View Full Version : This is EXACTLY what COD needs..

03-05-2011, 05:44 PM
The new dyanamic campaign being built for Rise of Flight

Covers 700 days of the Great War. More days may be added if we build planes from even earlier in the war.
Continued promotion through the ranks.
Changing Weather with Seasonal Textures (Summer, Autumn and Winter).
New Titles and Awards.
More than 15 different types of missions.
New types of gameplay, such as adjusting artillery fire or photo reconnaissance, with new interactive elements and equipment such a wireless radio and/or camera added to your plane. You can also watch real-time changes in the world based on the results of your actions such as corrected artillery fire.
A higher level of interactivity and randomness during missions, for example, flying close to an enemy's airfield could trigger enemy fighters to intercept you.
Combines your personal statistics, events and achievements with real history.
Interactive map of hostilities with information about current operations at the front and the location of various units and squadrons.
Historically correct squadron’s location and re-locations.
Historically correct automatic mission completion by A.I. pilots in missions not involving the player using a new technique we developed.
Historically correct awards and conditions for awards.
Realistic calendar of European Weather
Virtual "Newspaper", depicting timely events at the front, new inventions in science and technology, and list of important aces published on a regular basis.
All virtual A.I. squadron mates have their own names, grow in rank and abilities, go the hospital if needed and receive awards for their actions.
Ability to meet historic allied or enemy aces in combat situations. If you kill a famous enemy ace he will not re-appear and his kill total will stop in the press.
Ability to be transferred to another squadron with promotion in rank.
Realistic attrition of personnel and material in your squadron.
Repair of damaged aircraft and hospitalization of wounded pilots.
Ability to use a custom paintjob after 5 kills.
Opportunity to become a squadron commander and plan missions.
Planning includes the selection of pilots and aircrafts, which will participate in your flight.
Editing a route: choice of range, move waypoints, a height indicator, buildings types, speeds and altitudes.
Many new villages, town and industrial areas added to the map along with windsocks at airfields.

Something like this would be FANTASTIC!!

03-05-2011, 05:47 PM
yeah, its not taken them long though has it......

finally RoF might stop feeling like a game i paid for, to beta test for the last year and a half.

03-05-2011, 05:51 PM
Yes this career RoF is devellopping sounds good, news from the front, interactive, informative, sounds really enjoying. Though I'm not the biggest fan of these 'generated' missions it is far better than what was originally included.

Still scripted campaigns made by the community, for the community, are far more enjoyable IMHO, give these people the right tools and they are unstoppable, something Oleg has said to be delivered to them when the game ships;)

03-05-2011, 07:07 PM
I just got ROF yesterday. I do love the eye candy. However I have found it rather difficult to fly so far. Rather it is easy to fly but difficult to dogfight for me. I am use to useing padlock and toggling back and forth between the hat switch and padlock modes. I just cant seem to make that transition here in ROF yet. The sim seems geared to trackIR more. And I am old school. ROF is nothing like IL2 in the sense of using the views I use in IL2 and I find that disappointing. I am hoping COD is setup more like IL2 in that respect.

03-05-2011, 07:45 PM
Camel24hrs, Observe, play and adjust. I would not know what to do without Trackir in RoF. Padlock helps but get's confusing when flying at low altitude. I hope you have a good set of rudder pedals. It took me probably 20 hrs before I was comfortable flying/fighting those old crates. Now I enjoy flying the Fokker DVII and try to get those pesky camels to stall/spin behind me at low altitude. The Camel and DR1 I still have to practice with offline. Pesky little gyro tops those are.

I'm expecting the view system in Il2Cod to be the same as Il2.

speculum jockey
03-07-2011, 05:28 AM
I just got ROF yesterday. I do love the eye candy. However I have found it rather difficult to fly so far. Rather it is easy to fly but difficult to dogfight for me. I am use to useing padlock and toggling back and forth between the hat switch and padlock modes. I just cant seem to make that transition here in ROF yet. The sim seems geared to trackIR more. And I am old school. ROF is nothing like IL2 in the sense of using the views I use in IL2 and I find that disappointing. I am hoping COD is setup more like IL2 in that respect.

