View Full Version : Top 8 things I look forward to in CoD (some hopfully)

01-29-2011, 08:34 PM
1) New graphics engine! Just knowing that I won't have to look at ground objects popping in and out according to distance alone is huge to me! I really hated that!

2) FOV , getting the correct "field of view" without having to use SAN's FOV changer when using more than one monitor is huge, it was a PITA to have to have a 3rd party software to deal with. (although I do thank SAN'S very much for it. Was better than the alternative)

3) Improved GUI

An up to date PC graphic settings menu. Having access to all of the settings within the game menu and not having to get out of the game and go to the config file using note pad will be so much better!

Controler Interface Menu (Saw a few screen shots in the development update section , looked very good with much more detail for setting controls, much better for everybody, especially pit builders)

GUI interface (Hoping for Immersion!!!! Put me in the 1940's mood, I Loved the old "European Air War" hangers in the GUI just before flight, hope they did something here)

4) Improved Sound, Hoping for better object sound and much better pilot voices (actors). Have not seen or heard anything on this subject on this forum.

5) Improved DeviceLink, (more accurate instrument readings, faster data transfer, and to be able to have access to it within the GUI would be good)

6) Improved Aircraft Physics (I want to feel the air around me, good example of this is using the chase view in FSX I can see/feel the aircraft float ever so slightly verses moving in a constantly and perfectly straight line. In all my real flight experience's I could feel the (float) air around me especially when I had my hand on the stick!

7) Improved scaling (When flying close to another plane for example, the object should be a bit larger. If scaling according to distance was more spot on then would / should never need to zoom in or out.

8) No cockpit view, hoping it will show the upper portion of the prop turning along with the gunsight reticle . This would be perfect for pit builders but would also look better for all. I asked for this in the development / discussion section over a year ago. Probably was a long shot for the right person to even see it amongst all the other request. Am not expecting this actually , but it would be huge to me if someone took notice and applied it to CoD. If it's not there am still hoping it can be added in a patch down the road.

01-29-2011, 10:57 PM

01-30-2011, 08:47 AM
1) New graphics engine! Just knowing that I won't have to look at ground objects popping in and out according to distance alone is huge to me! I really hated that!

Why do you think that this wont happen in the new engine?

01-30-2011, 09:40 AM

Dano, maybe it pops in CoD too but in a better way than in IL-2 where it is like random poppage all over the place within a circle around you. Really annoying, but again an old game :)

01-30-2011, 10:27 AM

Dano, maybe it pops in CoD too but in a better way than in IL-2 where it is like random poppage all over the place within a circle around you. Really annoying, but again an old game :)

unfortunatley most video's we have seen of COD over terrain show this very thing happening, Hopefully its something that will be sorted before release, otherwise we haven't come very far. :grin:

01-30-2011, 02:47 PM
unfortunatley most video's we have seen of COD over terrain show this very thing happening, Hopefully its something that will be sorted before release, otherwise we haven't come very far. :grin:

While it is true that you can interpolate between LoD states, it is resource intensive if you're utilizing it on a wide variety of objects in collusion with a large number of them.

It's been a while, but I do remember SpeedTree having pretty effective LoD interpolation going from billboard -> full mesh, alas it is a different story for buildings and other things.

In any case, I very seriously doubt you'll be noticing any adverse effects of LoD switching. You two are actually the first I've heard of complaining about popping in IL-2. Never noticed any of that myself.

01-30-2011, 03:00 PM
(some hopefully)

1. Realistic engine startup-procedure (not click *I* to start engine)
2. fully functional cockpit instruments
3. Realistic flightmodels
4. Realistic damagemodels
5. Realistic weather system
6. Improved sounds
7. Good AI
8. Good graphics

01-30-2011, 03:04 PM
Why do you think that this wont happen in the new engine?

Exactly, it's impossible NOT doing it... It's just a question of doing it as transparent as possible. In one of the Igromir videos the circle of high detail trees and vegetation is rather visible (that video with a Hurricane starting far off coast and then crossing at Dover going inland at low altitude). They can never avoid that but make the border as seamless as possible... This is where the guys with those fat rigs should get payback for their investment by being able to use a wider circle for high detail object lod's and vegetation etc.

