View Full Version : Collectors edition found!

01-12-2011, 05:22 PM


01-12-2011, 05:28 PM
Must be bullshit.

160 zloties are $53 - that's 30% less than the normal msrp.

01-12-2011, 05:33 PM
looks too good to be true.besides if there is a spitfire manual,there should be one for the bf as well.

01-12-2011, 05:37 PM
hehe yea true.i didnt think about that

01-12-2011, 05:41 PM
And is a pre-order... However, looks very elaborate, perhaps too much for a simple "boutade"...

01-12-2011, 05:42 PM
Interesting...but i would of thought we would get to see something from Oleg much before seeing it there.

01-12-2011, 05:43 PM
fake or not, someone had to make it. i wonder why then.

it looks good. for a possible fake.

01-12-2011, 05:58 PM
interesting indeed

the manual shown is a published work

it's a rather good collection of wartime manuals/leaflets covering some useful stuff. retails in uk for £9.99

01-12-2011, 05:58 PM

01-12-2011, 06:01 PM
If it's a fake someone's really worth kudos for it... It also fits well as Luthier asked about paper quality for a map to include in a collectors edition. IF its not take I guess that some marketing guys are really pissed now :)

Still my bet is a fake by some real pro worth a lot of respect!

Edit: the fact that the roundel is wrong (1942+) makes the scam even better as an IL2 nerd would know that but not an AD at Ubusoft ;)

01-12-2011, 06:15 PM
Most interesting part is that if you follow that link, and look at the publishing date Luty 2011 (może ulec zmianie)=February!!! 2011



01-12-2011, 06:17 PM
Most interesting part is that if you follow that link, and look at the publishing date Luty 2011 (może ulec zmianie)=February!!! 2011



February 2011 was announced mid 2010...

The Kraken
01-12-2011, 06:25 PM
I guess some people will still find ways to explain this as part of some elaborate conspiracy again, but it's pretty much in line with what was said during Igromir, and with the development we've seen so far. So I don't see why it wouldn't be genuine.

Too bad though that Ubisoft is more or less confirmed now. Not really unexpected but I guess I'm not the only one who still hoped for a different publisher. At least it explains the silence and complete absence of any marketing efforts on the western markets :rolleyes:

01-12-2011, 06:55 PM
Too bad though that Ubisoft is more or less confirmed now. Not really unexpected but I guess I'm not the only one who still hoped for a different publisher. At least it explains the silence and complete absence of any marketing efforts on the western markets :rolleyes:

Nothing has been confirmed yet of anything from anyone concerning the publisher, or do you have direct contact with Oleg himself?, I would guess not..

The Kraken
01-12-2011, 07:15 PM
You would guess right. However I see several web shops in different countries starting to show box art with the Ubi logo on the same day, and a swiss gaming site quoting a release list they received from Ubi with the name "Cliffs of Dover" before finding out that it's supposed to be the new name for SoW. The only simple explanation I can think of is that they indeed are the publisher ;)

01-12-2011, 07:19 PM
Is the name Cliffs of Dover an official name? Not that I know. "IL-2" in the title is definite proof that it's fake.
Also, the image itself is obviously not a photo, if those where real boxes it would have been a photo.
I don't buy it. Figuratively speaking of course.

01-12-2011, 07:21 PM
Cliffs of Dover was the name on the official 1C Igromir video.

01-12-2011, 07:23 PM
Cliffs of Dover was the name on the official 1C Igromir video.
Damn it... you're right. Hmm... I wonder why they keep the name IL-2 when there's not even going to be such an aircraft in the simulation, at least not to start with.
Sure it's a known product, but why not just stick with "...from the creators of IL-2 Strurmovik"?

01-12-2011, 07:29 PM
Marketing ;)

It wasn't the team's idea but the publisher's :)

01-12-2011, 07:35 PM
Nice find if genuine !

Everything seems to fit...

IL2 : 1946
IL2 : Wings Of Prey
IL2 : Cliffs of Dover

Oleg's first official update of 2011 would be a great time to announce the release date and publisher.

Looking at the release dates of other big games coming this year then a good time for release so as not to clash with other games is either Feb or mid April.

Roll on Friday!

01-12-2011, 07:39 PM
You would guess right. However I see several web shops in different countries starting to show box art with the Ubi logo on the same day, and a swiss gaming site quoting a release list they received from Ubi with the name "Cliffs of Dover" before finding out that it's supposed to be the new name for SoW. The only simple explanation I can think of is that they indeed are the publisher ;)

Well concerning the publisher, it has always pointed towards Ubisoft, maybe not to the likes of people but anyway, I only trust Oleg's word on this one, we'll hear it soon enough if this is true.

01-12-2011, 07:40 PM
It has a nice title for a collectors edition: 'Edition for the few' :)

Even if this isn't the real box, that title is a keeper!
It's strange this photo can already been found at an online shop. I would have thought this was just a work in progress picture from an intern marketing presentation.

anyway, I like this kind of artwork for the collectors box. Only the box for the CD looks a bit to much like a wings of prey picture...

01-12-2011, 08:07 PM
We'll all find out on Friday. It looks real to me.

01-12-2011, 08:16 PM
This is it!

Oleg already told that this would be the title!

01-12-2011, 08:23 PM
Another site with the DVD box


01-12-2011, 08:24 PM
It's genuine gents...I hope that the release date holds.

01-12-2011, 08:31 PM
I hope that Oleg tells us on friday what is going on.

01-12-2011, 08:34 PM
Yes it looks real to me. We should no more Friday and there is an interview with SimHQ which should be out in the near future.

01-12-2011, 08:36 PM
Looks real to me as well.I think we really are on the home stretch now! :)

As to the post above about ubi and cr*p marketing: Exactly!

01-12-2011, 08:38 PM
Large pic of DVD box

01-12-2011, 08:41 PM
pegi 16?
I thought there woudn't be blood or body parts flying around.

01-12-2011, 08:49 PM
The phoney war will soon be over.

01-12-2011, 08:55 PM
pegi 16?
I thought there woudn't be blood or body parts flying around.
It won't? :(

01-12-2011, 09:00 PM
WoW! A random glance at the 1C forums despite not being friday and this nugget of information was posted here!

It looks very real to me and I'll be eating my shorts with zap if this collector box part is a fake! March release would be awesome I hope it sticks!

I'm kind of offended however if this is indeed the way we find out the release details after lurking on the forums for years for any scraps of information on this! But if the story sticks I can live with it! :cool:

What's the source for all this anti-ubisoft talk? I haven't had too bad experiences with them, please enlighten me..

01-12-2011, 09:07 PM
Internet connection required to activate game? :D
Initially or everytime ? :)

01-12-2011, 09:10 PM
pegi 16?
I thought there woudn't be blood or body parts flying around.

The box art here says 12 ??

Nice looking kit...where's the 109 manual:-P'


01-12-2011, 09:19 PM
WoW! A random glance at the 1C forums despite not being friday and this nugget of information was posted here!

It looks very real to me and I'll be eating my shorts with zap if this collector box part is a fake! March release would be awesome I hope it sticks!

I'm kind of offended however if this is indeed the way we find out the release details after lurking on the forums for years for any scraps of information on this! But if the story sticks I can live with it! :cool:

What's the source for all this anti-ubisoft talk? I haven't had too bad experiences with them, please enlighten me..

Ask whiners about publisher <insert name> to say which publisher they like instead... Then wait...

I have no problem with how Ubisoft has handled the IL2 franchise so far (accept maybe the Boonty fiasco ;)). We got a game with support for years with zillions of free patches / addons / extra everything... Sure, it was MG that did the work but Ubisoft must have paid some way for a lot of the time spent on free patches (or Oleg is Santa Claus). People whine about the copy protection on Silent Hunter V and that the game has been "dumbed" down compared to version III/IV, but how many serious sub sims did the other large publishers release the last decade - or simulators at all?

01-12-2011, 09:37 PM
My 2 cents: FAKE.

Ask whiners about publisher <insert name> to say which publisher they like instead... Then wait...

I have no problem with how Ubisoft has handled the IL2 franchise so far (accept maybe the Boonty fiasco ;)). We got a game with support for years with zillions of free patches / addons / extra everything... Sure, it was MG that did the work but Ubisoft must have paid some way for a lot of the time spent on free patches (or Oleg is Santa Claus). People whine about the copy protection on Silent Hunter V and that the game has been "dumbed" down compared to version III/IV, but how many serious sub sims did the other large publishers release the last decade - or simulators at all?

...any other than Ubisoft. No need for clarifying things more than that.

If you're too blind to see the damage they did with the NG fiasco and SHV (among many) then I feel sorry for you. Let me put it the other way around - you seriously think anyone would want to do a sub sim after how SHV was accepted?

01-12-2011, 09:42 PM
great news
after a long long wait
i feel like my parole has been granted

01-12-2011, 09:42 PM
WoW! A random glance at the 1C forums despite not being friday and this nugget of information was posted here!

It looks very real to me and I'll be eating my shorts with zap if this collector box part is a fake! March release would be awesome I hope it sticks!

