View Full Version : Necromancer in Taron mines??

11-15-2010, 01:23 PM
according to the walkthru I'm reading "At the first fork there's a Passage in the Wall that will take you to a necromancer that's holding some unicorns captive. Kill him and they'll join you. "

I cleared out the mines but I'm not seeing any necromancers? There was one glowing passage in the wall close to the entry to Lower Hadar and there was an undead enemy there with some necromancers but it wasn't an enemy hero and there weren't any unicorns there... just one might rune they were guarding.

where is this necromancer??

12-13-2010, 11:20 PM
Although this post is a month old and the user is most likely no longer here, here's the answer.

The walkthrough doesn't mention a hero in the first place. It's a regular enemy. Everything is as said in the walkthrough. You kill the enemy and the unicorns on the left side will join you, provided you have the space in your army or reserve.

12-14-2010, 10:52 AM
I'm still here! Thanks for the reply. I don't remember seeing any black unicorns, either. Maybe because I didn't have room in my army anyway? Weird.

12-14-2010, 05:32 PM
Who said they're black unicorns ? xD Dude, you read hero when nobody said hero, now you say black unicorns when nobody said black :)

And yeah, it's probably that. You might have just clicked on them and gotten the message that your army is full. Friendly units disappear if you try to take them with you without space in your army.