View Full Version : Cliffs of Dover Technical FAQ

03-31-2011, 07:14 AM
Thank you for purchasing Cliffs of Dover! If you have previously purchased our sims, you should know that they are a constant work in progress. We as a team are proud of the fact that we continuously support, expand and improve on our releases. We hope, with your support, to continue this tradition and to help the series grow in the coming years.
Here are some common issues encountered by players with the initial release, and how to resolve them.

1. Q: I have low FPS.

A. Please consider disabling the anti-epilepsy filter (Options – Video – Anti-Epilepsy Filter). WARNING: disabling this filter may induce previously undetected epileptic symptoms even in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. Please read the complete warning on the game’s splash screen.
Disabling the filter will add up to 10 FPS to your game, depending on your hardware configuration.

B. If your machine does not exceed the recommended system requirements, consider turning down some graphic settings. The two options that cause the most performance gain are Forest and Building Amount (Options – Video – Show Advanced). You should not need to turn down other settings if your computer meets the recommended requirements.

C. If your computer is well below the recommended system requirements, please also consider turning down Land Detail and Land Shading, and turning off Grass.

D. The options that cause the least performance gain for the largest decrease in visual quality are Model Detail and Shadows. We only recommend turning these off if your computer is right at the edge of the minimum requirements.

E. NOTE: DirectX 9 offers slower performance and lower graphic fidelity. If your system meets Recommended system requirements, upgrading to a DX10-capable operating system will offer better performance boost in Cliffs of Dover than perhaps any hardware upgrade.

2. Q: I have an above-recommended SLI video card set up and my FPS is very low.
A: At some point in the very hectic pre-release rush, we have broken SLI support and we have not yet been able to discover the reason for it. We are working very hard to re-enable it. In the meantime, disabling SLI will significantly boost your FPS.

3. Q: I see a black screen when launching the game.
A: You are most likely running an Nvidia card with 266.xx drivers. There's a problem with that particular driver version.
It can be resolved by either rolling back to a previous driver version, such as 257.21, or upgrading to the just-released 270.51.
The issue can also be resolved by manually adjusting one of the driver parameters in the registry. This is for more advanced users. Please modify the registry at your own risk.

Start - Run
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\GraphicsDrivers
Edit - New - DWord
Name = TdrDelay
Value Data = 12

4. Q: I am experiencing periodic FPS hic-ups when flying low over terrain.

A: The issue is apparently caused by our extensive vegetation. We are feverishly working on a solution, which should be available in a matter of days.

5. Q: I am seeing a gray rectangle in the upper left corner of the screen.

A: You have created a new Info window. These highly customizable windows allow you to set up your own user interface in-game. Due to the fact that the game also features clickable cockpits, our solution to having distinct clickable elements that possibly overlay each other is making the cockpit elements selectable with a regular left-click, and the interface overlay windows selectable with an alt-click.
So, simply alt-click the grey rectangle to select it, and then either move it and resize it, right-click to customize it, or right-click to close it.
This can also be done with all standard interface elements, including no-cockpit gauge overlays. Or you can right-click anywhere on your screen and add new Info windows to your interface layout.

5-A. Q: I did all that, but Closing the window does nothing.

A: We have as of now seen two users who created 52 and 82 overlayed info windows respectively. If you are closing a window and it does not disappear, it probably means that you have multiple Info windows stacked on top of each other. If you do not wish to manually close each window, you can edit them out of a config instead.
All the Info window settings are stored in the [ChatWindow] section of
(Documents)\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\confUser.ini
Our standard interface has 5 elements numbered 0 through 4 and titled "Motor Controls", "Secondary Controls", "Info. Window 1" (no title is shown for this one in game), "Voice", and "NetStats"
If your ChatWindow section looks to have a lot more than these 5 sections, simply delete everything past the lines numbered 4: and save the file.

6. Q: I have turned down Model Detail and now strange things are sticking through the cockpit of my Hurricane.

A: The external model of the Hurricane wasn’t designed with decreased graphic settings in mind, so lower-detail portions of it began to stick through the cockpit. We are working to have this addressed ASAP – in the meantime please consider turning Model Detail up as it does not offer significant performance gain on anything but the slowest machines.

7. Q: I am running Windows Vista / 7, and my game constantly crashes.

A: You have most likely manually reset your render to use DX9. Cliffs of Dover only supports DX9 on Windows XP. Please use DX10 on DX10-capable operating systems, as switching to DX9 actually reduces performance, in addition to leading to unexpected crashes.

8. Q: I cannot see propellers on any planes!

A: Rotating propellers were causing the game to fail epilepsy tests, and so drastic changes were made to the propellers in addition to the Anti-Epilepsy filter. If we can be perfectly frank, there is a chance that this will never change back.

9. Q: I see two small black vertical lines on my screen.

A: These are cursors in the Info windows (see #5 above). A very annoying, nasty, despicable bug that we've been hunting down for months and those damned cursors are still there. Grrr! They are on our hit list.

10. Q: I can fly through trees without receiving any damage.

A: Since Cliffs of Dover has more shrubbery in it than perhaps any other flight sim developed so far - hundreds of thousands of trees around the player - enabling collision for the trees grinds the game to a complete halt, especially as they need to be tracked around every plane on the map and not just the player's. Making collisions less precise leads to equally poor results, when planes may fly through a tree but crash into seemingly empty space.
We know this is extremely important. The solution is there, but it still eludes us.

11. - Deleted

12. Q: I am an old-time fan of the series and I can no longer manually edit my conf.ini.

A: By default, your config is now stored in the steam cloud. This allows you to log into steam on a new machine, and carry over your entire config including keyboard layout etc.
This also means that manual edits to the config files are automatically overwritten by the server when the game is launched.
NOTE: editing conf.ini is an UNSUPPORTED FEATURE for advanced users only. ALWAYS back up last working version of the conf.ini.
To disable cloud config storage, go through these simple steps:
* Right-click the game in the game list in your steam Library.
* Go to the Updates tab of the Properties window.
* Uncheck "Enable steam cloud..."
* Press Close
* You can now manually edit your config file!
NOTE: (once again) some of the settings in the conf.ini are legacy settings left over from when some features were not yet set in stone, so you WILL horribly break the game if you begin to randomly reset random settings to see what they do.

13. Q: I am running Windows XP. All missions stop loading at 95% and never complete.

A: Your memory is too low to fully load landscape with grass. Please go to Options - Video - Show Advanced and uncheck Grass. This will allow the game to fully load.
(automatic fix is on the way)

14. Q: AVG antivirus detects rendobj.dll as virus.

A: You can add the file as an exception.
1) open AVG
2) Click on Tools along the top.
3) Select Advanced Settings
4) Select PUP Exceptions
5) Add rendobj.dll
6) click apply then ok
7) Launch CoD
NOTE: Deprecated after April 8th patch removed DRM from the game.

15. Q: Note about Aero Desktop Composition.

A: If you are experiencing an issue with framerate in the game, disabling Aero Desktop Composition in windows can slightly improve in-game FPS. NOTE that this is an unsupported feature at this time. If you experience any problems, please reenable Aero again. Aero is only available in Windows Vista and Windows 7 and is not available in Windows XP.

1. Brose to the main install flder for Cliffs of Dover. By default it is
(Program Files)\Steam\steamapps\common\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover
where (Program Files) is the actual physical location that can vary for your individual machine.
2. Find a file called Launcher.exe in the folder. (it may simply be Launcher, if you have disabled the display of file extensions in
3. Right-click the file and select Properties.
4. Select the Compatibility tab in the window that appears.
5. Check the "Disable desktop composition" checkbox in the Compatiblity tab and press OK.
6. Depending on your system specs, you may see a performance increase when flying the game.

16. Q: I have installed the latest patch and the game no longer launches.

A: Please clear out your shaders cache by deleting all contents of the
(Documents)\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\cache\shaders
[to be expanded]

03-31-2011, 07:24 AM
many thanks!

03-31-2011, 07:26 AM
Salute Luthier

Thanks very much for all your hard work. The game looks to have incredible potential and I'm sure your team will be able to deal with the issues which have arisen on release.

03-31-2011, 07:28 AM

03-31-2011, 07:34 AM
Thanks Luthier ... hopefully my CE game will arrive today :grin:


03-31-2011, 07:36 AM
Thanks for the update Luthier, good to hear what is being worked on.

For the trees, (is speed tree being used?) why not just create a hitbox around their center and generate it when a plane gets close to/within a certain range of a tree.

03-31-2011, 07:53 AM
For the trees, (is speed tree being used?) why not just create a hitbox around their center and generate it when a plane gets close to/within a certain range of a tree.

That's exactly what we tried at first, but there are too many trees and too many planes. We also use a rather unorthodox scheme for tree coordinates, which allows us to generate more trees in a frame than perhaps ever in the history of speedtree, but that also makes collisions difficult to track.

Even with a single plane, anything we try leads to significant freezes when flying over terrain, much worse than anything you currently see, and if you have say two large squadrons taking off one in England and one in France, forget it, the constant generation of collisions against multiple fast-moving objects kills everything.

This could possibly be cured by dumping everything onto a separate core used for nothing but tree collisions, but that would instantly increase our system requirements to 4+ core systems.

03-31-2011, 08:11 AM
Thanks very much for the explanations luthier!