I'm kind of offended however if this is indeed the way we find out the release details after lurking on the forums for years for any scraps of information on this! But if the story sticks I can live with it! :cool:

What's the source for all this anti-ubisoft talk? I haven't had too bad experiences with them, please enlighten me..

I don't know why you would be offended. Oleg did hint that the sim would come out early in 2011. You can't blame him for being very vague on the subject. If he says anything about hoping to have SOW completed in any time frame, it always comes back to him as endless whines and diggs about promised release dates.

Ubisoft DRM has drawn much flak, and hopefully they will have found a better way to protect their investment. Unfortunately its a sign of the times. I'm sure the biggest whiners here would do the same thing if it were their monies were being stolen.

01-12-2011, 09:44 PM
ali thor moj prijatelj.... UBI did not develop SoW (or CoD if this is the new name)..." Maddox games did/does ;)
I really couldn't care less who's the publisher really...

laku noć...

01-12-2011, 09:53 PM



01-12-2011, 10:11 PM
ali thor moj prijatelj.... UBI did not develop SoW (or CoD if this is the new name)..." Maddox games did/does ;)
I really couldn't care less who's the publisher really...

laku noć...

Did you use google translate for this? :) I am fully aware that UBI did not develop this, however they have already crippled IL2 with their NG agreement (which I presume still stands, especially if they hold on to the IL2 name).

Which leads me to another question - why isn't there a 1C logo on the box?

01-12-2011, 10:17 PM
I don't know why you would be offended. Oleg did hint that the sim would come out early in 2011. You can't blame him for being very vague on the subject. If he says anything about hoping to have SOW completed in any time frame, it always comes back to him as endless whines and diggs about promised release dates.

If there is a firm release date, collectors boxes, publishers and everything in place that signals concrete last steps on the release I would have expected a friday update with drumroll and fireworks saying that your wait is over etc.

If this is just a hoax of smoke and mirrors like we have seen over the years with people being able to pre-order since 2007 then it's a different story and we're up for a nasty surprise. I wonder how I get so worked up on this rumour as we've seen waves like this come and go over the years but there are some aspects in the air to make me think this might be it.

1) The synchronized update on several sites almost simultaniously
2) Identical and believable pics, IL-2 naming, release dates, collectors boxes etc.
3) Sandy bridge processors hit the stores just a few days ago
4) Tree not here yet saying it won't be out till 2012 despite the topic that should set forum-whine-emergency bells ringing in the his cave
5) etc

01-12-2011, 10:21 PM
If its a hoax its a very elaborate one,and I can't see the point at this late stage.

The Kraken
01-12-2011, 10:23 PM
I'm kind of offended however if this is indeed the way we find out the release details after lurking on the forums for years for any scraps of information on this!

Oleg has indicated several times that he can't reveal the publisher, because that publisher reserved the right to make that announcement themselves (and it's not far-fetched to think this also applies to release date & system requirements). Should Ubi indeed turn out to be the western publisher, while keeping completely mute about the game so close to release, then this brings us right to the next point:

What's the source for all this anti-ubisoft talk? I haven't had too bad experiences with them, please enlighten me..

I'll try to keep it short ;)
messing up previous sim releases (e.g. Lock On)
failing to provide substantial marketing for lower profile games
restrictive always-online DRM
poor support ("please file a ticket")
the NG fiasco with Pacific Fighters
staggered releases over several weeks
generally treating their customers like idiots

Now to be fair they aren't the only big publisher with such issues, but as long as they include their current DRM it's a no-go for me (in case of SoW - or CoD or whatever we'll end up calling it - I'm actually quite confident it won't be included; at any rate there should be a 1C version available). And if people call me a "whiner" for that, then so be it; I won't turn this into a DRM thread (we all know how that usually ends).

01-12-2011, 10:23 PM
Did you use google translate for this? :)

Lol no.. moja žena je 50% hrvatica i 50% njemačka... and I have spent at least 3 weeks every year(summer) in Dalmatia for the past 16 years... even though I speak croatian as a 2 year old, I still understand quite a bit

01-12-2011, 10:25 PM
Yes it is coming and it's about friggin time.

Now have a world class day

01-12-2011, 10:31 PM
Lol no.. moja žena je 50% hrvatica i 50% njemačka... and I have spent at least 3 weeks every year(summer) in Dalmatia for the past 16 years... even though I speak croatian as a 2 year old, I still understand quite a bit

Sjajno. Ovo će vjerojatno završit na PM ali svejedno - kad si sl. put u HR bumo na neku pivu otišli. :)

I'll try to keep it short ;)
messing up previous sim releases (e.g. Lock On)
failing to provide substantial marketing for lower profile games
restrictive always-online DRM
poor support ("please file a ticket")
the NG fiasco with Pacific Fighters
staggered releases over several weeks
generally treating their customers like idiots

Now to be fair they aren't the only big publisher with such issues, but as long as they include their current DRM it's a no-go for me (in case of SoW - or CoD or whatever we'll end up calling it - I'm actually quite confident it won't be included; at any rate there should be a 1C version available). And if people call me a "whiner" for that, then so be it; I won't turn this into a DRM thread (we all know how that usually ends).


01-12-2011, 10:38 PM
4) Tree not here yet saying it won't be out till 2012 despite the topic that should set forum-whine-emergency bells ringing in the his cave

Tree got banned as his input was no longer needed, we all know how he would respond and it was felt that his time could be best spent doing something more constructive than regurgitating the same whines over and over again ;)

01-12-2011, 11:14 PM
If its a hoax its a very elaborate one,and I can't see the point at this late stage.

I agree.

This can mean only one thing: My order for SB 2600K with GTX 580 and PCI-E SSD juiced with some Ripjaws is going out soon!

Really interesting to see what happens with the friday update!

01-12-2011, 11:37 PM
Not likely a hoax, considering the sim is in the optimization stage, and Luthier mentioning optimizations are going very well.

01-12-2011, 11:50 PM
My 2 cents: FAKE.

...any other than Ubisoft. No need for clarifying things more than that.

If you're too blind to see the damage they did with the NG fiasco and SHV (among many) then I feel sorry for you. Let me put it the other way around - you seriously think anyone would want to do a sub sim after how SHV was accepted?

Well, I'm not saying Ubisoft are "good" in any way - but compared to the others they are not worse when it comes to support for sim titles... Or give me an alternative? Here is the current top ten list (from Wikipedia):

1 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9e/Flag_of_Japan.svg/22px-Flag_of_Japan.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan) Nintendo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo)
2 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) Electronic Arts (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_Arts)
3 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States)http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/22px-Flag_of_France.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France) Activision Blizzard (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activision_Blizzard)
4 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c3/Flag_of_France.svg/22px-Flag_of_France.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France) Ubisoft (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubisoft)
5 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) Take-Two Interactive (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Take-Two_Interactive)
6 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9e/Flag_of_Japan.svg/22px-Flag_of_Japan.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan)http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) Sony Computer Entertainment (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_Computer_Entertainment)
7 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) Bethesda Softworks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bethesda_Softworks)
8 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) THQ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/THQ)
9 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9e/Flag_of_Japan.svg/22px-Flag_of_Japan.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan) Square Enix (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_Enix)
10 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) Microsoft (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Game_Studios)

Select one that would be better as a publisher for SoW?

Regarding the SHV failure I am also disappointed as hell and have played it for some hours only before uninstalling it - but they at least tried doing a sub sim that would please us nerds out there. Did any of the other 10 in the list above try? And what did the "community" do? They whined themselves to death and threatened Ubisoft etc so will they try again?

My own opinion regarding the DRM issue is that I really don't care that much myself if it is a bit intrusive... Like the rest of the industrialized world I have constant Internet connection (like the rest of you) so what is the real problem with an online check accept when running the game on a laptop in a boat? If they remove it before shutting down the validation servers and they work it's fine with me, even though it naturally would be better without it! Making a DRM that really works WILL involve some kind of Internet based validation in some form - sooner or later all publishers will hopefully use some solution that works and the profits will get back to the PC gaming industry so that we will get niche games like this.


01-13-2011, 12:00 AM
The box art styling and Il-2 Sturmovik tag make it look like an add-on for the Wings of Prey series. Something the developers may regret later on.

01-13-2011, 12:03 AM
The box art here says 12 ??

Different countries different ratings.


Oh God, please let there be blood. :cool:

Something the developers may regret later on.

It's not up to them.
They are like a factory, they just produce something, the publisher is the retailer, they are in charge of marketing and pricing.

01-13-2011, 12:06 AM
Different countries different ratings.


Oh God, please let there be blood. :cool:

It's not up to them.
They are like a factory, they just produce something, the publisher is the retailer, they are in charge of marketing and pricing.

however about the drm, here in teh photo there is an important detail:
internet connectiion required to activate teh game. Does taht suppose that it wont need a consant internet connection?

01-13-2011, 12:13 AM
I'm relatively new here so i wondered what ubisoft do to pacific fighters? aka 'the ng fiasco'

01-13-2011, 12:14 AM
Terrible cover art (although I like the big box set, I'd support the cause if that's available for more dollars).