Honestly, if you're playing a flight sim these days you should really have a head-tracking setup. TrackIR is expensive, but well worth the money (says everyone who uses it).

Personally I'm a cheap do-it-yourself type person so I went here: http://www.free-track.net/english/ and got some ideas.

$30 for a PS3 Eyecam, and $10 for some IR LEDs and wires and I have a setup that runs 60fps smooth and is comfortable as well. There are tons of alternatives, and if you already have a Nintendo Wii you can use the remote. Pretty much any decent web-cam will work.

If you don't want to wear a hat with pretty IR LEDs, you could try face tracking. All you need is a web cam.
Still being worked on, but it's getting better all the time.

I could never go back to a flight sim "sans head-tracking". If I had a choice between head-tracking and a joystick I'd take a few minutes of pondering before I eventually handed over my freetrack setup.

03-07-2011, 09:17 AM
I shelved ROF because of retarded viewing system (u can spot planes at distance ONLY when using max zoom view which is pain in the ass when scanning the sky) and because they postponed FM fixes several times......also at wwekends when most ppl are online only one server is "crowded" with max 50 ppl online....multiplayer is pretty much dead..no online wars...

03-07-2011, 12:07 PM
I just got ROF yesterday. I do love the eye candy. However I have found it rather difficult to fly so far. Rather it is easy to fly but difficult to dogfight for me. I am use to useing padlock and toggling back and forth between the hat switch and padlock modes. I just cant seem to make that transition here in ROF yet. The sim seems geared to trackIR more. And I am old school. ROF is nothing like IL2 in the sense of using the views I use in IL2 and I find that disappointing. I am hoping COD is setup more like IL2 in that respect.

I can't play ROF, yes it is a great sim, I take nothing away from them there, beutiful eye candy, realistic handling, but I can't play with wings that cover most of my screen. It is after all said and done a computer game. If it was realistic we would all have trackir and 360 degrees screens, we don't.

I like just a crosshair on my screen when playing.

03-07-2011, 04:10 PM
I used to be like that, but then I got used to having stuff in front of me like a cockpit and it works fine for me now. As long as you have a head tracking device...Hey imagine Lindberg didn't even have a front windshield.

Real WWI and WW2 pilots had to swerve left and right while taxiing.

I agree the field of view in some ROF planes is quite limited. Have you ever tried to take off with a FW-190 ?

My point is anybody can get used to it, that's how it was done.

03-07-2011, 05:39 PM
Dynamic campaign's, the holy grail of flight sims. Falcon 4.0 was pretty good with its DC.

03-07-2011, 05:53 PM
I absolutely loved the Falcon 4 campaign and that was released when? 1998?

Noone was ever able to recreate such an engine and that even when the source code was released or leaked? sometime ago.

03-07-2011, 06:56 PM
Yeah I think it was 1998, I remember trudging through the snow into town to pick up my copy. Shame it was just so horribly buggy to start with but it was well ahead of its time.

The Kraken
03-07-2011, 07:23 PM
"ahead of its time" indeed, in the sense that it was only playable a few years down the road ;)

Considering how much money they burned without really finishing it, and how it contributed to SH/Microprose effectively going out of business, I think it's obvious why Falcon 4 doesn't serve as a good example on how to make a successful flight sim franchise - even if things turned out well for the community who stuck with it after the source code was leaked.

Noone was ever able to recreate such an engine and that even when the source code was released or leaked?

Copyright issues aside, the code was a mess and of little value to anyone trying to make a different flight sim. Especially if it's supposed to be somewhat historical, like in a WW2 setting.

On a related note, this is what a BoB2:WOV developer says about their own dynamic campaign engine, which they have working and implemented already:

Using the BOBII Dynamic campaign in another simulator would be a major development, with a major cost, and a testing nightmare. We have looked at it and we have concluded it is too risky and costly.

IMHO, any new games based on the BOBII engine will not have a Dynamic campaign.

link here (http://www.a2asimulations.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=24061) - just to underline that it's not a trivial task, no matter if using legacy code or starting from scratch.