Only thing that bothers me slightly is the issue concerning the propeller. So it's possible it may never revert to what you originally wanted? Could a compromise be found?

Doesn't make a big difference to me though - I'll be buying the game anyway.

03-31-2011, 08:20 AM
Thanks luthier.

i must say I enjoy reading the un-clincical precise "official" FAQ.
Specially the "A very annoying, nasty, despicable bug that we've been hunting down for months and those damned cursors are still there. Grrr! They are on our hit list."

Thank you for the update. Most of us know how demanding bugs and pipstickles in our daily work can be. Hopefully support will keep on comming. You have set your standards with IL2 you know ;) No game I know of (well maybe OFP and ArmA series) has had such great support. Long live the smaller dev companies for niche markets.

03-31-2011, 08:24 AM
This indeed answers many questions. Thank you for that luthier.

Looking forward to the future optimizations and your team perfecting this game.

Really sorry to hear that the propellers might never be the way they were supposed to.

03-31-2011, 08:26 AM
Thanks for this update, it's good to have some feedback again and good luck with your defect/bug hunting. That's what I do most days so I feel your pain!

Please would you comment on the availability of force feedback?
I did a basic poll on the subject and over 130 people really would prefer/need it.


The propeller issue indicates that whilst the epilepsy filter is now optional the application remains altered for anti-epilepsy purposes, that must be so if you never expect the props to be put back in, right?
Does that also imply that there might be other changes made in the future to counter the possibility of epileptic triggers or not.


03-31-2011, 08:28 AM
Ehhh, Why is there a woman sitting on my cock(pit)

EU version Dl over night so tried the updated russian version last night and flew a quick mission, and there was a wonam on my lap in my cockpit...? Nice as it was it made it rather difficult to see what I was shooting at :) Funny though. looking forward to reading in english what I did to make this happen :)

03-31-2011, 08:35 AM
Thanks Luthier,very informative!
Can you say anything about multiplayer and dedicated servers please?

03-31-2011, 08:36 AM
Ehhh, Why is there a woman sitting on my cock(pit)

EU version Dl over night so tried the updated russian version last night and flew a quick mission, and there was a wonam on my lap in my cockpit...? Nice as it was it made it rather difficult to see what I was shooting at :) Funny though. looking forward to reading in english what I did to make this happen :)

I want one too :)

03-31-2011, 08:36 AM
Thank you for the details, very helpful.

Is there any news on a 64 bit version?

03-31-2011, 09:11 AM
Thanks Luthier!

03-31-2011, 09:24 AM
That's exactly what we tried at first, but there are too many trees and too many planes. We also use a rather unorthodox scheme for tree coordinates, which allows us to generate more trees in a frame than perhaps ever in the history of speedtree, but that also makes collisions difficult to track.

Even with a single plane, anything we try leads to significant freezes when flying over terrain, much worse than anything you currently see, and if you have say two large squadrons taking off one in England and one in France, forget it, the constant generation of collisions against multiple fast-moving objects kills everything.

This could possibly be cured by dumping everything onto a separate core used for nothing but tree collisions, but that would instantly increase our system requirements to 4+ core systems.

First - I would like to thank you for the response, and again the good FAQ you have posted. This is exactly what I feel we need more of and it greatly eases (some) of our worries, the community can deal with alot more if we know that the gods are listening ^^ !

For the tree collisions, since I imagine there is a average height for the trees, could there be a possibility of creating a "crash zone" around forested areas? Essentially not individual hitboxes but a much larger box for the whole "forest/section/row" and not individually. So if I flew into a forest at any speed in a plane realistically the thing would probably disintegrate from many many impacts, because of this creating a larger "box" for forested areas might work. It would also allow you to create a single "wall" or hitbox for a row of trees say on the side of the road, but allow the plane to move between rows.

Dont know if any of that can be done or is applicable, hope you work something out (or maybe not bother about generating trees/impacts unless its close to the player, we dont see or know about a plane crash in france if we are over the UK).

03-31-2011, 09:52 AM

Thanks for the FAQ. We do need this sort of thing more often! But one thing that hasn't been addressed yet is the dedicated software for MP.

With the release happening as we speak, don't you think it would be nice to know something about it or where we can find it? :)

Is there a seperate install package for the dedicated server? Is it included in the game, and if so, where at? How to make it work? lol

Please shed some light our way. I'm sure there's gonna be quite a few folks that want to play online really really soon!

Thanks again..

03-31-2011, 10:02 AM
Thanks for all the info Luthier!

Any chance of getting a key chart for the game?

Even a text file would be fine :)

Those of us programming ch or other throttles makes it much easier to do.

03-31-2011, 10:12 AM
Thanks Luthier, Question!

With refrence to your note about dx9 reset. How do you know if you have done this or not? Do you mean in the conf.ini ?? My conf.ini is set to Render=D3D10_0

But my images look like the graphics are not scaling up.

Nothing i do seems to change the graphics to use MSAA and that is set at MSAA=4

I am using win7 with 285GTX

Any ideas?

03-31-2011, 10:14 AM
Thanks Luthier, very clear and concise.... Im sure the vast majority of us here appreciate you and your teams dedication to your art. We know you will give it your all. I just hope you get some sleep and or down time !

For me the only real disappointment at this stage is the propeller issue .... Im sure in time this will be "corrected" in some fashion ... Oh and Im still confused about the lack 64 bit exe question and what if any affect it will have on my Win7 64 bit machine.
AlsoI brought a 2nd hand Q6600 and am wondering now if I should stick with a 2 rather than quad core processor.

Any how Im sure it will all come good ! :grin:

03-31-2011, 10:25 AM
Hi Luthier, thanks for the update. A couple of questions though:

1. What's the status of the terrain/water artifacts (black line on the water surface, lines appearing-disappearing near the shoreline, etc.) Currently, aside from performance issues, that's the only thing that's bugging me.

2. Can you give us a comprehensive guidance for ProcessAffinityMask settings (what values have what effect)?

03-31-2011, 10:32 AM
Is there a seperate install package for the dedicated server? Is it included in the game, and if so, where at? How to make it work? lol

Pass "-server" parameter to launcher.

03-31-2011, 11:04 AM

Hi, the problem i am having is i cant load any missions, the game loads fine,i select my aircraft and the mission loads to 100% and then dose nothing and the progress bar stops , the only mission i can get to work is the tigermoth training mission but i have massive graphics corruption with misplaced and missing textures combined with very poor frame rates, i have posted a screenshot on my steam profile (carosel43) changing the graphics settings makes no difference to the problem. i was next going to try new drivers.

i am running win xp media center with service pack 2 (sp3 refuses to work)
Dual core Amd Athlon X2 7750 2.7ghz
3gig ddr2 800mhz
Geforce gtx460

Any ideas?

03-31-2011, 11:15 AM
Thanks Luthier!

(giving the RegEdit thing a try now:))

EDIT: No good for me, I think it is because I am running a Gt330M on a laptop. I get the menu, but no Pilots, Aircraft or anything when I load a mission, just sounds.

03-31-2011, 11:16 AM
Pass "-server" parameter to launcher.

Thanks ZaltysZ!

But how can you run 2 game installs at the same time? If one game install is on the dedicated server and connected to steam via your steam account to run the server, wouldn't that render your personal account useless to try and open the game to join the server? There would be 2 games running at the same time (I'm assuming the server has to be connected to steam?) with the same registration keys. I figured that would be a big no no.

What am I missing here:confused:

03-31-2011, 11:32 AM
8. Q: I cannot see propellers on any planes!

A: Rotating propellers were causing the game to fail epilepsy tests, and so drastic changes were made to the propellers in addition to the Anti-Epilepsy filter. If we can be perfectly frank, there is a chance that this will never change back.

Luthier, what's up with this? Can you tell us, please, if the propellers will make it back as they were, at least into the russian release?

thank you!

Ctrl E
03-31-2011, 11:42 AM
how do i disable clickable cockpits?

03-31-2011, 12:09 PM
I can't believe this. I waited years for this and now the stupid thing won't launch. Unbelieveable.
How about all us that just want to fly and not have to be a friggin computer expert to play the friggin thing.
Change this, change that, what a joke. Every other friggin game you just put the disk in and friggin play. I've stayed up very late to fly this thing and it just says the luancher has crashed.
I can't believe this. Friggin Steam. I used it about 6 years ago and nothing but problems then.
I even bought a new computer with the latest crap in it so I can't play this thing and now I can't.
Thanks a lot.
I should just chuck the thing in the bin. How many people out there have paid good money for this and can't use it. Not everyone spent friggin years reading these forums.
I'm mad as hell. :evil:

03-31-2011, 12:21 PM
I've the same problem the game will not boot cant see it in the task manager either,click the play on steam and desktop icon but no joy.

03-31-2011, 12:22 PM
Rather than just blowing off steam :p how about providing a constructive post describing exactly the issues you are experiencing in a seperate forum post, that way somebody may be able to help you.

03-31-2011, 12:25 PM
Thanks for the information Luthier. If you can do a small technical update like this (what's being fixed by you and what we can fix ourselves) once a week i think the situation will be drastically improved, both in regards to game performance and agitation levels :-P
Most of the old-timers know you're in it for the long haul, but it's good to also let the newcomers know the game will be continuously worked on and reinforce that belief, so that bad press is kept to a minimum.

how do i disable clickable cockpits?

I think the default key to enable/disable the click-pit is F10.