There was a thread on this forum a while back about cover art and every cobbled-together effort on there looked better than the pictured DVD box.

Wrong roundels FTW! Sigh.

Still, at least it would indicate things are afoot!

Cheers, Spinner

Skoshi Tiger
01-13-2011, 12:48 AM
Man! This is real bad! Ever since I got my Hotas WartHog I don't have two zloties to rub together!

01-13-2011, 12:50 AM
The Spitfire box art is indeed something far short of spectacular. I notice the poor spitty hasn't got a spinner either.

01-13-2011, 01:21 AM
I am no LW expert but am pretty sure BoB vintage 109's had fuselage tanks under and behind the pilot not wing tanks.

If that is the case, what is burning in that 109 wing ?


01-13-2011, 02:15 AM
Good lord, that is just mediocre CGI stuff tossed together to fool you. I can make you something similar in 45 minutes... easy. All he needed was to check this forum for 10 minutes max to know about the general idea, the map and ready he was.

Besides, Oleg would never let such a shoddy screenshot pass as box art.

01-13-2011, 02:45 AM
I normally don’t say much, but this time I must …

Some of you guys are awfully Gullible, I'm calling http://www.cubpilot.com/Tspin/bs.gif

01-13-2011, 02:52 AM
I think you are correct. On both counts :)

01-13-2011, 03:45 AM
I mean really :rolleyes: even the box art & contents of collectors edition are inconsistent, depending on where you look.




note the WIP flames and other familiar friday update snaps on the back. different renders of the spit, washed out (scan-proof) barcode, random fonts, absence or presence of logos etc etc...

The first image of these three even has a 12 and 16 rating on the same product! I think whoever creatively knocked this together, as an afterthought revised the hoax with more pleasing boxart, silk map and booklet covers ;p

01-13-2011, 03:59 AM
There you go then. These are just renders of proposed collectors editions. The only thing that can be taken from this is that the developers have somebody working on packaging and presentation ideas. Nothing to see here.

01-13-2011, 04:03 AM
Obviously somebody's working on it! At least I'd hope so :)

I wouldnt put money on this being it though....

01-13-2011, 06:22 AM
IC Russian copy? UBI European copy? Are probably why they are different.

01-13-2011, 06:24 AM
Sure seems like an odd thing to bother faking but whatever...
Home made medical marijuana vaporizer (http://vaporizer.org)

01-13-2011, 06:36 AM
Sure seems like an odd thing to bother faking but whatever...

I agree....there are to many different game sites posting the same info.

01-13-2011, 07:12 AM
I got a news letter thing going with my email with the game and I think Chivas is right. After just a few minutes I'm getting websites with the same thing. English speaking now.


01-13-2011, 09:21 AM
Good lord, that is just mediocre CGI stuff tossed together to fool you. I can make you something similar in 45 minutes... easy. All he needed was to check this forum for 10 minutes max to know about the general idea, the map and ready he was.

Besides, Oleg would never let such a shoddy screenshot pass as box art.

I'm all with you on this one Zorin. Besides, where is the 1C logo, usually found on the box?

01-13-2011, 09:38 AM
Besides, Oleg would never let such a shoddy screenshot pass as box art.

but the Publisher might an boxart is often the publisher's domain.

01-13-2011, 09:43 AM
but the Publisher might an boxart is often the publisher's domain.

I agree on one thing - this indeed looks like UBI boxart. :)

01-13-2011, 09:49 AM
You mean half@ssed five-minute-job done by the poor trainee from the logistics department? ;)

01-13-2011, 09:54 AM
Precisely that.

Also, some of the images used on the back side of the box look mighty familiar... :D

01-13-2011, 10:09 AM
You boys don't forget to come back later for your large helping of humble pie! ;)

01-13-2011, 10:44 AM
I just find it all a little strange.
The collectors box photo's are obviously mock ups, but could have been done by the publisher. As for the missing 1c logo, it appears that ubi don't put the developers on the front of the box on many (if any) games.

It does kind of look like someones leaked the info, you would expect Ubisofts site to mention this otherwise.

Half of me thinks it's legit and the other half doesn't, suppose we will find out tomorrow.

01-13-2011, 10:48 AM
hopfully Oleg will give us information about it.

01-13-2011, 11:05 AM
You boys don't forget to come back later for your large helping of humble pie! ;)

It is a mediocre job. Period. No matter who did it, for the combat flight simulator of the next decade I expect a way higher quality in packaging and design.

01-13-2011, 11:12 AM
For a game to come out next month it would mean it is already in gold state - meaning it is about to or will in the next week or so start being copied for February/March release (I didn't look at the date as I still believe this isn't real, not until we get a confirmation from Oleg himself). And then there is a website as well.

You boys don't forget to come back later for your large helping of humble pie! ;)

Dream on. :D

I couldn't be happier with the final release, but just like Zorin stated - box design looks so much under the quality we have been server with over the past Friday updates.

01-13-2011, 11:27 AM
Cliffs of WTF?

I thought it's an expansion for "Wings of Prey"?

01-13-2011, 11:28 AM
Personally,I don't give a stuff about the box design! All I need is the disc thats IN the box... ;)

01-13-2011, 11:30 AM
Personally,I don't give a stuff about the box design! All I need is the disc thats IN the box... ;)

That's true, but good box design = more sales = more monies for 1C = more production of 1C flight sims.

That is something we should give a stuff about.

01-13-2011, 11:34 AM
I would bet most sales will be download myself.Where I live its difficult to even find a computer game in the shops.Its all console stuff.
Some people will pay big money for a 'collectors' edition,but most people don't really care about the box.
A map? Probably be able to download one shortly after release.
Pilots notes? Can buy that Spitfire booklet for £10
A big box? My wife will just moan about that. :)

01-13-2011, 11:45 AM
A big box? My wife will just moan about that. :)

Oh good it's not just mine.. Conversation usually goes
1."What are all these boxes? Why don't you throw them away?"
2."I like the box"
3."But it's just a box"
4."I like the box"
5. Repeat for about 30 mins..
6. Keep box.

01-13-2011, 12:23 PM
For a game to come out next month it would mean it is already in gold state - meaning it is about to or will in the next week or so start being copied for February/March release (I didn't look at the date as I still believe this isn't real, not until we get a confirmation from Oleg himself). And then there is a website as well.

Dream on. :D

I couldn't be happier with the final release, but just like Zorin stated - box design looks so much under the quality we have been server with over the past Friday updates.

They may attach it to the old site.

01-13-2011, 12:31 PM
I've said it before,if it is to be called il2: Cliffs of Dover then we are probably already on the website.

01-13-2011, 12:36 PM
Oh good it's not just mine.. Conversation usually goes
1."What are all these boxes? Why don't you throw them away?"
2."I like the box"
3."But it's just a box"
4."I like the box"
5. Repeat for about 30 mins..
6. Keep box.
Ha ha that sounds familiar! only point 6. is differant, box lands in the paper bin in 90% of the cases unless it is small.

What does irretate on that picture is no manuel for a Bf 109. Are people only supposed to fly the Spitfire? I mean like, as if that was not the case in IL2 that a majority take to Spits since they have become available.
Well amazon.de still does not have it listed.

01-13-2011, 12:54 PM
I assume there is a similar manual for the 109?

As for why the Spitfire I'd imagine it's marketing at work again, ask anybody who only has cursory knowledge of the Battle of Britain and the only aircraft they are likely to be able to tell you took part was the Spitfire when anybody with any knowledge knows it was just one part of the overall battle.

01-13-2011, 01:07 PM
It's official that Ubisoft is the Publisher. Ubi_Marc, Admin of German IL2 Forum said it is a leak and they wanted to announce it next week. Also he said DRM its just for activation!


Maybe we just have a Spitfire Manual, because as I read here


that solo campaign ist just playing on British side.

01-13-2011, 01:07 PM
We are not going to get a printed manual for every aircraft that is flyable.

01-13-2011, 01:09 PM
Thanks DoorGunner -
-It looks like the real thing



01-13-2011, 01:10 PM
DRM just for activation is awesome news, I just hope that as a community we pay Oleg back by making sure we all buy it and do not tolerate those who use pirated versions to play with us online as was the case with many IL2 players :(

01-13-2011, 01:12 PM
Also he said DRM its just for activation!

Yer, but activation how often?
You'll exscuse me if I have little trust for Ubisoft. (SilentHunter1,2,3 and 4 fan)

01-13-2011, 01:14 PM
Yer, but activation how often?
You'll exscuse me if I have little trust for Ubisoft. (SilentHunter1,2,3 and 4 fan)

Just the once after an install I'd guess, much like any game with a key, you enter the key, game goes online to check it's not blacklisted and is valid, game activates and that the job done.

The Kraken
01-13-2011, 01:19 PM
With any luck it's simply Steam they're talking about and nothing on top of that (Ubi recently released RUSE with Steam as the only DRM, so I was mildly optimistic they'd do the same here).

