View Full Version : Elon Academy Master of Botany Question

11-15-2010, 06:03 AM
I usually go for one of the other diplomas, this time I had the requisite leadership to go for botany and I tried that. One question: I take it that loses there DO count against you? Or not because it is not really your army?

BB Shockwave
11-16-2010, 11:21 PM
I should think so, at least in any other such fights in the Legend (such as when fighting a horde of zombies with a few Archmages) the losses remain. But you can try and check - check your "Tactician" medal and the number of no-loss battles before and after the botany battle.

I'm not sure which diploma I'll take this time... last time I used Lizardmen, so it was obvious, but now I am going with a (mostly) human army. What was the third one btw?

11-17-2010, 11:24 AM
Lizardman, Botany and Magic Resistance