Ehhh, Why is there a woman sitting on my cock(pit)

EU version Dl over night so tried the updated russian version last night and flew a quick mission, and there was a wonam on my lap in my cockpit...? Nice as it was it made it rather difficult to see what I was shooting at :) Funny though. looking forward to reading in english what I did to make this happen :)

Maybe you selected the Spitfire that's used in the Spitgirl mission?
In one of Luthier's interviews on youtube the stats screen of the interface was shown, detailing what kind of aircraft where flown and so on. One of the aircraft was called the heartbreaker and many people think it's the Spitfire used in the Spit-Girl mission.

I'm not sure since i don't have the game in my hands yet, but i think it's a separate 3d model that you can select and it has the girl built into the model.

P.S. When we get the Me-262 in some future expansion i demand a similar mission for the Luftwaffe. I have a feeling that flying with Swallow-girl will be much more satisfying than flying with Spit-girl :mrgreen:

03-31-2011, 12:36 PM
Hi Luthier, thanks for the update. A couple of questions though:

2. Can you give us a comprehensive guidance for ProcessAffinityMask settings (what values have what effect)?

Somebody (not me) posted this in a differnt thread in the forum, I hope it helps:

Look there ProcessAffinityMask option in section [rts]
Remove the sign ; in front of him.

And exposes its value in accordance with the number of cores a processor, namely:
2 cores - 3
3 core - 7
4 cores - 15
6 cores - 63
8 cores - 255

In my case (Core i5-750) 4 core - put 15. Conclusion: The uniform loading of all cores. In a game where everything is - friezes are but minor

Affinity mask settings

=1 - core 0
=2 - core 1
=3 - core 0+1
=4 - core 2
=5 - core 0+2
=6 - core 1+2
=7 - core 0+1+2
=8 - core 3
=9 - core 0 + 3
=10 - core 1 + 3
=11 - core 0 + 2 + 3
=12 - core 2 + 3
=13 - core 0 + 2 + 3
=14 - core 1 + 2 + 3
=15 - core 0 + 1 + 2 + 3

03-31-2011, 12:42 PM
Yeah no worries mate. A constructive comment. Here goes.
I purchased a game that has a disk. Like every other game I've ever purchased I put it into my computer and it loads STEAM. After two hours it looks all fancy. I press 'play game' and after a few seconds it reads 'LAUNCHER HAS STOPPED WORKING'.
So what do you want me to do, say STEAM is great. What a great system. It's awesome. Well I'm not. I'm saying this STEAM system sucks and if I was another person who doesn't read these forums for years and years I would have no idea what the hell to do. I've stayed up late to fly this thing but now I'm off to bed still not having a clue what to do. I'm sure some computer expert will fix it but why the hell should STEAM expect people to have to do this. Don't tell me about constructive comments and go somewhere to fix it. The thing should work straight away like every product that is sold for people's hard earned money. If I bought any product I would expect it to at least work or fully explain how to get it to work. Why should I have to know where to go to get it fixed. I didn't want a broken game.

03-31-2011, 12:44 PM

McLean, did you restart the computer after the game had installed and patched itself? Some say this helped with the issue.

03-31-2011, 12:50 PM
re-inserting the disc after steam install helps...

03-31-2011, 12:51 PM
I have a feeling that flying with Swallow-girl will be much more satisfying than flying with Spit-girl

Haha, good work!

Imagine what you could do with Multi-crew bombers? It would be like the Playboy mansion at 20k ft. :grin:

03-31-2011, 12:52 PM
Yeah mate. restarted a couple of times and it still wont' work. Thank you for trying to help though.

03-31-2011, 12:57 PM
Somebody (not me) posted this in a differnt thread in the forum, I hope it helps:

Look there ProcessAffinityMask option in section [rts]
Remove the sign ; in front of him.

Thanks Athos! I do have it set for 15, Q9650 here.

And is there any cure for those artifacts? I've got some screenshots, but also saw other people complain about it. Is it only on Radeons or nVidia too?

03-31-2011, 12:58 PM
Actually Mclean, I know you probably hate me by now, but I just thought of something, are you using AVG antivirus?

There was an issue that came up with it thinking one of the files in CLoD was a virus. If so, there is a fix on these forums somewhere.

03-31-2011, 01:05 PM
12. Q: I am an old-time fan of the series and I can no longer manually edit my conf.ini.

A: By default, your config is now stored in the steam cloud. This allows you to log into steam on a new machine, and carry over your entire config including keyboard layout etc.
This also means that manual edits to the config files are automatically overwritten by the server when the game is launched.
NOTE: editing conf.ini is an UNSUPPORTED FEATURE for advanced users only. ALWAYS back up last working version of the conf.ini.
To disable cloud config storage, go through these simple steps:
* Right-click the game in the game list in your steam Library.
* Go to the Updates tab of the Properties window.
* Uncheck "Enable steam cloud..."
* Press Close
* You can now manually edit your config file!
NOTE: (once again) some of the settings in the conf.ini are legacy settings left over from when some features were not yet set in stone, so you WILL horribly break the game if you begin to randomly reset random settings to see what they do.

I am sorry Luther but I am geting desperate!
Desite following the instructions for disabling Cloud (I did it both in the Stema general settings + IL2 Game Settings) the conf.ini on my hard disk does not seem to get updated :-(
Should I not see a line turning the Epilesy filter off? I do not see it!

Any suggestions please?

03-31-2011, 01:11 PM
Should I not see a line turning the Epilesy filter off? I do not see it!

You can turn the filter off in the Video options menu. (It is beneath Anti-Aliasing).

03-31-2011, 01:50 PM
Sad to hear the props are gone. Not a huge thing, but it seems pointless now that we have the option; why not provide them when the filter is disabled? I hate to see content you guys have put time into gutted on the whim of a publisher.

03-31-2011, 02:13 PM
Sad to hear the props are gone. Not a huge thing, but it seems pointless now that we have the option; why not provide them when the filter is disabled? I hate to see content you guys have put time into gutted on the whim of a publisher.

...Or if this is an impossibility, make the contrast of the prop disk more vivid. I can (barely) see the yellow circle of the prop tips on the Spit, but that's all.

Also, while we're on the subject of props & engines, engine startup is too fluid and uniform as far as sound is concerned. Considering fuel had to be pumped into the engine, and the engine primed before ignition, we should hear the engine "roar" into life, quickly followed by a loss of RPM due to initial fuel starvation, then the engine should gradually ramp up to full throttle. A few large puffs of smoke from the exhaust on startup would also add to the immersion factor. Look at any WWII Youtube engine start videos to see what I mean.


03-31-2011, 02:20 PM
Yeah mate. restarted a couple of times and it still wont' work. Thank you for trying to help though.

u running avg by any chance? One of the .dll files in COD was causing a problem for me when launching. added this file in the pup exceptions list. Game then done the necessary updates then launched.

03-31-2011, 02:35 PM
Hello Luthier,

Thanks for taking the time to come here and sharing with us what must be a rather very stressful and emotionnal week of work and firefighting......:rolleyes:
One question still remains unanswered : Is COD 64 bits ?
We are confident that multithread and SLI will be available, but 64 bits is a must for high count memory management, wich is to a point, as critiacal as SLI or multithreading....

Thanks !

Salute !

03-31-2011, 02:42 PM
Luthier, what's up with this? Can you tell us, please, if the propellers will make it back as they were, at least into the russian release?

thank you!


I think that we are definitely not the only ones that would like to see the propellers the way they were supposed to be shown - somewhere along the line with the future patches. It doesn't have to be ASAP or yesterday, but do not discard it from your to-do list.

03-31-2011, 02:43 PM
so even when epi filter is disabled we won't see the right props?

03-31-2011, 02:52 PM
so even when epi filter is disabled we won't see the right props?

It would appear so. The darn Filter was only a stop gap measure because they didn't have the time to adjust all "problematic" effects in time for the release.

We can only speculate how many other effects were adjusted for Epilepsy prevention. IMHO, bringing the props back to the original state would mean adjusting the Filter as well. And this is something that is I believe, currently very low on their to do list.

Hopefully in the future this issue will be addressed again.

03-31-2011, 03:00 PM

I think that we are definitely not the only ones that would like to see the propellers the way they were supposed to be shown - somewhere along the line with the future patches. It doesn't have to be ASAP or yesterday, but do not discard it from your to-do list.


03-31-2011, 03:46 PM
ALthough we didn't get much videos on Friday's updates, we got wounderful screens from time to time showing off very photorealistic features:

Splendid smoke effects:


Splendid burning effects:


Great gauge glass reflections :


Are they still into the code to be later available with patches ?

Thanks !

Salute !

White Owl
03-31-2011, 03:46 PM
Thanks for changing the propellers to look closer to real life. It's always amazing to me that the very same people who give themselves aneurysms over a panel line being a half inch out of place want to see a completely fictional flickering propeller effect. That was one of the only things I really didn't like about the original IL-2, and I'm glad its been fixed here.

03-31-2011, 04:28 PM
"Please use DX10 on DX10-capable operating systems"

How can i make these changes? There's no option ingame or reference in the ini file.

03-31-2011, 04:32 PM
"Please use DX10 on DX10-capable operating systems"

How can i make these changes? There's no option ingame or reference in the ini file.

That puzzled me also,

How can we verify which mode we are running in in-game?