01-13-2011, 01:25 PM
Deutsche SoW forum FTW :)

01-13-2011, 01:27 PM
Deutsche SoW forum FTW :)


01-13-2011, 01:27 PM
Just the once after an install I'd guess, much like any game with a key, you enter the key, game goes online to check it's not blacklisted and is valid, game activates and that the job done.

I'd prefer to create an account or something similar, or some could steal your key

speculum jockey
01-13-2011, 01:35 PM
that solo campaign ist just playing on British side.

Son of a . . .

I'm hoping, I'm really hoping that this isn't true.

While Multi-Player is going to be what keeps me the most interested for the longest time, I do enjoy a Single-Player campaign with a bit of a story as well. RAF is all fine and dandy, but I was looking forward to seeing what they were going to do with the German campaign.

At least the modders can make a Single Player German campaign we can play (assumign they are allowed access to the big map). Just have to wait a few months or so.

01-13-2011, 01:39 PM
Well, I don't know if it's real or not...
but I hope it is a true leak !!

About Ubi, I think I read somewhere that they officially dropped their stupid DRM... At least Assassin's Creed 2 has had a patch so you "only" have to be connected at the launch, and not while playing (it's still too much for me to buy it but it's better)

01-13-2011, 01:47 PM
Internet connection required to activate game? :D
Initially or everytime ? :)

My question exactly.

Until we officially hear from Oleg or a publisher i'm not holding my breath in any case, but if this is legit then i hope Ubi has learned from their DRM mistakes with Assassin's Creed II and Silent Hunter V.

It's been hinted that the new title will feature an integrated server browser/matchmaking service, so i don't see why a permanent connection would be required. If they tie use of the multiplayer to a proof of purchase that's protection enough.

Up till now, the most trouble free online protection i've seen is in Starcraft 2 and that's because you can still play if your internet access is down and it doesn't use any external applications (like Steam for example), apart from needing a web browser to initially create a user account and input your cd-key details. In fact, you only need to connect once if you only want to play against the AI.
There are other issues with Blizzard /Activision, but as far as this particular strategy game is concerned the copy protection doesn't trouble the legitimate user.

The way it works is you make a free account for their online matchmaking service, then you log into its website and input the game's CD-key to tie that account to your legitimate game purchase. This flags your account as a legitimate owner of the game, it also enables you to download the installation files if you misplace your original DVD or you want to play from another PC, but the game still ships in a nice little box.
To activate the installed game all one needs to do is log in with a valid account ONCE (ie, an account with a valid starcraft 2 cd-key tied to it). No limited activations/deactivations, none of that hassle. Just log in with a valid account once and you are good to go.

However, it doesn't need a constant internet connection.
After the game has been activated, as long as you are connected to the internet you will be asked to log in every time you launch the game. However, if for any reason your internet access is down, an already activated installation of the game offers you the option to launch it in offline mode. The game simply detects if there is working internet access before demanding it, which is good enough for me. You can also "fool" the game by resetting your router as it's loading and it will not demand that you log in, which is exactly why Blizzard provided a way to save us even that little trouble: even if you are connected and the game demands a log in, you can press the "go offline" button on the main screen after you log in and that's it.

It's simple, clean, offers both digital and physical distribution and most importantly, you can still play against the AI if your internet connection is down, both the single player campaign and custom missions. You can't do that in Silent Hunter 5, you can only do it for half the single player game modes in RoF (quick mission builder and static campaigns only) and that's why i didn't buy any of these two but i bought Starcraft 2.

You can even switch between different accounts by logging in and out on the same installation, for example if people take turns on a single PC during a LAN party/tournament and they want to tie their match results to their personal statistics.

On another note

Which leads me to another question - why isn't there a 1C logo on the box?

I'd like to know about that as well :-P

01-13-2011, 01:51 PM
Re: 'Why isn't there a 1c log on the box?'

- there is, on the images on the previous page.

01-13-2011, 01:59 PM
It's official that Ubisoft is the Publisher. Ubi_Marc, Admin of German IL2 Forum said it is a leak and they wanted to announce it next week. Also he said DRM its just for activation!


Maybe we just have a Spitfire Manual, because as I read here


that solo campaign ist just playing on British side.
Oh well then the Spit manual will be just fancy toilet paper......
But I most likely will go for the standard version, don´t need no collectors version. Have enough things that collect dust, don´t need no big boxes to add.

01-13-2011, 02:03 PM
Oh well then the Spitmanual will be jsut fancy toilet paper......
But I most likely will go for the standard version, don´t need no collectors version. Have enough things that collect dust, don´t need no big boxes to add.

really just a standard sized box
image has 2 views of the same single box

01-13-2011, 02:05 PM
Is this real??????

01-13-2011, 02:29 PM
Re: 'Why isn't there a 1c log on the box?'

- there is, on the images on the previous page.

It isn't on all images, and on some it looks like it was added later. I am not holding my breath.

01-13-2011, 02:31 PM
Isn't the Spitfire Manual a manual for a real Spitfire. It has nothing to do with the game. It's a historic treat kind of thing.


01-13-2011, 02:34 PM
A couple of things, why would there be fake box shots on several online retailers wich are conducting serious business? Also, this game isn't really Gears of War 3, Portal 2 or the new Bioshock game, what's the point of making a fake box-art picture of such a small and unknown title as IL-2? LOL! some of you guys take the brand TOO serious, this is IL-2, NOT Uncharted or any such triple-A title. One more thing, collectors edition is MINE!:grin:

01-13-2011, 02:34 PM
It's official that Ubisoft is the Publisher. Ubi_Marc, Admin of German IL2 Forum said it is a leak and they wanted to announce it next week. Also he said DRM its just for activation!


Maybe we just have a Spitfire Manual, because as I read here


that solo campaign ist just playing on British side.

Looks like Marc deleted his post ;)

"So, und jetzt lösche ich mein Posting wieder da ich eigentlich nichts gesagt habe"

01-13-2011, 02:43 PM
So absolutely not fake? :)

01-13-2011, 02:46 PM
So absolutely not fake? :)
I'm quite certain it is absolutely not a fake (almost).

01-13-2011, 02:53 PM
really just a standard sized box
image has 2 views of the same single box

It looks like they have exaggerated the size of the box. If it is to contain one 'silk' map and two book it doesn't need to be much bigger than the DVD box in dimnsions, just a bit deeper.

01-13-2011, 03:02 PM
The two versions of the box (with IL2 logo and without ) have a few other differences too.

The planes have slightly different attitudes. Gun flashes. Less Heinkels. Colour is more distinct too in the one with the logo.


01-13-2011, 03:04 PM
Tree got banned as his input was no longer needed, we all know how he would respond and it was felt that his time could be best spent doing something more constructive than regurgitating the same whines over and over again ;)

LOL, and he's over at SimHQ trying to get sympathy :D

01-13-2011, 03:23 PM

Will buy the Collector's Edition for sure, if there would be one with Bf109 manual :)

01-13-2011, 03:34 PM
As I said in my Squad. forum

01-13-2011, 03:38 PM
The two versions of the box (with IL2 logo and without ) have a few other differences too.

The planes have slightly different attitudes. Gun flashes. Less Heinkels. Colour is more distinct too in the one with the logo.

Spitfire has a spinner too.

Tte. Costa
01-13-2011, 03:55 PM
Spitfire has a spinner too.

And diferent RAF roundels

01-13-2011, 03:58 PM

Will buy the Collector's Edition for sure, if there would be one with Bf109 manual :)

Understand German Flanker?


01-13-2011, 04:02 PM

Sure do ;) Nice manuals :)

01-13-2011, 04:12 PM
planemanual would be only interesting for me IF it would describe how the plane behaves in game and not if its "only" a realtime manual that has few influence of the ingame plane.....

but i would looking forward to such a printed huge map of the ingame map :) , again IF its showes the ingame one............. :D

01-13-2011, 04:31 PM
11 pages in 17 hours.
This has really stirred people up. :)
I wonder where this "photo" originated from?

01-13-2011, 04:45 PM
Why would one put old shots with very WIP effects on the box.
That's plain stupid.

01-13-2011, 05:05 PM
Why would one put old shots with very WIP effects on the box.
That's plain stupid.

Temporally placeholders to let the retailers at least have a decent image? Instead of a big question mark, anyway, if this were to be a hoax, it's still good for the promoting of CoD/SoW/BoB !

01-13-2011, 05:09 PM
Temporally placeholders to let the retailers at least have a decent image? Instead of a big question mark, anyway, if this were to be a hoax, it's still good for the promoting of CoD/SoW/BoB !
Yepp all that is missing is DIY http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m290/RSS-Martin/Comics/16x16_smiley-very-happy.gif


01-13-2011, 05:42 PM
if that's the contents i'll be putting my name down for a pre-order.

01-13-2011, 07:01 PM
It's official that Ubisoft is the Publisher. Ubi_Marc, Admin of German IL2 Forum said it is a leak and they wanted to announce it next week. Also he said DRM its just for activation!


Maybe we just have a Spitfire Manual, because as I read here


that solo campaign ist just playing on British side.

No German campaign! Did not expect that, comes probably as add on.

01-13-2011, 07:21 PM
No German campaign! Did not expect that, comes probably as add on.

