View Full Version : The quest "Top Secret"

01-13-2011, 04:11 PM
This has been bugging me for a long time. I know the simplest way to complete this quest (get folder, give it to Cyrus) but in the journal it says something like "I could sell this folder to someone who's already in trouble with a certain superpower, or someone who's willing to go up against a superpower".

Now, ever since I read that, I always thought there's a way to sell that folder to the drug baron, Calderon (since he fits the description "already in trouble with the superpower").
So, can it be sold to him at some point? Or is there someone else who is ready to buy the folder?

EDIT (**SPOILERS**) : Unbelievable. After all this time, I stumbled upon the dialogue option that Calderon does in fact give about the folder. I don't know what conditions there are for the option to appear. My guess it's high enough Current Game Level, gov't reputation or Calderon reputation. However, the quest doesn't get marked "completed" after you sell the folder to Calderon. Perhaps Cyrus will try to ambush the player later? (because he disappears from Puerto Viejo after you sell the folder to Calderon). Also, if you bring the folder to Cyrus, kill him after he attacks you, pick up the folder and then go to Calderon, you don't get the option to sell the folder to him. At least I didn't get. Sigh.