I have windows 7 64bit and a DX11 GC (ATI 5870).

03-31-2011, 05:13 PM
so even though anti epi can filter can be removed we will still not see rotating props back? Im seriously starting to question you guys. This release really is a disgrace to the 6years or work you have put in.

Not a pilot yourself I guess? As you don't see the prop IRL but only on movies - what is the problem?

03-31-2011, 07:39 PM
That's exactly what we tried at first, but there are too many trees and too many planes. We also use a rather unorthodox scheme for tree coordinates, which allows us to generate more trees in a frame than perhaps ever in the history of speedtree, but that also makes collisions difficult to track.

Even with a single plane, anything we try leads to significant freezes when flying over terrain, much worse than anything you currently see, and if you have say two large squadrons taking off one in England and one in France, forget it, the constant generation of collisions against multiple fast-moving objects kills everything.

This could possibly be cured by dumping everything onto a separate core used for nothing but tree collisions, but that would instantly increase our system requirements to 4+ core systems.

And? at least make it optional.. at the moment, the game is only heavily using the 1st core and that's it.

and believe me, no one, never ever, will run it on a single core computer..

03-31-2011, 08:57 PM
Actually rise of flight has collision on trees and a huge map with a huge huge huge amount of trees, in rows and in masive forest concentrations, even dead trees that you can colide with in no mans land, same as before in rows or masive forest.

Also I noted a masive bllack rectangle, coming from the earth going into water.

03-31-2011, 09:26 PM

I think that we are definitely not the only ones that would like to see the propellers the way they were supposed to be shown - somewhere along the line with the future patches. It doesn't have to be ASAP or yesterday, but do not discard it from your to-do list.


And what is with Force Feedback now?!

03-31-2011, 10:37 PM
13. Q: I am running Windows XP. All missions stop loading at 95% and never complete.
A: Your memory is too low to fully load landscape with grass. Please go to Options - Video - Show Advanced and uncheck Grass. This will allow the game to fully load.
(automatic fix is on the way)

I am intrigued by the fact that in the game version WITHOUT PATCH, my poor low RAM WinXP would load and play at 3072x768 resolution without difficulties... :-(
Also watching the loading of the game, it freezes at 95% whereas there is still 1Gb RAM available.

03-31-2011, 10:55 PM
"13. Q: I am running Windows XP. All missions stop loading at 95% and never complete.
A: Your memory is too low to fully load landscape with grass. Please go to Options - Video - Show Advanced and uncheck Grass. This will allow the game to fully load.
(automatic fix is on the way)"

Luthier, what kind of memory are you speaking about?

I've monitored RAM and CPU usage during flight (w/o grass) using Perfmon and it shows that the available free memory drops from 2800MB to approx. 1600MB.

If I do the same with grass enabled, the same values appear, but game loading stops between 95% and 100%

System Specs:
Intel i3-540 (2x 3,06GHz)
4GB DDR3 1600MHz
nVidia GTX260 (216SP) / 896MB
WindowsXP SP3

03-31-2011, 11:12 PM
Actually rise of flight has collision on trees and a huge map with a huge huge huge amount of trees, in rows and in masive forest concentrations, even dead trees that you can colide with in no mans land, same as before in rows or masive forest.

Also I noted a masive bllack rectangle, coming from the earth going into water.

Different scale but WOP has them too, the fact that it is missing is perplexing as it should be one of the easier things to program into a engine/game. The overriding feeling I am getting is that this was badly planned from a programmer pov in that not only is it currently no where near where they said it would be, alot of these problems are seriouse foundation issues which will make this game obsolete in 1-2 years unless they get better multicore threading and dx11 up asap (or atleast 10.1).

04-01-2011, 01:09 AM
Somebody can tell me how to get rid of this

it's over water or land

i'm running catalyst 11.3 on a HD 6970


04-01-2011, 05:07 AM
I am getting that band too GOA. Rather annoying. Using driver 11.2 on a AMD 6950. Nothing I do gets rid of it.

04-01-2011, 05:50 AM

I got it too on my 6970HD. Only way I got rid of it partially was overriding Anisotropic Filtering in CCC as there is no such option in game setup. Try with 8x or more. We really need an official guide of the conf.ini how and what can be tweaked...

04-01-2011, 08:52 AM

I'm having very few problems myself but on behalf of a friend can you add to the Q&As

"The Controls panel does not recognise my Joystick"

Assuming you know an answer of course.

04-01-2011, 10:44 AM
Thank you for purchasing Cliffs of Dover! If you have previously purchased our sims, you should know that they are a constant work in progress. We as a team are proud of the fact that we continuously support, expand and improve on our releases. We hope, with your support, to continue this tradition and to help the series grow in the coming years.
Here are some common issues encountered by players with the initial release, and how to resolve them.

1. Q: I have low FPS.

A. Please consider disabling the anti-epilepsy filter (Options – Video – Anti-Epilepsy Filter). WARNING: disabling this filter may induce previously undetected epileptic symptoms even in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. Please read the complete warning on the game’s splash screen.
Disabling the filter will add up to 10 FPS to your game, depending on your hardware configuration.

2. Q: I have an above-recommended SLI video card set up and my FPS is very low.
A: At some point in the very hectic pre-release rush, we have broken SLI support and we have not yet been able to discover the reason for it. We are working very hard to re-enable it. In the meantime, disabling SLI will significantly boost your FPS.

i-7 950
12 gig of ram
2 X GTX 460 Sli
Windows 7 64bit
Steam Install

Started with around 14FPS on highest settings 1920X1080

Disabled Sli,
Updated to 270.XX drivers
Disabled Anti Epi filter
Set to lowest settings

16 FPS :confused:

Absolutely gutted that someone would release this as a playable product.

04-02-2011, 03:47 AM
My Problems....

Knowing full well that my PC is well under par and that the best I would expect is a moderately detailed slideshow I wasn't expecting too much yesterday when I eventually got round to installing Steam and Cod at 2 am this morning...

So made a Steam account and the good news is that I can apparently play COD on anyones PC so long as I simply log into my Steam account on their PC....This is important to me as I want to experiment on other folks PCs to give me an idea of specs I can replicate cheaper for myself....

AVG Virus detection:The disc installed ok although AVG recognised one of the files as a virus...'rendobj.dll'....This was remedied by turning off the 'Resident Shield' in AVG...or you can add the file path below to....AVG > Overview > Resident Shield > Manage Exceptions > Add Path :

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\il-2sturmovik cliffs of dover\rendobj.dll

Then I ran the game and got this:


So I updated the Nvidia drivers and still got the same problem on running the game.....and then saw that Luthier had reccommended to backdate the drivers to 257..so did that but still same problem...


Well, as the game seemed to be actually running I went with the flow....and accessed all the navigational menus...BUT on the pilot and aircraft pages I don't see any image....as below


So I decided to go for a quick mission to see if there was any other problems.....and the game went through its loading mission screenie and the bar indicated it was loading....then it stuck on that screen shot although I could hear the ingame audio....This happened every time I tried a mission....I tried different resolutions too...Still the same old...and with all the ingame graphics set to their lowest...

Anyways that was me done at 6am this morning.....I knew there would problems until I get a better PC and just thougth I'd share this with those of you that have lower end PCs like me...

On reading these forums I realise there are a few folks out there with the same problem...Had the game 2 days and haven't seen an aircraft in flight as yet.....

I have the specs of my pc here below but realise that I know that this PC won't run COD but it would be nice to just get something ingame or a pic of an aircraft and a pilot to play with......

Nvidia GeForce GT 220
AMD Athlon (tm) 7850 Dual-Core Processor 2.80 GHz
4.00 GB (3.12 GB usable) RAM
32_bit Operating System
ASUS M4A78 motherboard
Windows 7

04-02-2011, 05:30 AM
1] you need to do something about the trees. they must have collisions or everyone would be running with them off in multiplayer.

either maybe implement large invisible collision boxes around the dense 3D forests or allow the option for 2D / 3D collsion-based sprites / hit boxes for the forests like wings of prey does with lower-end machines.

2] allow the game to utilize more than 2 cores. the graphics engine should be on it's own core. the physics & collision on another one. the sound and the rest on a 3rd core.

have this new multi core support be auto-detected on machines with more than 2 cores and activating automatically. if 2 cores or less are detected just force thread scheduling as you have it now but add the new collisions on the 2nd core that does not get used as much.

3] give us back the propellar effect in cockpit view! there has got to be a way. i do not understand this epilepsy nonesense. a warning is good enough. can't imagine policing and babying the world like this. people have got to take responsibility. a lawsuit on such a matter would be considered frivalous. it's not like you are trying to force epileptic seasures on players!

if you really cant give us the props back then have "someone" leak a hack for end users to do it.

04-02-2011, 07:59 AM
My Problems....

Knowing full well that my PC is well under par and that the best I would expect is a moderately detailed slideshow I wasn't expecting too much yesterday when I eventually got round to installing Steam and Cod at 2 am this morning...

Did you set Video level to Low? That might help get you started and you can start to build up from there. The game installs with Video set to Medium which is quite demanding. Also Video Card RAM is looking like a big issue, needing at least 1Gb and preferably more. It may need less on Low settings, how much VRAM does your card have?

04-02-2011, 08:39 AM
Hi Everyone.