That's not what we thus far know of their plans, they're planning on releasing the Korea war as the first next add on, but who knows? ( They better do make a german one, otherwise I'll bend this tin can here and throw it in the garbage bin!:grin:)

But I think you can make your own campaigns anyway, and there's some real talent out there!

01-13-2011, 07:29 PM
As long as the planes are flyable the lack of a campaign is not that big a deal, because we would still be able to fly user made German campaigns and also multiplayer (i still wonder what the rumored new MP mode is going to be). I would expect them to release new theaters (maps and new aircraft) as payware add-ons, with smaller improvements and bug fixes as part of the regular patching process.

In that sense, i expect that the German dynamic campaign will probably come as part of a post-release patch and not as a totally separate expansion, since it is part of the same theater.

Well, we'll see how it goes.

01-13-2011, 07:44 PM
That's not what we thus far know of their plans, they're planning on releasing the Korea war as the first next add on, but who knows? ( They better do make a german one, otherwise I'll bend this tin can here and throw it in the garbage bin!:grin:)

But I think you can make your own campaigns anyway, and there's some real talent out there!

Maddox games are working on the German Campaign. I would have thought it would make the initial release. If not it will probably be a free addon, not long after the initial release. This will have nothing to do with when the third party Korean war addon is released..

01-13-2011, 09:32 PM
Isn't the Spitfire Manual a manual for a real Spitfire. It has nothing to do with the game. It's a historic treat kind of thing.

Why would they make a super realistic sim (yes, I think it will be super-realistic with a good gameplay) with a planes that don't react like it's real life counterpart as it should be perfectly doable?

Like if you get the best performance on the climb from x-y thousand meters with manofiold pressure Z and prop pitch Q then it should not be rocket science to replicate that to the sim either as there normally is plenty of manuals and pilot notes available.

Or if you should lower the gears over X mph then that should be the limit.

Manuals and operational handbooks should be the starting point for modelling planes if a real one is not availeble to model from.

01-13-2011, 09:35 PM
Maddox games are working on the German Campaign. I would have thought it would make the initial release. If not it will probably be a free addon, not long after the initial release. This will have nothing to do with when the third party Korean war addon is released..

And you are so sure of that because of?

01-13-2011, 09:41 PM
And you are so sure of that because of?

Otherwise I would be a Spit only sim, lol.

The Kraken
01-13-2011, 10:07 PM
I wonder how that Su-26 campaign is coming along...

01-13-2011, 10:10 PM
I wonder how that Su-26 campaign is coming along...


01-13-2011, 10:10 PM
And you are so sure of that because of?

Oleg said in this forums a few days ago that they are still working on the German campaign. He didn't say wether or not the campaign will be in the initial release or released later. I would imagine he would want to have the campaign complete before the initial release, but shite happens.

01-13-2011, 10:34 PM
What caught my eye was someone who posted text read from the back of the box screenshots.

Something along the lines of "online ongoing war, can last for weeks".

This sounded AMAZING to me and has been something I have been dreaming of for years in flight sims.

I hope its real. I really do think there is so much info yet to be released about this sim that will blow our minds.

01-13-2011, 10:36 PM
I have serious misgivings when I see a Spit manual only, and incomplete Axis feature's.

It might be fun to scoff at the German stuff being seen as not important but it will drive the divide between "fair play" and historical accuracy once again to the fore front as the two sides are seen not as important as each other.

The old adage "well we won the war" wears very thin these days, from the Allied pilots who use it to cast off any Axis gripes.

I hope its held back until its a completed package and the distribution is intercontinental and not staggered as it has been in the past causing piracy over the 4-6 week difference in distribution.

If a German software house created this sim what would you be thinking if it was called Operation Sealion and the manual was only a bf109 and there's no allied campaign on release, it will be added at a later date ?

just a different way to look at it.
Have fun.

01-13-2011, 10:42 PM
I have serious misgivings when I see a Spit manual only, and incomplete Axis feature's.

It might be fun to scoff at the German stuff being seen as not important but it will drive the divide between "fair play" and historical accuracy once again to the fore front as the two sides are seen not as important as each other.

The old adage "well we won the war" wears very thin these days, from the Allied pilots who use it to cast off any Axis gripes.

I hope its held back until its a completed package and the distribution is intercontinental and not staggered as it has been in the past causing piracy over the 4-6 week difference in distribution.

If a German software house created this sim what would you be thinking if it was called Operation Sealion and the manual was only a bf109 and there's no allied campaign on release, it will be added at a later date ?

Have fun.

Not to worry Alpha. The german campaign will be in the Cliffs of Dover in the initial release or shortly after.

01-13-2011, 10:55 PM
I've said it before,if it is to be called il2: Cliffs of Dover then we are probably already on the website.

Nice call!:cool:

01-13-2011, 11:20 PM
"IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs Of Dover

The name is for real. Just got that confirmed. I'm going to change the name of the forum."

From goud at SimHQ (hope he dont mind)

P.S. Its now officially "IL2 Sturmovik: Cliffs Of Dover" over at SimHQ. May "BoB: Storm of War" rest in peace. (kind of liked "SoW" myselfe)

01-13-2011, 11:58 PM
I have serious misgivings when I see a Spit manual only, and incomplete Axis feature's.

It might be fun to scoff at the German stuff being seen as not important but it will drive the divide between "fair play" and historical accuracy once again to the fore front as the two sides are seen not as important as each other.

The old adage "well we won the war" wears very thin these days, from the Allied pilots who use it to cast off any Axis gripes.

I hope its held back until its a completed package and the distribution is intercontinental and not staggered as it has been in the past causing piracy over the 4-6 week difference in distribution.

If a German software house created this sim what would you be thinking if it was called Operation Sealion and the manual was only a bf109 and there's no allied campaign on release, it will be added at a later date ?

just a different way to look at it.
Have fun.

Didn't you know it's coming? ;)

01-14-2011, 12:03 AM
Its a march 24th release, but we all know that has good possiblity of being delayed.

01-14-2011, 12:47 AM
What caught my eye was someone who posted text read from the back of the box screenshots.

Something along the lines of "online ongoing war, can last for weeks".

This sounded AMAZING to me and has been something I have been dreaming of for years in flight sims.

I hope its real. I really do think there is so much info yet to be released about this sim that will blow our minds.

You're with the wrong flight sim then ;)

Falcon 4 has evolved to the point where you can do just that ...


It's staggering to think that this Sim which has been around since 98 is still going.

01-14-2011, 12:50 AM
That's true. Long experience has shown us that the publishers date and the developers dates never, ever match.

01-14-2011, 12:52 AM
Gawd.... I hope we DON'T have a leaked beta.

01-14-2011, 01:58 AM
No German campaign! Did not expect that, comes probably as add on.

WTF! I rarely go into conspiracy theories but now this pisses me so much that I would like to go. However NO GERMAN campaigns can mean less pilots in Axis side. Even if it would not be so, it is just plain unfair there is no Axis campaign. Fix please, Oleg.

Edit: Fix also please historical and other inaccuracies in the box, if the box was real WIP project. Best redo the box completely. The picture is confusing. There are clouds and white cliffs, but which are what? The box doesn't need to represent chaos of combat flight in that way. Fix please even if it would mean later release day.

And don't nag about my wishes people because I don't care.

01-14-2011, 02:36 AM
WTF! I rarely go into conspiracy theories but now this pisses me so much that I would like to go. However NO GERMAN campaigns can mean less pilots in Axis side. Even if it would not be so, it is just plain unfair there is no Axis campaign. Fix please, Oleg.

Edit: Fix also please historical and other inaccuracies in the box, if the box was real WIP project. Best redo the box completely. The picture is confusing. There are clouds and white cliffs, but which are what? The box doesn't need to represent chaos of combat flight in that way. Fix please even if it would mean later release day.

And don't nag about my wishes people because I don't care.

Try reading the thread again. There is a german campaign, we are just not sure if it will be in the intial release or put in as an update.

01-14-2011, 02:54 AM
For all the bad press that got heaped on Rise of Flight when the distributors forced an early release, it is ironic that the same situation is being forced on Cliffs of Dover.

01-14-2011, 04:04 AM
Guys relax. I'm sure that's not the FINAL box. I'm sure they just want to cover all their bases and not promise anything that's not in the game but on the box (TBF Avenger in PF anyone?)

If Oleg gets the German campaign done before the game goes gold whenever, I'm sure they will put it on the box...if not I'm sure it will be available in an update shortly after the release.

01-14-2011, 04:38 AM
Never, in the field of human bullpoop, has so much been written by so many about so little... ;)

01-14-2011, 04:53 AM
Its a march 24th release, but we all know that has good possiblity of being delayed.

Where does it say March 24th Chivas?

01-14-2011, 05:22 AM
Where does it say March 24th Chivas?

On most e-shops.

01-14-2011, 06:31 AM
To prove to my friend Tree that I'm not a Butt Smoocher, I really don't like the DVD box art at all. I think the big collector box is cool but I think the plastic DVD box looks dull sleepy and boring. Nothing like the 2001 IL-2 box. They should scrap that painting and go for a smoother realistic look.

