View Full Version : use3renders=1 in CoD?

01-30-2011, 09:34 AM

I'm really eager to know if there will be an option to use 3 renders in Il2 Cliffs of dover, will there be something similar to the "use3renders" bit in the config.ini file in the old Il2 Sturmovik, allowing for true 180 degrees FOV?

Looking at a lot of clips or 3 monitor setup and people are using it wrong, the side "windows" show only a stretched image and not the wing as it should look like when looking to left and right.

here's an image trying to explain what I mean hehe :D



01-30-2011, 09:38 AM

That is the way the real F18 sim is at work, the projected graphics to the sides and up front. Sure makes it more realistic than a streched picture.

01-30-2011, 10:34 AM
F18 sim is at work, I wish I could say that :)

I'm glad you're confirming this, it'd be real sweet if it had it, I'm hoping it is though since they thought of it back then, they might have thought about it this time too *excited*


That is the way the real F18 sim is at work, the projected graphics to the sides and up front. Sure makes it more realistic than a streched picture.

01-30-2011, 12:45 PM
No matter how wider the human fiield of view can be, you will never be able to look to the front and side at the same time let alone focus on both.You have to move your head in order to focus on one region.It might be more practical that way, but to me it looks weird.

01-30-2011, 01:24 PM
Yeah exactly that's the point, it's supposed to be a cube around you so you'll have to turn your head, that's why with the monitors next to each other, you might interpret it as weird, but placing the monitors right, it looks right, in the same way most games have a "skybox" It looks like a weird box from the wrong angle, but playing the game you just see a sky around you, but the texture is rendered in a way, that makes it impossible to see the corners and edges etc...

Anyway, explaining that it's be sweet to know if it's supported, thanks! :D

No matter how wider the human fiield of view can be, you will never be able to look to the front and side at the same time let alone focus on both.You have to move your head in order to focus on one region.It might be more practical that way, but to me it looks weird.