I've got exactly the same problem like FS~Lewis have: Display driver responding tooltip after the game starts, black window in planes and pilots menu and also, after starts any mission, only sound works correctly - there is no vision. I tried different settings like resolutions or details but without result.

NVIDIA GeForce 9650m GT (267.76 Driver)
Core 2 Duo P8600 (2.40 GHz)
Windows 7 64bit

04-02-2011, 11:03 AM
Hi all.

I have Radeon HD 4870 x2's. 2 of em. Anyone know the best drivers for these.
8GB DDR3 RAM, quad core.

I've turned off crossfire and on MED settings in game am getting 16fps.

Any ideas on tweks, or drivers?

Thx all.

04-02-2011, 12:15 PM
To Luthier

Please check this thread


I experiment the same problem: it seems that Cod is not detected by the driver as a 3D videogame with some video cards; so the frequency of GPU and memory remains stuck to minimum (in my case GPU 100 Mhz and memory 150 Mhz) and does not reach the max frequency (in my case GPU 775 Mhz and memory 1000 Mhz).

If I use a third part tool like Ati Tray tool that can locks the frequency to the maximum, I can play the game with "High" settings, otherwise "medium" settings are too much for me.

My card is the ATI 6850, driver Catalist 11.3, Win7 Ultimate 64 bit.

04-02-2011, 12:18 PM
I've found solution for my problem. I might to change Render=D3D10_0 to Render=D3D9_0 in conf.ini (c:\Users\xxx\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\). Now I've got problem with low fps like everyone ;)

04-02-2011, 01:50 PM
MartialSparrow.....I want to have your babies!.....You da man!....I got it to work....and I'm in game now...Thanks for ther help.....I got real bad FPS as expected but I'm not worried about thatas I knew it would be bad.....

By the way, how did you find out the solution?

04-02-2011, 02:14 PM
FS~Lewis, I found it here (http://forums-de.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/7871043264/m/4451055819) (by Google ;))

04-02-2011, 08:30 PM
Same problem that FS~Lewis had though the solution is not working with Steam version. Newest drivers (that can be installed only from Lenovo site because of GPU tailoring shit) and such installed still no luck :<

i5 CPU M450 @ 2.40Ghz
4 GB
Win 7 x64 Pro

04-02-2011, 11:36 PM
This eplepsy filter seems no sense!! We have Pokemons on TV, so we can have CoD in our computers too. I don't know which country rules about eplepsy are you trying to meet, but a screen warning and an on/off option should be enough. Back with propellers and down with this Pokemon issue!!

04-03-2011, 12:18 AM
Sorry if I have posted this in wrong spot but here goes.

I am very impressed with everyone's good humour with this game but the bottom line is it is still in beta form so should we really be expected to pay full price for a work in progress, it is just not on. Ok I expect to get a few bugs on first release, but not this, just the FPS issue makes it just about unplayable for most people. So back to my title.

whats the difference.....ultimately you will end up spending the money and playing the game at some point, why are people having such a negative reaction......shit happens, nobody was very bothered by DCS A-10 being sold as a beta.

04-03-2011, 06:30 AM
8. Q: I cannot see propellers on any planes!

A: Rotating propellers were causing the game to fail epilepsy tests, and so drastic changes were made to the propellers in addition to the Anti-Epilepsy filter. If we can be perfectly frank, there is a chance that this will never change back.

Why not make it part of this stupid epilepsy filter!

04-03-2011, 11:40 AM
8. Q: I cannot see propellers on any planes!

A: Rotating propellers were causing the game to fail epilepsy tests, and so drastic changes were made to the propellers in addition to the Anti-Epilepsy filter. If we can be perfectly frank, there is a chance that this will never change back.

Why not make it part of this stupid epilepsy filter!

What exactly is the problem?
Throttle back, wait for the engine revs to go down and watch ;-)

PS. And please nobody gives me as excuse that he has been playing the game only at full throttle or, never flew a twin engined bomber until now...too much talking too little experimenting... ;-)

04-04-2011, 02:40 AM
you have to cut throttle to 0% to see the propellar like in that pic 335th posted. OPAH!!!

04-04-2011, 01:23 PM
i hope you'll be able to find a decent solution, hoping that the planes will not instantly explode when they hit a tree.

yesterday i touched a Stuka and lost my tip of the wing. (while the stuka lost his whole wing lol)
it would be very nice if the same thing happens if you hit a tree with just your wing. loosing the wing but not instantly explode...

looking forward to your improvements.

04-09-2011, 12:14 PM
my game fails to launch since i downloaded the new patch i have re installed the game checked integrity of the files tryed the updated in direct x and still no luck

can eny 1 help please

04-09-2011, 12:43 PM
my game fails to launch since i downloaded the new patch i have re installed the game checked integrity of the files tryed the updated in direct x and still no luck

can eny 1 help please

Write you complete specs and settings like in my sig. Do you run in native resolution?

Did you try reinstalling .net and other versions of video-drivers?

04-09-2011, 02:42 PM
Write you complete specs and settings like in my sig. Do you run in native resolution?

Did you try reinstalling .net and other versions of video-drivers?

well my rig is

xp 64 bit

i7 quadcore 3.40 ghz processor

6 gb ram

radion hd 4890 1gb memory

ive reinstalled .net and checked video drivers and ive reinstalled the game and checked the integrity of the files in steam also i brought the game from steam dont no if that has somthink to do with it

04-09-2011, 10:42 PM
my game fails to launch since i downloaded the new patch i have re installed the game checked integrity of the files tryed the updated in direct x and still no luck

can eny 1 help please

What do you mean by 'failed to start'. A black screen has been reported, stuck on that, and I understand that if you click on the opening 'coss-hair' screen befoe it disappears the black screen does not appear.

04-10-2011, 12:26 AM
when i say it fails to launch i mean i get this message up

Launcher has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

ive reinstalled the game ive verified the files i have downloaded the direct x drivers checked my software is up to date i have turned avg off nothink has worked yet

my system is

xp 64bit

i7 quadcore 3.40 ghz processor

6 gb ram

radion hd 4890 graphics card with 1 gb of ram

04-10-2011, 05:54 AM
Thank you for purchasing Cliffs of Dover! If you have previously purchased our sims, you should know that they are a constant work in progress. We as a team are proud of the fact that we continuously support, expand and improve on our releases. We hope, with your support, to continue this tradition and to help the series grow in the coming years.
Here are some common issues encountered by players with the initial release, and how to resolve them.

1. Q: I have low FPS.

A. Please consider disabling the anti-epilepsy filter (Options – Video – Anti-Epilepsy Filter). WARNING: disabling this filter may induce previously undetected epileptic symptoms even in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. Please read the complete warning on the game’s splash screen.
Disabling the filter will add up to 10 FPS to your game, depending on your hardware configuration.

B. If your machine does not exceed the recommended system requirements, consider turning down some graphic settings. The two options that cause the most performance gain are Forest and Building Amount (Options – Video – Show Advanced). You should not need to turn down other settings if your computer meets the recommended requirements.

C. If your computer is well below the recommended system requirements, please also consider turning down Land Detail and Land Shading, and turning off Grass.

D. The options that cause the least performance gain for the largest decrease in visual quality are Model Detail and Shadows. We only recommend turning these off if your computer is right at the edge of the minimum requirements.

E. NOTE: DirectX 9 offers slower performance and lower graphic fidelity. If your system meets Recommended system requirements, upgrading to a DX10-capable operating system will offer better performance boost in Cliffs of Dover than perhaps any hardware upgrade.

2. Q: I have an above-recommended SLI video card set up and my FPS is very low.
A: At some point in the very hectic pre-release rush, we have broken SLI support and we have not yet been able to discover the reason for it. We are working very hard to re-enable it. In the meantime, disabling SLI will significantly boost your FPS.

3. Q: I see a black screen when launching the game.
A: You are most likely running an Nvidia card with 266.xx drivers. There's a problem with that particular driver version.
It can be resolved by either rolling back to a previous driver version, such as 257.21, or upgrading to the just-released 270.51.
The issue can also be resolved by manually adjusting one of the driver parameters in the registry. This is for more advanced users. Please modify the registry at your own risk.

Start - Run
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\GraphicsDrivers
Edit - New - DWord
Name = TdrDelay
Value Data = 12

4. Q: I am experiencing periodic FPS hic-ups when flying low over terrain.

A: The issue is apparently caused by our extensive vegetation. We are feverishly working on a solution, which should be available in a matter of days.

5. Q: I am seeing a gray rectangle in the upper left corner of the screen.

A: You have created a new Info window. These highly customizable windows allow you to set up your own user interface in-game. Due to the fact that the game also features clickable cockpits, our solution to having distinct clickable elements that possibly overlay each other is making the cockpit elements selectable with a regular left-click, and the interface overlay windows selectable with an alt-click.
So, simply alt-click the grey rectangle to select it, and then either move it and resize it, right-click to customize it, or right-click to close it.
This can also be done with all standard interface elements, including no-cockpit gauge overlays. Or you can right-click anywhere on your screen and add new Info windows to your interface layout.

5-A. Q: I did all that, but Closing the window does nothing.

