system for AI waypoints disregards dual carriageways as it will always snap the waypoints to the middle of the road. Only way around it is to use tons of waypoints. Not ideal.
27. Roads are VERY bumpy. Just sent a Horch down a paved road and it jumped and crashed over it like mad.

Apart from these first observations, I have to admit that the new features that can be found in the FMB are just fabulous. A mission builder's dream :)

04-01-2011, 04:34 AM
Zorin, I do remember a screen shot that showed French army vehicles.

Odd they are not there.

No naval vessels at all? For either side?

04-01-2011, 04:39 AM
Zorin, I do remember a screen shot that showed French army vehicles.

Odd they are not there.

No naval vessels at all? For either side?

Well, if you fancy a fight between a British landing craft and German lifeboats. ;)

Other than that, nothing.

04-01-2011, 04:59 AM
Yes that is true there are no warships at all, just a oil tanker, various barges and fishing boats. But nothing to make a convincing convoy, or anything that was typical of those days except a peace time scenario, althought that then minus any kind of freighter or passenger ship which could go as a troop transport.

04-01-2011, 06:23 AM
Incredible. Considering how much is involved even in an Il-2 series warship, it looks like it will be a very long time before CoD gets up to speed as anything other than a skirmish game.

04-01-2011, 09:57 AM
Incredible. Considering how much is involved even in an Il-2 series warship, it looks like it will be a very long time before CoD gets up to speed as anything other than a skirmish game.

Indeed. It is a pretty mixed bag of what is available and very obviously missing.

@devs: I will keep updating the first post with new findings as they come.

04-01-2011, 11:00 AM
[QUOTE=Zorin;247608]Well, if you fancy a fight between a British landing craft and German lifeboats. ;)

Other than that, nothing.[/QUOTe

So your telling me that in 1940, the royal Navy was still the biggest navy in the world and we cant have so much as a gunboat:evil:, Me think we need to add it to the patch list

04-01-2011, 11:27 AM
Well, if you fancy a fight between a British landing craft and German lifeboats. ;)

Other than that, nothing.

So your telling me that in 1940, the royal Navy was still the biggest navy in the world and we cant have so much as a gunboat:evil:, Me think we need to add it to the patch list

I'd say that calling a landing barge with a single MG a gunboat is overreaching a bit ;)

04-02-2011, 11:05 AM
Updated first post.

@all: Report your FMB related bugs here and I shall list them in the first post. That should help luthier and his guys by finding it all in one thread.

04-04-2011, 07:59 AM
i set up a small mission with 6 hurries and one bf,flown by me.i gave the bf a certain skin and played the mission.during the mission, the skin was used.but i recorded the mission and during replay, the bf showed the default skin,and not the one i chose.dont know if this is supposed to be in the FMB bug section or in the general, so i posted it there as well.

04-04-2011, 01:16 PM
No matter where I place the Co-op takeoff waypoint on Tangmere the aircraft start by the Hangars and 2 of them crash into one.

I have created an Airdrome Points at the runway crossing of Tangmere (can't seem to do anything with Airdrome Runways) and placed the Hurricanes takeoff point at the East end of the 07/25 runway (takeoff hdg 250) but they spawn by the Hangars.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Anyone found a FMB Manual?

04-04-2011, 05:53 PM
No matter where I place the Co-op takeoff waypoint on Tangmere the aircraft start by the Hangars and 2 of them crash into one.

I have created an Airdrome Points at the runway crossing of Tangmere (can't seem to do anything with Airdrome Runways) and placed the Hurricanes takeoff point at the East end of the 07/25 runway (takeoff hdg 250) but they spawn by the Hangars.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Anyone found a FMB Manual?

Does it only happen on Tangmere airfield or others as well?

04-04-2011, 06:20 PM
There are some French tanks listed as German, captured I guess?

One thing I noticed that elevated objects get placed back on the ground when the mission is reloaded. Could it be made so that elevated objects stay in that position when the mission is played?

04-04-2011, 10:36 PM
There are some French tanks listed as German, captured I guess?

One thing I noticed that elevated objects get placed back on the ground when the mission is reloaded. Could it be made so that elevated objects stay in that position when the mission is played?

Yes, there are captured French tanks, but as they are not included as real French tanks I assume they have been given the equipment that was part of their German revisions? This is most obvious with the commander tanks that have the German radio installations.

Will put the elevation issue into the first post.

04-04-2011, 11:24 PM
Does it only happen on Tangmere airfield or others as well?

Same at Biggin Hill except they start away at the blast pens with one blowing up as it spawns on the pen wall.

04-06-2011, 10:18 PM
No matter where I place the Co-op takeoff waypoint on Tangmere the aircraft start by the Hangars and 2 of them crash into one.