01-14-2011, 06:36 AM
Impossible it is to please 100% of all users.

(That's not a shot at anyone, it is a fact)

01-14-2011, 06:52 AM
Well I am wondering with the name "Cliffs of Dover CoD" if they are not going to get a lashing by the makers of "Call of Duty CoD" :rolleyes:

01-14-2011, 07:51 AM
No German campaigns? This is not a deal breaker...the German aeroplanes are still flyable, and it will not be long before some talented community member makes some dam fine Luftwaffe missions. Besides, I'm sure that their are some people that would find "Nazi missions to destroy England" to be in bad taste.

The lack of a BF109 manual in the "deluxe" box is also, not a deal breaker...anything "EXTRA" that they throw into a deluxe package is cool...maps, manuals, whatever.

01-14-2011, 07:59 AM
Actually if CoD really lacks any kind of german campaign (which I somehow doubt since it doesn't make sense at all) it would be a dealbreaker for me. I have zero interest in the RAF part and find online totally overrated (with the massive egos and whining that's found online; I have enough kindergarten feeling at work, don't need this in my freetime as well) it wouldn't give me anything substantial.

However, I consider this "information" a mere misunderstanding or miscommunication. The official announcement should clear up any questions.

01-14-2011, 08:40 AM
Impossible it is to please 100% of all users.

(That's not a shot at anyone, it is a fact)

A great way to put it.

01-14-2011, 09:05 AM
Its a march 24th release, but we all know that has good possiblity of being delayed.

Ahh, nice - so they got my email saying they'd better get it done before my birthday (march 25:th) or else...

01-14-2011, 09:41 AM
Ahh, nice - so they got my email saying they'd better get it done before my birthday (march 25:th) or else...

Hey mazex mine is the 27th of March. We'll have to remember each others lol

01-14-2011, 10:24 AM
I have zero interest in the RAF part and find online totally overrated (with the massive egos and whining that's found online; I have enough kindergarten feeling at work, don't need this in my freetime as well) it wouldn't give me anything substantial.

Just of curiosity; would you see online flying as a opportunity if you found servers that contained the proper level of intellect?

It saddens me when I hear virtual pilots don´t get the opportunity to experience the magnificent world of online flying just due to some air quake idiots. :(

01-14-2011, 11:09 AM
I have the same feeling. Anyone who treats a new online flier badly is doing IL-2 a disservice. I think I've seen a pic of cs Thor in a 109 once and it was an extremely tight fit. Was that you cs Thor?

For me getting in a tangle with another aeroplane that's being controlled by another living person is so much fun and such a big rush that my hands start to shake if it's a hard fight. So to ruin that for a new comer who wants to try online flying just seems cruel.

01-14-2011, 11:33 AM
I actually sat in the rebuilt Bf 109 G-2 of the Messerschmitt Stiftung back in 2000 or 2001 (but I don't think I ever posted a photo of this :mrgreen: ).

Regardless I am not a "newbie" when it comes to online flying - I've done this from 2000 to something 2006 or 2007 but quite frankly my interests are focused on aerial warfare as opposed to the fighter-centered gangbang that is predominant on most servers. I also have very high standards for what is believable and what not (which is why I never got into SEOW or similar wars, I have massive issues with the supply systems in them) and I am an ardent believer in strictly historical planesets.
But I have learned that such interests aren't present online or - which is also true - that projects approaching my ideal make compromises (to cater to certain factions) which I cannot agree with. Which is why I stay offline and "do my own thing".

01-14-2011, 12:08 PM
I also have very high standards for what is believable and what not (which is why I never got into SEOW or similar wars, I have massive issues with the supply systems in them) and I am an ardent believer in strictly historical planesets.
But I have learned that such interests aren't present online or - which is also true - that projects approaching my ideal make compromises (to cater to certain factions) which I cannot agree with. Which is why I stay offline and "do my own thing".

You have been flying on the wrong servers mate. ;)

Once DBS gets back together I'll send you an invite to one of our Dedicated Missions. Strictly historical, recreation of famous battles, each plane wearing a proper skin, squadrons you name it...

01-14-2011, 12:12 PM
Thx, but no thx. I'm all comfy and cuddly in my little world ... offline. :mrgreen:

01-14-2011, 12:18 PM
csThor: you should try in servers like Spits vs 109 with some mates in TeamSpeak

01-14-2011, 12:25 PM
It's getting a bit too OT so I guess we should go BTT now. ;)

01-14-2011, 12:31 PM
like CsThor i've flown online(upto about 2005) and the reasons for no longer doing so are similar(ego driven jerks etc etc.)
yep i could enjoy some servers that were sometimes fun but for me they declined to the point they were rare, so i stopped 'banging my head against a brickwall' and carried on flying offline and actually enjoying myself:-P

What i find 'saddening' is the constant attempts by a vocal minority (20% fly online is one estimate http://www.simhq.com/_commentary/all_106e.html) to 'convert' offliners to their 'superior' way of playing. you create a sense an 'other'
CUI BONO?:confused:

imho enthusiasm is good, zealotry is bad;)

.... and now back to our usual transmission......

01-14-2011, 12:35 PM
If Oleg doesnt appear today, there's nothing to say!

01-14-2011, 01:45 PM
If Oleg doesnt appear today, there's nothing to say!

except that he still may be on holiday........

01-14-2011, 02:00 PM
Try reading the thread again. There is a german campaign, we are just not sure if it will be in the intial release or put in as an update.

Rofl certainly I have better things to do than read this IL-2 Sturmovik Falls of Niagara thread again.

And I really don't care if there is 1000 German campaigns if none of them is included in initial release. I see you don't care either. However I am not a fanatical flight simmer. No German campaign means no IL-2 Sturmovik Falls of Niagara in my home 99% probability. I suck in flight sims enough to not fly online only as a free kill in Bf 109, not to speak how I see online furball circuses about as interesting as sniffing infantry grunt's socks after 40km march.

01-14-2011, 02:02 PM

Placed a pre-order of Collector's Edition on local game store. They will get it for me when released :) So now just sit and wait..

01-14-2011, 02:18 PM
Oleg said in this forums a few days ago that they are still working on the German campaign. He didn't say wether or not the campaign will be in the initial release or released later. I would imagine he would want to have the campaign complete before the initial release, but shite happens.

I have missed that. It would be weird Oleg releasing a BoB without a german campaign and patching it in. One would assume that building a campaign would not be the most time consuming task of the project.

01-14-2011, 02:18 PM
If a person wanted to do some serious flying online that's where I would say to go also..Spits VS 109s. There aren't many idiots on that server.

01-14-2011, 03:30 PM
If a person wanted to do some serious flying online that's where I would say to go also..Spits VS 109s. There aren't many idiots on that server.
Oh I prefer ZvsW to Spits VS 109s anytime.....you have next to never any early war maps there. It is all just late war orgies.....well who ever enjoys that.
And the nice thing there are next to no dweebfires on Zekes vs Wildcats

01-14-2011, 03:40 PM
I love North Africa and 109F4s. I would be miserable in ZvsW , but some people think the desert is boring. Everyone is different. With an F4 you have a chance to be a real dogfighter :)

01-14-2011, 03:47 PM
I love North Africa and 109F4s. I would be miserable in ZvsW .

Well in 75% of the cases you will find me there in a Betty, one of my favorite planes. As with me planes have to have two engines, only exception is the George.

01-14-2011, 06:42 PM
Warclouds 24/7 online server works very well for me. Each side has multiple ground target areas to destroy to win the map. You have a mixture of ground pounders, ground pounder cover, and high flyers. All good flyers communicating and coordinating tasks on teamspeak. Noobs are welcomed and helped. Jerks soon find another place to fly wether they like it or not..

01-14-2011, 07:34 PM
like CsThor i've flown online(upto about 2005) and the reasons for no longer doing so are similar(ego driven jerks etc etc.)

He he, but ego driven jerks add to the realism! How many of those 30 year old colonels and generals wearing iron crosses with all the extra bling where NOT ego driven jerks? Really? ;)

01-14-2011, 07:47 PM
He he, but ego driven jerks add to the realism! How many of those 30 year old colonels and generals wearing iron crosses with all the extra bling where NOT ego driven jerks? Really? ;)

But pilots flying with them did not have a choise ;) As opposite in this game.

Edit: And if they died, you never heard or saw them anymore - as opposite in this game. So lets not talk about realism regarding pilots :lol:

01-14-2011, 08:13 PM
He he, but ego driven jerks add to the realism! How many of those 30 year old colonels and generals wearing iron crosses with all the extra bling where NOT ego driven jerks? Really? ;)

any form of 'lineshooting' was also rather frowned on in the RAF ;)

add to that my job often involves dealing with EDJ's and it's a facet of human behaviour i'd rather not have to deal with while having fun.
my choice, not trying to impose it on anyone else

now back to more conspiracy theories about what COD really stands for:-P

01-17-2011, 03:21 AM
little to early for April Fools, good thing Oleg cleared that up last update

01-18-2011, 09:04 AM
I actually sat in the rebuilt Bf 109 G-2 of the Messerschmitt Stiftung back in 2000 or 2001 (but I don't think I ever posted a photo of this :mrgreen: ).