A: We have as of now seen two users who created 52 and 82 overlayed info windows respectively. If you are closing a window and it does not disappear, it probably means that you have multiple Info windows stacked on top of each other. If you do not wish to manually close each window, you can edit them out of a config instead.
All the Info window settings are stored in the [ChatWindow] section of
(Documents)\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\confUser.ini
Our standard interface has 5 elements numbered 0 through 4 and titled "Motor Controls", "Secondary Controls", "Info. Window 1" (no title is shown for this one in game), "Voice", and "NetStats"
If your ChatWindow section looks to have a lot more than these 5 sections, simply delete everything past the lines numbered 4: and save the file.

6. Q: I have turned down Model Detail and now strange things are sticking through the cockpit of my Hurricane.

A: The external model of the Hurricane wasn’t designed with decreased graphic settings in mind, so lower-detail portions of it began to stick through the cockpit. We are working to have this addressed ASAP – in the meantime please consider turning Model Detail up as it does not offer significant performance gain on anything but the slowest machines.

7. Q: I am running Windows Vista / 7, and my game constantly crashes.

A: You have most likely manually reset your render to use DX9. Cliffs of Dover only supports DX9 on Windows XP. Please use DX10 on DX10-capable operating systems, as switching to DX9 actually reduces performance, in addition to leading to unexpected crashes.

8. Q: I cannot see propellers on any planes!

A: Rotating propellers were causing the game to fail epilepsy tests, and so drastic changes were made to the propellers in addition to the Anti-Epilepsy filter. If we can be perfectly frank, there is a chance that this will never change back.

9. Q: I see two small black vertical lines on my screen.

A: These are cursors in the Info windows (see #5 above). A very annoying, nasty, despicable bug that we've been hunting down for months and those damned cursors are still there. Grrr! They are on our hit list.

10. Q: I can fly through trees without receiving any damage.

A: Since Cliffs of Dover has more shrubbery in it than perhaps any other flight sim developed so far - hundreds of thousands of trees around the player - enabling collision for the trees grinds the game to a complete halt, especially as they need to be tracked around every plane on the map and not just the player's. Making collisions less precise leads to equally poor results, when planes may fly through a tree but crash into seemingly empty space.
We know this is extremely important. The solution is there, but it still eludes us.

11. Q: Your game does not support multi-core processors! How dare you, sir!

A: Cliffs of Dover does support multiple cores. However, additional cores are not used constantly, but in spikes. Expanded multicore support is in the works, but at this time the game taxes the 1st core constantly, while only delegating additional tasks to the other cores when needed.
Depending on your hardware configuration, you can play with manually setting the ProcessAffinityMask parameter of your conf.ini (WARNING: this is an UNSUPPORTED FEATURE for advanced users only). The parameter can be used to manually force all processes to a single core, for example ProcessAffinityMask=3 to have the entire game process on the 3rd core. The actual effect of this setting will vary greatly based on your individual hardware and software configuration.

12. Q: I am an old-time fan of the series and I can no longer manually edit my conf.ini.

A: By default, your config is now stored in the steam cloud. This allows you to log into steam on a new machine, and carry over your entire config including keyboard layout etc.
This also means that manual edits to the config files are automatically overwritten by the server when the game is launched.
NOTE: editing conf.ini is an UNSUPPORTED FEATURE for advanced users only. ALWAYS back up last working version of the conf.ini.
To disable cloud config storage, go through these simple steps:
* Right-click the game in the game list in your steam Library.
* Go to the Updates tab of the Properties window.
* Uncheck "Enable steam cloud..."
* Press Close
* You can now manually edit your config file!
NOTE: (once again) some of the settings in the conf.ini are legacy settings left over from when some features were not yet set in stone, so you WILL horribly break the game if you begin to randomly reset random settings to see what they do.

13. Q: I am running Windows XP. All missions stop loading at 95% and never complete.

A: Your memory is too low to fully load landscape with grass. Please go to Options - Video - Show Advanced and uncheck Grass. This will allow the game to fully load.
(automatic fix is on the way)

14. Q: AVG antivirus detects rendobj.dll as virus.

A: You can add the file as an exception.
1) open AVG
2) Click on Tools along the top.
3) Select Advanced Settings
4) Select PUP Exceptions
5) Add rendobj.dll
6) click apply then ok
7) Launch CoD
NOTE: Deprecated after April 8th patch removed DRM from the game.

15. Q: Note about Aero Desktop Composition.

A: If you are experiencing an issue with framerate in the game, disabling Aero Desktop Composition in windows can slightly improve in-game FPS. NOTE that this is an unsupported feature at this time. If you experience any problems, please reenable Aero again. Aero is only available in Windows Vista and Windows 7 and is not available in Windows XP.

1. Brose to the main install flder for Cliffs of Dover. By default it is
(Program Files)\Steam\steamapps\common\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover
where (Program Files) is the actual physical location that can vary for your individual machine.
2. Find a file called Launcher.exe in the folder. (it may simply be Launcher, if you have disabled the display of file extensions in
3. Right-click the file and select Properties.
4. Select the Compatibility tab in the window that appears.
5. Check the "Disable desktop composition" checkbox in the Compatiblity tab and press OK.
6. Depending on your system specs, you may see a performance increase when flying the game.

16. Q: I have installed the latest patch and the game no longer launches.

A: Please clear out your shaders cache by deleting all contents of the
(Documents)\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\cache\shaders
[to be expanded]

Q: I recently installed the game, but when i'm lauching the plane in the scope comes and then it all diseappears.

04-10-2011, 06:19 AM
my game fails to launch since i downloaded the new patch i have re installed the game checked integrity of the files tryed the updated in direct x and still no luck

can eny 1 help please

I had the same problem with my International CoD + English beta patch.

Please make sure that steam has downloaded the update for the game!

In steam, on the line of the game, right click, Properties, Update:
(you should have the option "Steam constantly keeps this game up to date" activated).
If you have already done this and the latest patch (which removes DRM management) is already uploaded by steam in your PC you should be able to recognise it by clicking on "View History of updates for this game".
If the problem is still there: Click on the option "Verify Cache" This will make Steam reload any files that are not up to date.

I hope this helps, sorry if some of the menu texts are not very accurate, I have to use my memory, I do no have my game PC in front of me.


04-10-2011, 11:55 AM
i have already done these things the game is saying it is up to date i have redone verify the game files and deleted the shaders i have redownladed the direct x these havent worked is there enythink else i can try

04-10-2011, 08:21 PM
Posting it here just in case, since the thread itself sank:

I've browsed here and through other forums for solutions to this really annoying issue but I've found none at all.

The plot is: rusty mug-flier buys the Russian version (physical copy), installs Steam and Cliffs of Dover, ran the additional installers (only decided to do so after reinstalling it once; all told me everything was up to date, but reinstalled/repaired them anyway, no change in behaviour by our lovely stray exe), glances in amusement at the rather cool artwork in the box cover, stares deeply into RAF roundels eyes and, after a second's hesitation, clicks on it. Steam window shows up claiming it's preparing to launch Il-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover (tear stars forming upon reading the name), little spinning blue ring appears next to cursor (Vista 32-bit, all up-to-date)... *dramatic pause, eyes wide open with anxiety* Little blue ring disappears... *"coming at any time now"* ... *longer pause* ...*popping noise, racing heartbeat, flashing icon on toolbar, cursor rushes to check it out* ...Skype: "Hey"

...and that's it. No sign of the Launcher under the Processes tab, no error message, and I had a nice chat over Skype and went to bed laughing at some joke.

...but I'm still sort of annoyed by the Launcher.

So, just to clear some things up for anyone interested (rrrrrright.) in helping or at least reading this to kill time until Top Gear or whatever's on, I'm not an AVG user (not that it'd've mattered now anyway, since the patch covered it), I'm running Avira AntiVir. Launcher.exe does open, as checked with Task Manager open, at the very time the mystical blue ring's there (taking only around 16K in memory or so), but it only lasts for a few seconds, before vanishing without any notice. So basically, it opens, and it closes, and well, that's quite it, really.

Rig meets the specs.

Any guesses?

04-11-2011, 10:32 AM
I'm posting here because I think the answer is obvious and has so far just escaped me.

The game seems to run in some sort "pseudo-fullscreen" mode... I have no problem with it, I just need to click on the opening Ubisoft logo and all OK.

However, everything that happens in the background from update notifications, IM messages, every action, activates the windows in the background and they pop up on the game. With no mouse I will have to alt-tab to windows and back to get rid of these...

Only working solution I have found is to use the windowed mode, but it does not allow the native resolution of my screen, 1680 x 1050. Can this be edited in the conf, or is there another fix?

04-11-2011, 10:49 AM
I'm posting here because I think the answer is obvious and has so far just escaped me.

The game seems to run in some sort "pseudo-fullscreen" mode... I have no problem with it, I just need to click on the opening Ubisoft logo and all OK.

However, everything that happens in the background from update notifications, IM messages, every action, activates the windows in the background and they pop up on the game. With no mouse I will have to alt-tab to windows and back to get rid of these...

Only working solution I have found is to use the windowed mode, but it does not allow the native resolution of my screen, 1680 x 1050. Can this be edited in the conf, or is there another fix?

Yes, turn off updates, IM etc. You don't really want anything else running except things like Teamspeak/Ventrilo, Joystick profiles etc, i.e. anything you use while playing. It will also free up CPU resources if your CPU is having problems running CoD.

If you want an easy way to do this get FSAutostart or Alacrity. These allow you to see whats running and make these selections (turn off this, that, etc) and save it as a profile which you just run from the desktop before running CoD.