01-30-2011, 03:12 PM
Simply two things:

1. engine sounds wich sound like real engines even on no high end systems,
2. real looking detonations.

All the rest I've seen so far is good enough for me ;)

01-30-2011, 03:14 PM
Simply two things:

1. engine sounds wich sound like real engines even on no high end systems,
2. real looking detonations.

All the rest I've seen so far is good enough for me ;)

So I guess that means they can use the old trains from IL2 then? ;)

01-30-2011, 03:27 PM
All I've seen from SoW/Il2CoD so far of course ;)

And there's no doubt that the railway will be stunning! :D

Il-2 < v4.10 doesn't have anything one could call "Railway", lol.

01-30-2011, 04:12 PM
7)[/B] Improved scaling (When flying close to another plane for example, the object should be a bit larger. If scaling according to distance was more spot on then would / should never need to zoom in or out.Our monitors are much smaller than the instrument panels and windows in an aircaft, so we have to zoom out to fit much in. That means we have to zoom back in to get a good view of the aircraft we're shooting.

The Kraken
01-30-2011, 06:26 PM
Our monitors are much smaller than the instrument panels and windows in an aircaft, so we have to zoom out to fit much in. That means we have to zoom back in to get a good view of the aircraft we're shooting.

With full 3D cockpits it should be possible to move the view backwards and then zoom in for people who prefer this, so the instrument panel is more or less visible as in Il2, but the outside world appears "bigger".

Il2 uses the same mathematics as any other 3D game, and the scaling is perfectly correct according to field of view, object size and distances. In fact this isn't even part of the graphics engine itself, but all done by OpenGL. I think there are a handful of objects which don't have the right size but that's it. You can expect Cliffs of Dover to work the same way, except that it should be more flexible to find a comfortable position/zoom balance.

01-30-2011, 06:44 PM
1) Clickable cockpits.

2) Realistic engine operation that require realistic use of throttle, mixture, prop-feather, radiator, and so on.

3) Realistic use of weapons. Not just press button "a" for fire guns, button "b" for droping a bomb. If some lever/s or switch/es have to be moved or pressed previously for droping a bomb or firing guns, i want it modeled.

4) Air battles with lots of airplanes in the air.

5) Realistic ATC.

6) Realistic airfield operations. Start up on taxiway and roll to the airfield for taking off, and things like that.

The Kraken
01-30-2011, 07:04 PM
unfortunatley most video's we have seen of COD over terrain show this very thing happening, Hopefully its something that will be sorted before release, otherwise we haven't come very far. :grin:

Cliffs of Dover already has a lot more ground objects than Il2, so at some distance they have to become invisible or perfomance will take a nosedive. The render area increases with the square of the distance, so for twice the view range you have four times as many objects to render. And you can't do much with LODs or - in case someone suggests this - tessellation, as the house objects are already pretty much as simple as it gets.

I hope CoD will be more flexible though to set this distance for people with powerful systems. But there's no real solution to this problem except raw GPU power. Lock On fades in the objects so pop-ups aren't as obvious, but people regularly complain about this ("I see transparent houses, please fix this bug").

01-30-2011, 08:12 PM

Oh yea, I forgot, MODS for CoD are ok now right? Not a dirty word we can't use anymore? Need ta add that one to my list of things looking forward to.

Why do you think that this wont happen in the new engine?