Regardless I am not a "newbie" when it comes to online flying - I've done this from 2000 to something 2006 or 2007 but quite frankly my interests are focused on aerial warfare as opposed to the fighter-centered gangbang that is predominant on most servers. I also have very high standards for what is believable and what not (which is why I never got into SEOW or similar wars, I have massive issues with the supply systems in them) and I am an ardent believer in strictly historical planesets.
But I have learned that such interests aren't present online or - which is also true - that projects approaching my ideal make compromises (to cater to certain factions) which I cannot agree with. Which is why I stay offline and "do my own thing".

Bully for you. It's not what you do, its who you do it with. If you try and get "realism" offline then you're doomed to fail.

Climb down off your high horse for a while.


01-18-2011, 11:24 AM
It's simple: isn't an "online vs offline" question, is an "Perfect A.I vs Poor A.I." question.

In ANY flight sim A.I. isn't near good. The best is to have human controlled aircraft. Today we have great internet connections and computers to handle multiple human-controlled aircrafts.

So, it's the "ideal" A.I.. Just need to gather the right people. A.I. in IL2? I pass: I want to come UNSEEN sometimes, see enemies doing UNEXPECTED maneuvers and work TOGHETER with teammates.

Offline? We just don't have it. It's a poor overall experience.

Isn't a matter of discussion, it's plain obvious: human controlled aircraft give much better experience and challenge than a bunch of predictable A.I. I can destroy easily 4 109's in an early Spit if they are flow by the better A.I. in IL-2, but if you put ONE human in the cockpit of one one of them, the world comes upside-down!

The future in combat flight sims is MP. Even more for the hardcore simmers.

01-18-2011, 11:48 AM



01-18-2011, 06:52 PM
It's simple: isn't an "online vs offline" question, is an "Perfect A.I vs Poor A.I." question.

In ANY flight sim A.I. isn't near good. The best is to have human controlled aircraft. Today we have great internet connections and computers to handle multiple human-controlled aircrafts.

So, it's the "ideal" A.I.. Just need to gather the right people. A.I. in IL2? I pass: I want to come UNSEEN sometimes, see enemies doing UNEXPECTED maneuvers and work TOGHETER with teammates.

Offline? We just don't have it. It's a poor overall experience.

Isn't a matter of discussion, it's plain obvious: human controlled aircraft give much better experience and challenge than a bunch of predictable A.I. I can destroy easily 4 109's in an early Spit if they are flow by the better A.I. in IL-2, but if you put ONE human in the cockpit of one one of them, the world comes upside-down!

The future in combat flight sims is MP. Even more for the hardcore simmers.

Actually, IL2's AI is very advanced in some regards (at least for when it was released), but the problem for me has always been that they don't act believable and go off on their own too much. For example, the moment they see enemies they break off and attack even if i'm the flight leader.

In European Air War everything was much simpler than IL2, but the AI did exactly as they were told and didn't do anything on their own unless absolutely necessary to ensure their survival. They would evade an enemy attack or take a snap-shot if they could, but for the most part they were glued to your wing unless you told them they are free to break off and do their own thing.

In this sense, while the AI is certainly not on par human intelligence i'm sure it can be made to act in a believable way.

This is the Achilles' heel of single player flying.

The Achilles' heel of multiplayer however is different. Human players rarely stick to how an operation is supposed to be flown, unless you spend time to find like minded fellows that will stick to the rules. Since i don't have the time to fly in organized squads, online wars or large scale coops this means that i have to bear with seeing solitary four engined heavies, some of them making a break for the target at tree top height and skip bombing, instead of flying properly in formations and bombing on command of the lead ship.

For me, human intelligence that liberally takes shortcuts detracts from the immersion factor just as much as an overly rigid and predictable AI, but it can't be helped.
We all have limited time to spend on this hobby and we all want to maximize our fun in this limited timeframe, so we're bound to see people taking off from taxiways and stealing a four engined heavy by coming in from dead six and getting their own engined damaged in the process, one that another player has been busy working on properly by making slashing high speed, high deflection attacks for an entire 5 minutes and yes, it happens even on objective driven, high difficulty servers as well.

The truth is that unless you have the time to fly coops or online wars with an organized group (not necessarily a virtual squad, but you do need a small group of people to regularly fly with) you will inevitably see such behavior and even long time and respected members of the community will do it from time to time, not out of spite but because they only have half an hour of flying time to squeeze between picking up the groceries, managing the house bills and putting the kids to bed. I don't condone it but i don't criticize it either as long as it's not a de facto modus operandi of the guy who does it. However, the bottom line is that despite his superior intellect in comparison to the AI, a human player that takes shortcuts to maximize his time spent in combat can be as disruptive to immersion as an AI aircraft that doesn't know how to fly scissors properly.

Long story short, if you want challenging fights at the expense of taking liberties with other factors (because if everyone does it, at some point i might do it as well to even the playing field) then multiplayer is just fine.
If you want to fly the proper mission profile at the expense of dummy opponents compared to real life ones, then it's single player.

In fact, a scripted single player campaign with carefully planned missions and custom briefings is much more immersive in regards to what surrounds the life of a combat pilot than a dynamic one or a multiplayer session. In multiplayer, the immersion is mostly found in the actual fight, the rest of the sortie however usually feels pretty bland with everyone doing more or less their own thing.

Limited available time also results in scaled down maps and ahistorical distances, which greatly upsets the historical flow of a mission. A 1/2 scale map means i can take half the fuel in exchange for a gain in climb rate, maneuverability or load out weight, or i can take full fuel and laugh at combat damage and fuel leaks because i'm always going to be within gliding distance of a friendly base.

I can fly a Pony with 25% fuel or a 190 with 50% fuel which makes me harder to catch, yet i have enough loiter time to cruise around the map a few times and still have enough left for a hasty retreat back to the safety of friendly flak at full throttle if things are going bad for me.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not dissing it. It's just fine and entertaining none the less, plus it's a necessary compromise due to real life constraints.

However, it is neither historical nor immersive when compared to flying a fully laden Pony 3 hours away from the nearest friendly base and knowing that the slightest damage could mean a not so glorious descent to a German farm due to fuel leaks or a long, arduous and vulnerable trip back home, or flying a 190 that needs external fuel tanks in order to use high throttle settings to get to the bomber's altitude as fast as possible during a ground controlled interception. However, this is something that you easily can experience in single player without even having to fly for hours on end, because you can timeskip to the relevant points of the mission. It's like placing yourself in the particular point of interest in the mission, but with the historical range, fuel and weight considerations plus the potential for trouble that your chosen mission profile implies.
Unless there's a way for all players to use time compression in multiplayer simultaneously, or for AI flights to be set up to depart on a schedule and then get taken over by the players at an appropriate waypoint, there's no way to experience this in multiplayer short of gathering a minority of people that feel fine flying 6 hours to and from Berlin in their Mustangs and B17s, while the other team sits twiddling their thumbs for the first 3 hours in their 190s until it's time to scramble.

The only case where everything works out is multiplayer with a special selection of like-minded individuals, but this also comes with its own drawback, the time required for the particular gameplay style.

I have flown online on and off but after some connectivity issues i haven't done so in a while. I did have fun and i learned a lot of things that i wouldn't pick up if i was fighting the AI (for example, just hanging back and following an experienced player through his maneuvers to cover his six improves your own handling of your aircraft tremendously). However, all three cases come with their own inherent set of drawbacks, to the point where i definitely can't crown one of them the king of gameplay. It's more like a question of what i'm in the mood for, not what is better or more "hardcore", because while superficially similar the small differences between gameplay modes have a big impact on the net result.

I really hope we'll get the rumored new multiplayer mode, with ongoing dynamic mini campaigns flown online with some sort of MDS support for AI units (possibly even being able to set up a flight as AI and spawn into it later, so you could fly bomber missions at the historical distances and conditions without having to take an entire day off work), because that would be a good enough mix of the above modes.

People who like fast thrills can just go on short range, cross channel free hunting and rhubarb missions in small groups, people who like fighting for an objective can do organized fighter sweeps, strikes and escort, bombers will be there as AI in proper formations and players will be able to join into the raid if they want, etc. It would all tie into a bigger picture with campaign objectives and stat tracking for the purpose of calculating available supplies, airframes, pilots and AI ground forces for each side, leaving the players to decide how to best achieve the campaign goals for their team, designing and flying their own ad hoc missions in a persistent online environment.

That way, one day i could be mixing it up in a 109 in a furball over the channel just 10 minutes after taking off, while the next day i could be flying a 2 hour round trip to occupied Europe in a mosquito, doing photo recon work for an upcoming raid by a dedicated virtual bomber squadron. The way it is today however, i can't seriously say that MP or SP is superior than the other. In fact, where each one is lacking the other one usually has its strongest points.