Just reboot to get them all back.

Also if you run the free Commodo antivirus it has a Gaming Mode which stops Updates etc from interfering with the game.

04-11-2011, 10:58 AM
Yes, turn off updates, IM etc. You don't really want anything else running except things like Teamspeak/Ventrilo, Joystick profiles etc, i.e. anything you use while playing. It will also free up CPU resources if your CPU is having problems running CoD.

If you want an easy way to do this get FSAutostart or Alacrity. These allow you to see whats running and make these selections (turn off this, that, etc) and save it as a profile which you just run from the desktop before running CoD.

Just reboot to get them all back.

Also if you run the free Commodo antivirus it has a Gaming Mode which stops Updates etc from interfering with the game.

I know I can shut down everything. I dont want to. I do not need to... And CPU/GPU performance or RAM usage is no issue to me. Actually at the moment the greatest issue in il2:clod, to me, is everything happening in the background popping up on the game.

04-11-2011, 11:46 AM
As far as I recall, the part of the conf.ini that relates to such settings is (roughly) similar to the 1946's, maybe if you try tweaking it accordingly the results will be the same too.

04-11-2011, 12:40 PM
I know I can shut down everything. I dont want to. I do not need to... And CPU/GPU performance or RAM usage is no issue to me. Actually at the moment the greatest issue in il2:clod, to me, is everything happening in the background popping up on the game.

Well they will unless you stop them which usually means shutting them down. You can set Windows updates to advise you when they are available and only d/load and install when you say so. Why would you want Messenger on when you are focussing on surviving in CoD?

Anyway its the only way I know, these are Windows functions not CoD.

04-11-2011, 02:11 PM
You can set the game to windowed and still set the res so that it'll fill all of your screen - or at least Il-2 could do so.

Sometimes you're playing CoD but waiting for someone to show up on your IM, not everyone has CoD as their number one worry in life, sometimes you just have to be accessible whenever you can, period.

04-11-2011, 05:25 PM
You can set the game to windowed and still set the res so that it'll fill all of your screen - or at least Il-2 could do so.

Sometimes you're playing CoD but waiting for someone to show up on your IM, not everyone has CoD as their number one worry in life, sometimes you just have to be accessible whenever you can, period.

I understand that, I just didn't understand why, if Erkki doesn't want them popping up and interrupting him, he doesn't just shut them down.

If he wants to leave them on of course he can Alt+Tab around from time to time, but I don't know how he'll set IM etc to stay quiet in between.

The guys I fly with are full-switch, the last thing we want is an interruption :)

04-12-2011, 07:10 AM
I understand that, I just didn't understand why, if Erkki doesn't want them popping up and interrupting him, he doesn't just shut them down.

If he wants to leave them on of course he can Alt+Tab around from time to time, but I don't know how he'll set IM etc to stay quiet in between.

The guys I fly with are full-switch, the last thing we want is an interruption :)

100% full switch here as well, last 8 years.

No luck so far with the conf... Guess its windowed mode then.

04-12-2011, 10:17 AM
100% full switch here as well, last 8 years.

No luck so far with the conf... Guess its windowed mode then.

I assume you used the conf.ini in your /User/ CoD folder?

DepthBits =24

04-12-2011, 03:27 PM
I assume you used the conf.ini in your /User/ CoD folder?

DepthBits =24

You didnt even bother to read my posts.

04-12-2011, 05:07 PM
You didnt even bother to read my posts.

Well then I'm sorry I tried to answer your question.

btw in your first post you posed the problem and asked "Can this be edited in the conf, or is there another fix?"

I suggested turning off the things that annoy you

In your second post you said you didn't want to, you wanted them to be available (which kind of conflicts with what you are trying to achieve).

I suggested some alternatives

In your third post you said "No luck so far with the conf..." but didn't even say what you had tried (I still don't know).

I asked, knowing that some people hadn't realised there was a conf.ini in two places,
had you tried the (effective) one in your User folder and posted my details as a prompt.

So which post didn't I read?

It doesn't really matter to me either way but when you ask a question and someone tries to help but doesn't give you the answer you want to hear it doesn't do any good getting upset about it. If some posts don't help just let them go by.

04-12-2011, 05:34 PM
Well then I'm sorry I tried to answer your question.

btw in your first post you posed the problem and asked "Can this be edited in the conf, or is there another fix?"

I suggested turning off the things that annoy you

In your second post you said you didn't want to, you wanted them to be available (which kind of conflicts with what you are trying to achieve).

I suggested some alternatives

In your third post you said "No luck so far with the conf..." but didn't even say what you had tried (I still don't know).

I asked, knowing that some people hadn't realised there was a conf.ini in two places,
had you tried the (effective) one in your User folder and posted my details as a prompt.

So which post didn't I read?

It doesn't really matter to me either way but when you ask a question and someone tries to help but doesn't give you the answer you want to hear it doesn't do any good getting upset about it. If some posts don't help just let them go by.

You apparently didnt even understand the issue.

I'm not here to be insulted or flamed. I asked a question, how to make il2:clod run in a true full screen mode instead of pseudo-window that is seemingly behind everything else whenever theres activity in those windows.

You adviced me to shut down those programs, as because you flew full switch you'd only have the game and voice comms to concentrate on. Real constructive!

Tweaking conf didnt work, so now its true windowed screen forced to 1680 x 1050. Hate the frames, but what can I do?

04-17-2011, 09:01 AM
What's happening. Im trying setup my graphics settings and game just crashes to desktop?

i7-950, 8GB DDR 3, GTX 295 , Win7 64 bit

05-27-2011, 08:41 PM
i bought this game today, after activating it on steam and trying to run the game i simply get this screen and i hear my computer fans running faster but nothing happens


what going on here and how can i fix it because i really want to play this game :)

The specs of my machine

Core i7 cpu, 6gb ram, nvidia gefore 560ti gtx, a few hundred gb of diskspace left

05-27-2011, 11:47 PM
i bought this game today, after activating it on steam and trying to run the game i simply get this screen and i hear my computer fans running faster but nothing happens


what going on here and how can i fix it because i really want to play this game :)

The specs of my machine

Core i7 cpu, 6gb ram, nvidia gefore 560ti gtx, a few hundred gb of diskspace left

That's a decent enough PC spec Rinneh. That shouldn't be your problem.

Try going into Steam and validate your game installation in case you have a bad file somewhere (Library, Right Click on IL-2....CoD, Select Properties, Local Files Tab - click on Verify Integrity of Game Cache).
Have you got the latest Nvidia drivers?
Have you tried starting out with Video options set to, say, Low just to see if it runs ok at that then try upping the settings?

08-22-2011, 12:45 PM
This is stupidly annoying. Everytime, I launch CoD. I'm greeted with a black screen.



I'm currently using an ATI graphics card.

10-30-2011, 04:24 PM

i just recently bought this game and installed the updates from steam. as soon as i start the game the cockpits always come in many colours like tiny dots or red yello and other's many of the gauges are unreadable .

i updated the drivers of my video card and still i have this problem.

my video card is nvidia GTX 550 TI

any help pls?


10-30-2011, 05:00 PM
I'd like to know this too. I run the game from Steam, with an NVIDIA GTX 460 graphics card.

I have not had any problems before, but I recently bought a new monitor and increased the resolution to 1920x1080. Now I have the same dots and strange graphics inside the cockpit as ripmax has. Everything else looks fine.


I found this thread: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=27437, and can confirm that the problem goes away if I turn off the epilepsy filter. Why is this suddenly a problem for me? Does the increased resolution cause these kinds of things with the epilepsy filter?

10-30-2011, 08:29 PM
yes turn off the epilepsy filter solved the problem but the game is really lagging with my system.

intel i5 3.2ghz

1g ram graphics card

direct x 11

whats else one needs to run this game properly???
i even overclocked the card from 900ghz to 1000 and same results

what are the recommended specs to this simulation properly?!!
the real specs!

11-08-2011, 03:37 AM
Thanks for the update Luthier, good to hear what is being worked on.

For the trees, (is speed tree being used?) why not just create a hitbox around their center and generate it when a plane gets close to/within a certain range of a tree.http://forums.nichechoppers.com/image.php?u=4129&dateline=1292495981

01-10-2012, 09:03 PM
Hi, I love the il2 series but this is the first one that I am having a problem with. It seems that I can load the game fine and go to the selection screen. The problem I am having is that none of the video works. When I go to quick launch, I cannot see the map, and when I go to view my aircraft before flight I cannot see it at all either, they both appear as a black box. When I ignore that and just try to fly, I can’t see anything, all I see is my desktop, but I can still hear my plane and when I move controls I hear the plane react too, just can’t see it.

I thought this was my problem
"3. Q: I see a black screen when launching the game.
A: You are most likely running an Nvidia card with 266.xx drivers. There's a problem with that particular driver version.
It can be resolved by either rolling back to a previous driver version, such as 257.21, or upgrading to the just-released 270.51.
The issue can also be resolved by manually adjusting one of the driver parameters in the registry. This is for more advanced users. Please modify the registry at your own risk.

Start - Run
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\GraphicsDrivers
Edit - New - DWord
Name = TdrDelay
Value Data = 12"

But after upgrading to 285.xx the problem still existed and I modified the registry and that still did not work, so maybe I have a new problem or I just don’t see it. If I could get help with this it would be great, I would really love to play the game.