My logic for thinking that there will not be objects popping in and out anymore is because I have played Wings of Prey. Hear me out. Of course aircraft have to appear at some point in time, I am really speaking about ground objects. The quality of ground objects in WoP are head over heals better than IL2, the amount of objects in WoP are a bazillion to one compared to IL2 and they do not pop in and out ever. I have not noticed one object just suddenly appear or disappear. If the amount of objects in WoP were in IL2 it would bring my PC to its knees in about 2 seconds. So how can this be? I have to believe it is a new engine that utilizes my hardware better than that of the old IL2 engine. If Mr Oleg's CoD is going to be the cadillac of flight sims as advertised I just think that it should handle objects at least as well as does WoP. But of course I can understand the points Krakens made from a previous post that if there is more calculations going on in CoD than that of WoP then it's going to require more resources from my PC. And I know an object has to disappear at a certain distance. That is fine, I am mainly talking about close up objects, approaching a town and at close range buildings and the like just start popping in like I dream of Jeannie. The maps in WoP may be small but there are a hell of lot of objects that exist and a hell of a lot of tank & aircraft activity within the missions, much more than any IL2 mission I have seen. If large maps are going to cause CoD to behave like IL2 then I say give me smaller maps :)

I look forward to Matt & Lance list happening as well. Sounds good.

01-30-2011, 08:32 PM
You need to look harder then, objects do pop in WoP, you also need to consider the very limited area of object detail in WoP, what we have seen in CoD shots shows trees and forests all the way to the horizon, something you do not see in WoP where the horizon is a low resolution trade off.

01-30-2011, 08:52 PM
Simply two things:

1. engine sounds wich sound like real engines even on no high end systems,
2. real looking detonations.

All the rest I've seen so far is good enough for me ;)

Ill second that .

01-30-2011, 10:59 PM
Hey, Foo'bar, I'm really looking forward to see your great work in CoD , mate.
Thanks in advance.;)

01-30-2011, 11:11 PM
1. Realistic engine management
2. Realistic FM
3. Realistic DM

01-31-2011, 01:17 AM
1.) having to avoid trees while making a crash-landing, as opposed to flying straight through them (I really, really hope so!)

2.) improved ground attack realism, eg tanks, trucks and trains reacting in different ways when destroyed or damaged, and evasive maneuvers for the tanks and trucks

3.) improved damage model relating to aircraft contact with the ground and ground objects

note: none of these have anything to do with dogfighting. I'm happy with the way dogfighting is already in IL-2!

01-31-2011, 10:26 AM
I don't like deserted airfields & towns & nature for that matter ...

Is there any way we could have routines running like:

1) track moving aircraft to hangar for inspection / Repair

2) Airfield perimeter check by an Armed Car / half track

3) Fire engine & Ambulance that rush close to your crash landed AC even if it is, outside the Airfield perimeter (not too far )...

5) Humans / Guards / Mechanics executing base duties / chores ...

6) Cities - Standard traffic that stops and citizens evacuate their cars like they do in IL2 if enemy is flying overhead.

7) Cities during Night time should be able to turn lights on as sun down occurs
and go to black out when enemy ACs are spoted ...


Finaly .... are we going to have any birds at all?

for example I really love the underwater view in new Silent Hunter! but it is empty ... no life what so ever ... Seagulls on the other hand look good when sailing near land ... :)

A nice simulation should be much more than just shooting at things.

01-31-2011, 10:53 AM
I don't like deserted airfields & towns & nature for that matter ...

Is there any way we could have routines running like:

1) track moving aircraft to hangar for inspection / Repair

2) Airfield perimeter check by an Armed Car / half track

3) Fire engine & Ambulance that rush close to your crash landed AC even if it is, outside the Airfield perimeter (not too far )...

5) Humans / Guards / Mechanics executing base duties / chores ...

6) Cities - Standard traffic that stops and citizens evacuate their cars like they do in IL2 if enemy is flying overhead.

7) Cities during Night time should be able to turn lights on as sun down occurs
and go to black out when enemy ACs are spoted ...


Finaly .... are we going to have any birds at all?

for example I really love the underwater view in new Silent Hunter! but it is empty ... no life what so ever ... Seagulls on the other hand look good when sailing near land ... :)

A nice simulation should be much more than just shooting at things.

You are forgetting the fun part about birds! Bird strikes! Imagine limping home in your shot up Blenheim and just short of landing smack into the cockpit you get a seagull to mess things up! Although since that might fall in the splatter file......but would be a interesting addition for that bit of extra suspence! :cool:

01-31-2011, 11:28 AM
exactly! :)