01-18-2011, 11:17 PM
+ 1 to blackdog
in most posts you make very well thoughts and you always impress me, nice also to see someone from my same country.
what you say IMHO is absolutely right. Teh fact is to find teh best compromise and i think that is more plausible to have smaller maps on multiplayer, mayeb keep the 1:1 scale but in restricted area. I hardly see a multiplayer that goes through planning. Even squadrons some tiems plan on teh go but what they have is order. My best period online was flying with some of 4S, maybe some Veltro and a Freccia. I didnt have time for a squadroon but i could hardly get those 2 non stop hours of game as i had also school. Although i played very little, now im over 1 year offline as when i install il 1946 , it hapens that some .dll get lost....
I would think taht for best immersion in the scenario is the Solo, but both Solo and multi are achieving. I learn to fly very well online, and i sticked also for bombing quite often, especially on desert missions. Teh best was however flying that little time with 4s , i remember when we jjust flew on bf 109 s on 3 one close to another and when we spotted a poor La-7 we hit and zoom one by one( hit, take altitude turn around and let the 2nd attack and so on) or when chatting and calling for help they tried to to find and help you.
maybe il2 offered me the best multiplayer experience

01-18-2011, 11:41 PM
in addition what i know find to be really helpful is that more paleyr can be in the same plane, and i see it as a great step forward learning, even mroe with that instructing plane.
i hope to get the collectors with teh map as now im doing well in geography and start seeing my skills for navigation

01-19-2011, 09:39 AM
Back OT (although I agree with Blackdog and hope for bigger organised on-line scenarios) I won't bother with the £50 'collectors' edition. The extra £15 (43% !) isn't worth:

- A unique 50 *50 cm cloth pilot escape map showing The Battle of Britain strategic locations
- A exclusive official replica of the Pilot’s Notes on the Spitfire I Aeroplane, provided to RAF pilots during The Battle of Britain and reprinted from the RAF Museum original document
- An in-game 120-page ring binder pilot instructions

I can live without the escape map, I can get the pilots notes for six quid, I don't know what the pilot instructions contain that you won't get on soft copy with the game and I don't have shelf space anyway. But the package will probably be worth about.... errmmm.... £50 in genre auctions in 50 years time.

01-19-2011, 10:02 AM
Back OT (although I agree with Blackdog and hope for bigger organised on-line scenarios) I won't bother with the £50 'collectors' edition. The extra £15 (43% !) isn't worth:

- A unique 50 *50 cm cloth pilot escape map showing The Battle of Britain strategic locations
- A exclusive official replica of the Pilot’s Notes on the Spitfire I Aeroplane, provided to RAF pilots during The Battle of Britain and reprinted from the RAF Museum original document
- An in-game 120-page ring binder pilot instructions

I can live without the escape map, I can get the pilots notes for six quid, I don't know what the pilot instructions contain that you won't get on soft copy with the game and I don't have shelf space anyway. But the package will probably be worth about.... errmmm.... £50 in genre auctions in 50 years time.

I am thinking the same thing myself.Get box,take DVD out of box and put in drive.Throw box on shelf never to be seen again! :)

01-19-2011, 10:27 AM
I am thinking the same thing myself.Get box,take DVD out of box and put in drive.Throw box on shelf never to be seen again! :)
+1 on that! As I got an original map from my dad which he picked up as a kid from a downed plane, and the spit manual I do not need as I do not fly that bird, never have in IL2 and don´t plan on changing that in CoD. Would have been a differant thing if they had brought out a German collectors box. But main thing is the game and not the gimics. Looking forward to good online flying.

01-19-2011, 10:53 AM
Hmm, probably a matter of taste this one. I always liked how the older simulators like European Air War and Red Baron 2 had decent manuals in a hard copy format and a big box. Even so, i still want to have a physical disc and even today i have never bought a single game in digital download format, everything i own is in a physical format even if it's the usual nowadays slim DVD case.

I guess this is similar to music, some people buy music CDs and rip them to MP3 right away onto their iPods and such, others play the actual CD on their stereo set while flipping through the booklet, or even go for a vynil version. It's just a matter of taste and i'm in the "gimme shiny stuff to look at" camp :-P

The way i see it, it's not that the collector's edition is cheap. In fact, most collector's editions regardless of genre today contain stuff that was more or less standard back in the day (ironic how as our PCs and games get better the packaging and bonus materials get more slim).
What's making me lean towards the collector's edition is that the basic version is expensive enough that if i skimp on a mere 20 euros and miss the extra goodies i will probably regret it big time.

If it was a situation of 35-40 Euros versus 75-80 then yes, i'd probably get the regular one, but whatever listings i could find had the digital download version (aka the "no box at all, no packaging cost" version) priced at 50 Euros and the collector's at 70. Essentially, it's the high cost of the basic version that's pushing me to think "sod it, i'll pay a little more and actually get a display package worthy of the game's potential".

I think i'm going to go for it, just waiting to find out a few more things about it so i don't jump the gun :grin:

01-19-2011, 01:09 PM
Back OT (although I agree with Blackdog and hope for bigger organised on-line scenarios) I won't bother with the £50 'collectors' edition. The extra £15 (43% !) isn't worth:

- A unique 50 *50 cm cloth pilot escape map showing The Battle of Britain strategic locations
- A exclusive official replica of the Pilot’s Notes on the Spitfire I Aeroplane, provided to RAF pilots during The Battle of Britain and reprinted from the RAF Museum original document
- An in-game 120-page ring binder pilot instructions

Only 15 quid extra for that sounds like good value to me - the Spit book retails for 9.99, and the 120 page manual is definitely something I want.

I'm with Blackdog on this one.

01-19-2011, 01:15 PM
Found the collectors edition for 65€ on this Finnish site http://www.puolenkuunpelit.com/kauppa/product_info.php?products_id=49941
Also it says the release date is the 3/3!! That must be a typo or I'm a very lucky guy :grin:

01-19-2011, 01:27 PM
Oh! Found another retailer that also states 3/3 as the release date! http://www.gamehouse.fi/index.php?lahde=hs&pelin_nimi=IL-2+Sturmovik+Cliffs+of+Dover&sivu=pelihaku&alusta=ALL&hae=Hae

01-19-2011, 01:29 PM
March 3 is definitely a mistake.

01-19-2011, 01:33 PM
March 3 is definitely a mistake.
Ok, too bad. Weird that two different retailers got the same wrong date though, don't retailers usually get their info from the publishers or something?

01-19-2011, 10:01 PM
in addition some of 1c stated that there is a german campaign in game, for those that might get confused by the game description

03-02-2011, 12:42 PM
in addition some of 1c stated that there is a german campaign in game, for those that might get confused by the game description

Yes, there is definitely a German campaign.


03-02-2011, 02:09 PM
I didnt read the whole thread,but I am guessing that all of your excitement is because of that picture??If it is, that pic aint new.If this is not what you were referring then what is it?

03-02-2011, 02:20 PM
Forgive me if this image has already been posted, but I've not seen it on this forum. Here is what surely must be the official picture of the CE, given that I got this from Ubi's UK site ...


... and I have received no email that my CE order has been cancelled. I guess it's a lottery as to who gets lucky?


03-02-2011, 03:00 PM
Forgive me if this image has already been posted, but I've not seen it on this forum. Here is what surely must be the official picture of the CE, given that I got this from Ubi's UK site ...


... and I have received no email that my CE order has been cancelled. I guess it's a lottery as to who gets lucky?


Indeed , i've seen that one on several pre-order sites including the one where i ordered the CE however sadly for me they just told me the CE was canceled and my order was reversed to the standard edition.


03-06-2011, 06:21 AM
I guess it's a lottery as to who gets lucky?

Hope not..otherwise we will invade trough Dover to get it personally from the UK!

03-06-2011, 06:40 AM
I guess it's a lottery as to who gets lucky?

Hope not..otherwise we will invade trough Dover to get it personally from the UK!

we shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills;
we shall never surrender,!

UK supplies for the UK I say :)

(but you just knew someone would say that didn't you)

03-06-2011, 06:49 AM
RAF 322 (Dutch) Sqn...formed out of 167 Gold coast sqn in 1943 at Woodvale...

ur the few....(that can get it..) we're the collective that can't..we are many...

Skoshi Tiger
03-06-2011, 08:53 AM
Has anyone actually seen the physical contents of the Collectors edition? All the pictures Seams to be computer generated.

Surely the proof copies of box art, silk map and various book should have been done by now?


03-06-2011, 09:33 AM
Yeah, I don't dare to buy a Collector's edition right now. Amazon.de would send it to Slovenia, but their site doesn't state if it's English or German edition. Also, by the lack of any confirmation that CE will even be available outside UK it could be postponed or even cancelled, I just don't have any confidence in UBI.

Also, delivering the package could take a week, an agonizingly long wait...

I think I'll have to be satisfied with download.

03-06-2011, 09:43 AM
All the web retailers here in Finland and Sweden that used to have CE for pre-order have removed them. The standard edition can be found everywhere now though. Ain't pre-ordering nothing, I'll wait until I can actually can see the cursed thing in stores. Ubisoft, when it comes to marketing smaller titles you are useless!