I have created an Airdrome Points at the runway crossing of Tangmere (can't seem to do anything with Airdrome Runways) and placed the Hurricanes takeoff point at the East end of the 07/25 runway (takeoff hdg 250) but they spawn by the Hangars.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Anyone found a FMB Manual?

I dont think it s bug, when i made an airfield out in the middle of know where the planes all spawned where i put the airdrome points, but when i used one of the actual air fields they all spawned where they wanted to...in the corals, next to house's...i think there are preset spawn points in the actual fields that over ride the airdrome points :(

04-07-2011, 04:54 PM
I dont think it s bug, when i made an airfield out in the middle of know where the planes all spawned where i put the airdrome points, but when i used one of the actual air fields they all spawned where they wanted to...in the corals, next to house's...i think there are preset spawn points in the actual fields that over ride the airdrome points :(

Witht he beta we now have the spawn points and airbase symbols back on the map. Maybe you guys could check the airfields in question and report any spawn point issues you find.

04-07-2011, 10:58 PM
Luthier, could you post a short one-liner acknowledging that you are aware of this thread? Or maybe even send your FMG guy along so he could answer some of the questions?

04-09-2011, 12:52 AM
@mods: Couldyou make this thread a sticky? That way the devs would have easy access to it and all the FMB relate bugs that the community has to report.

04-09-2011, 11:40 AM
Hi Zorin

thanks for starting this thread and for all the testing, i've been having a good look myself at the FMB, a few things i've found -

No way to set a later time for a unit to appear? ( every unit starts at the start of the mission?)

No way of using scripts yet? ( there's a TAB to enter code...but what is the code used?)

Only just found the proper campaign folder - STEAM\steamapps\common\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\parts\bob\mission\campaign\campaign_gb

why this folder when my single missions are saving to- \My Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\missions\Single

No way of putting video track into a campaign?

Now i've found the campaign stuff I can start to work out how to put a campaign together...


04-10-2011, 05:14 PM

how do you set targets for mission success / fail etc..

IL2 had a target marker as an object..what does COD use?


04-16-2011, 01:45 AM
Guess a bump is in order. Still hoping for a sticky.

04-16-2011, 06:12 PM
yes keep the bumps going...

Would really like to know how you make a mission success or fail?...once I know this I can get cracking....


05-09-2011, 05:25 PM
It's easy :

Set a Trigger.
Make a link to the trigger in your script-code, decide what happens if the trigger is active (Mission won, Misson lost etc.) Set ABattle.doSingleBattleSuccess(bool) or Campaign.battleSuccess to true if won and false if lost.

Ok will make a Sample Mission for that. :grin: ;)

05-10-2011, 01:06 AM
It's easy :

Set a Trigger.
Make a link to the trigger in your script-code, decide what happens if the trigger is active (Mission won, Misson lost etc.) Set ABattle.doSingleBattleSuccess(bool) or Campaign.battleSuccess to true if won and false if lost.

Ok will make a Sample Mission for that. :grin: ;)

Unfortunately not all of us are programmers, or understand code. I have very rudimentary programming knowledge, but not enough to make even simple scripts.
Any help you or others could provide in setting up basic mission parameters (like won, lost etc.) would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Sorry Zorin, I didn't mean to start hijacking your thread.

05-10-2011, 05:48 AM
I am about to make some sample scripts, will make a new thread when i am ready.
Any special wishes?

05-10-2011, 12:14 PM
I made a very simple map for our server, including AI moving ships. 2 groups of 4 vessels. Unfortunately the map would not finish loading.

If the ships are replaced as static vessels, the map loaded! A possible bug, or am I really as bad at making maps/missions as I think I am?

Also, as posted above, how do you add additional units of AI at different times? It seems to me that the only option available is at the start of each map.

05-11-2011, 12:42 AM
Also, as posted above, how do you add additional units of AI at different times? It seems to me that the only option available is at the start of each map.

That option seems to be disabled for now, which is a great pity. The only solution to that right now is to perhaps make units spawn through a trigger.

05-11-2011, 12:43 AM
I am about to make some sample scripts, will make a new thread when i am ready.
Any special wishes?

Get ready! ;)

Nah, just kidding...I have no special wishes, but thanks for the help.

05-15-2011, 07:11 PM
Wanted to fiddle with the radio navigation today but could not find the radio beacons in the FMB (Knickebein, Lorenz). Is it me or are they simply not there?

05-16-2011, 12:05 AM
I'm not entirely sure (haven't fiddled much with the FMB yet), but i saw on another thread that they are mis-labeled as German radars. Try to select those and see what happens, cheers ;)

05-16-2011, 09:47 AM
Thanks Blackdog, will try tonight