View Full Version : Lists of sets and where to get them

02-18-2011, 12:53 PM
Being a collector by heart I was very excited when I first saw the item sets introduced with KBAP, and quickly set to work to try and find them. Many hours, several campaigns and an expansion later and I still haven't ever actually made a full set. I just never find all of the pieces. The ironical thing here is that more often than not by the time I'm about to complete a set the level of items has surpassed it, so I'm not sure I even want to. But just for the sake of completion, is there a system to follow in gathering these item (i.e. they spawn at specific vendors or places), or is it just 100% random?

And disregarding the above, is there any manual/site/place where I can see a list of sets and what each item in those sets do?

Thanks in advance.