If needed my specs are
Windows 7 64bit
Nvidia 230m driver 285.62
6gigs of DDR3 ram
if anything else is needed just let me know

01-10-2012, 11:17 PM
Hi, I love the il2 series but this is the first one that I am having a problem with. It seems that I can load the game fine and go to the selection screen. The problem I am having is that none of the video works. When I go to quick launch, I cannot see the map, and when I go to view my aircraft before flight I cannot see it at all either, they both appear as a black box. When I ignore that and just try to fly, I can’t see anything, all I see is my desktop, but I can still hear my plane and when I move controls I hear the plane react too, just can’t see it.

I thought this was my problem
"3. Q: I see a black screen when launching the game.
A: You are most likely running an Nvidia card with 266.xx drivers. There's a problem with that particular driver version.
It can be resolved by either rolling back to a previous driver version, such as 257.21, or upgrading to the just-released 270.51.
The issue can also be resolved by manually adjusting one of the driver parameters in the registry. This is for more advanced users. Please modify the registry at your own risk.

Start - Run
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\GraphicsDrivers
Edit - New - DWord
Name = TdrDelay
Value Data = 12"

But after upgrading to 285.xx the problem still existed and I modified the registry and that still did not work, so maybe I have a new problem or I just don’t see it. If I could get help with this it would be great, I would really love to play the game.

If needed my specs are
Windows 7 64bit
Nvidia 230m driver 285.62
6gigs of DDR3 ram
if anything else is needed just let me know

Looks like you have a laptop?

I can't say for sure but on this performance hierchy:-
the 230m doesn't appear but the lowest card supported by CoD is, I believe, the 8800 which appears on the list near the 260m so your GPU may be borderline.

Try the lowest settings in Options... Video to see if you get any improvement and then raise the settings from there.

Things to do in Video settings while testing: turn SSAO off, Forest Off, Grass off, Shadows off, Buildings Amount and Buildings Detail to lowest settings.

What is your Processor?

I wouldn't mess with the registry until all else fails.

01-11-2012, 05:37 PM
Looks like you have a laptop?

I can't say for sure but on this performance hierchy:-
the 230m doesn't appear but the lowest card supported by CoD is, I believe, the 8800 which appears on the list near the 260m so your GPU may be borderline.

Try the lowest settings in Options... Video to see if you get any improvement and then raise the settings from there.

Things to do in Video settings while testing: turn SSAO off, Forest Off, Grass off, Shadows off, Buildings Amount and Buildings Detail to lowest settings.

What is your Processor?

I wouldn't mess with the registry until all else fails.

Yes its a laptop, but ive never had a problem running anything else, in fact i run Battlefield 3 on it, granted its on the lowest setting but it still runs.

The video settings are all to the lowest and all the other settings are set to off.

Processor is a Core i7 Q720 1.6 GHz

The changes i did to the registry are all undone.

01-11-2012, 07:51 PM
Sorry I can't really help much more other than to say try the latest drivers. Hopefully an ATI user will see this and comment.

Oh!, second thoughts, did you create a GPU profile for Launcher? If not are the default settings too high. Also you could try reducing the game resolution to reduce the GPU load. Your LCD screen will do the work of converting it to its normal resolution. It may not be great but it may help, at least as a test. You may also have a limit on the video RAM which is critical in this game. Under 1Gb and you will suffer. Can that be increased in any way?

I have a laptop with the i7 720QM @ 1.6Ghz but it has the ATI 5850 1Gb video card and runs CoD ok on 1900 res at Low to Medium settings with the usual suspects turned off: anti-epilepsy off (a must); grass off; shadows off; ssao off; buildings very low.

01-13-2012, 04:32 AM
Its ok, thanks for trying.
Whats the GPU profile? And where do i find it?
I will continue to try.

01-13-2012, 09:00 AM
You should have a Control Panel for your GPU (video card). In there you should find profiles for each application/game that ATI have created. It will set the optimum Anti Aliasing, Anisotropic Filtering, etc etc for each game. Usually you can add a new one if ATI haven't provided one (just click Add and find the programme you want to make a profile for, in our case, Launcher.exe in the folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover
Then you can set your own settings and Apply / Save.
It's a while since I saw an ATI Control Panel so have a look and try to make what I said fit.

If you don't have a profile it will simply use the default settings and again these should be visible in the Control Panel.

01-14-2012, 03:42 AM
Well I just tried that and it appears to have not worked. I will just assume that my graphics card just isnt enough to run it and wait for a patch or until i get to build my desktop, thanks for the help anyways.

04-05-2012, 10:03 AM
Sorry I posted this on maybe the wrong thread yesterday, I think here is a the best choice? So I try again:

Hi, I am newbie to CoD from Sweden (sorry for my not perfect english, hope You understand) and have not yet learned more than doing basic flying in Hurricane, Me 109 and Spitfire in the quickmissions. A problem destroys the experience though
The game (I have the latest version via steam update, to this date = april 4th, 2012) every time after one to two minutes "crashes" down to the bottom of my screen, the bar/field there in Windows 7. I do not know its english name * for sure. Maybe it is the "activity field"/"activity bar"?

I.e. the game behaves as if I runned the game in a windoved mode and volontary "clicked it" down to the bar so I can see/use the windows desktop. It even has it's icon there and it comes up to normal when I click on it - and then I can fly for a minute again before it repeat the same problem. It makes learning the sim quite impossible. I do not have a clue what to do to fix this? Please help me if You can.
I start the game via clicking on the Icon, the comes the steam and then after shift+tab (it does not btw respond on that commando without multiple tries). I then come to the game proper screens without problems. I have tried the game in 1920 x 1200 and several other resolutions. Now I use 1600 x 1200 for better FPS with most videooptions maxed out. I have AA to 8x, disabled the anti-Ep filter, use SSAO and VSYNC (have tried all other combinations too, I think..). The problem is the same when I try it on fullscreen, pseudo or off.
I have no problems with DCS A-10C or Rise of Flight or other programs I have.

MY PC: MSI motherboard. AMD Phenomen(tm)II x6 1100T processor. 3,3 GHz. I have two AMD Radeon HD 6900grafic cards with cross-fire. 17 GB installed memory. I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. The game is installed in the standard way on my C-drive. My screen is a Samsung syncmaster with max resolution 1920 x 1200, 60 Hz. I use TM Hotas Warthog (mapped ingame for buttons and axes),Saitec Pro Combat rudderpedals and a Logitech G19 keyboard.
I have the latest driver for my graphics card says the program when I tried to update it (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc, date 2012-03-08, version: 8.951.0.0).

I just hope that someone here can give me advice what to do.
Best Regards, Michael E, Sweden

04-06-2012, 02:38 PM
Thank You klem!!!!!
Changing in conf.ini to: Render=D3D9_0 instead of Render=D3D10_0, made the trick. I now can fly the time I want to :grin:

Best Rgds // Michael E

04-06-2012, 05:18 PM
Thank You klem!!!!!
Changing in conf.ini to: Render=D3D9_0 instead of Render=D3D10_0, made the trick. I now can fly the time I want to :grin:

Best Rgds // Michael E

Well it was a bit of a shot in the dark and for your card I don't think it should be necessary but the patch should sort that out when it comes.

Hope to see you online some day.

By the way you will probably still experience launcher crashes online after about 1-1.5 hours due to memory leak. Also being addresed in new patch.

09-14-2012, 05:29 AM
Hi, I love the il2 series but this is the first one that I am having a problem with. It seems that I can load the game fine and go to the selection screen. The problem I am having is that none of the video works. When I go to quick launch, I cannot see the map, and when I go to view my aircraft before flight I cannot see it at all either, they both appear as a black box. When I ignore that and just try to fly, I can’t see anything, all I see is my desktop, but I can still hear my plane and when I move controls I hear the plane react too, just can’t see it.

I thought this was my problem
"3. Q: I see a black screen when launching the game.
A: You are most likely running an Nvidia card with 266.xx drivers. There's a problem with that particular driver version.
It can be resolved by either rolling back to a previous driver version, such as 257.21, or upgrading to the just-released 270.51.
The issue can also be resolved by manually adjusting one of the driver parameters in the registry. This is for more advanced users. Please modify the registry at your own risk.

Start - Run
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\GraphicsDrivers
Edit - New - DWord
Name = TdrDelay
Value Data = 12"

But after upgrading to 285.xx the problem still existed and I modified the registry and that still did not work, so maybe I have a new problem or I just don’t see it. If I could get help with this it would be great, I would really love to play the game.

If needed my specs are
Windows 7 64bit
Nvidia 230m driver 285.62
6gigs of DDR3 ram
if anything else is needed just let me know
same problem, aces high, rise of flight and warbirds all work well on my computer but this has just been a frustrating waste of time, lucky I only spent twelve bucks on it.

10-06-2012, 08:01 PM

I have a different problem:

I've installed the game and the game works very quickly until I click "fly" for any missions. Then I just get sent back to the desktop but I hear the game running perfectly. Also when I press ESC I go back to the menu and the game works there. Also when editing skins, I don't see any pictures, just a black screen.

I'm running it on a Windows 7 computer with a intel HD 2000 graphics card @ 1.7GB

Ram 8 GB, intel i7 quad core 3.4 GHz processor, so the game should work.

Thanks for the help!

10-20-2012, 04:40 PM
hmm,I like the forum