View Full Version : Textures pack for Editor direct link
09-28-2010, 09:05 AM
As soon as we received several complaints about the lack of textures pack in some versions of Crossworlds we decided to give you the direct link to this archive.
This file can be used with all versions besides Steam.
Please extract this self-extracting archive to the "King’s Bounty Crossworlds\data" folder.
You can download the pack here ( (3 Gb).
09-28-2010, 09:28 AM
Thank you. I really appreciate it. :)
09-28-2010, 09:38 AM
As soon as we received several complaints about the lack of textures pack in some versions of Crossworlds we decided to give you the direct link to this archive.
This file can be used with all versions besides Steam.
Please extract this self-extracting archive to the "King’s Bounty Crossworlds\data" folder.
You can download the pack here ( (3 Gb).
You guys rock, thank you! You've made a whole lot of your customers very happy :)
09-29-2010, 12:49 AM
Thank you!!
Now lets try some rock'n roll shall we?
(lets hope no one makes some naked units just for the sake of it XD)
09-29-2010, 03:57 PM
Thank you!
10-01-2010, 10:02 PM
I downloaded this sourcemedia pack, installed it fine. Everything seemed to be going good on my tutorial lesson until!....
I saved out my game I had been working on and reloaded it later today. I start painting my textures agian and bam! I get this huge problem.
A big checkerbox texture appears and has, [texture not found] painted in it!? Yet I can repaint over it using any texture in the pack... What's going on here? anyone have this issue before? How do I fix it? I clearly can load all my texture and use them... So I really don't understand my problem.
This is what it looks like -->
10-01-2010, 10:03 PM
seems my image did not work http://
10-01-2010, 10:05 PM
10-01-2010, 10:11 PM
I also have an issue with the naming convention... Seems like textures are in random orders everywhere, with random names... like Human_sand_01 next to Hamen_rock1a...
Human spelt differantly to not using underscores to using them agian later... Very strange naming convention...
That doesn't bother me too much, I only discovered it because all my mouse over texture tips are in russian. MY tutorial says use this human_01 texture... I can't find it. So I started renaming all of my texture tips just so I could find what I needed. That's alot of work to rename all those textures. So I did just the human pack, saved, reloaded the editor and thats when I found my first issue with the Textures not found problem. But it does that with every pack not just humans...
Is this the only way to fix the texture mouse over tips? -->
And is there anyway to properly align the naming convention? So all my grass is together and my sand together etc...?
10-01-2010, 11:01 PM
I downloaded this sourcemedia pack, installed it fine. Everything seemed to be going good on my tutorial lesson until!....
I saved out my game I had been working on and reloaded it later today. I start painting my textures agian and bam! I get this huge problem.
A big checkerbox texture appears and has, [texture not found] painted in it!? Yet I can repaint over it using any texture in the pack... What's going on here? anyone have this issue before? How do I fix it? I clearly can load all my texture and use them... So I really don't understand my problem.
This is what it looks like -->
So I found a method to this madness. I suppose I got the textures to work properly AFTER I had started this project.. I created a new one, and happened to create the same name for my map (sunset_isle). Funny thing was, I started to paint and it loaded all my previous painted textures from the old project and the original sunset isle. So there I was with a flat map with my old paint, and no texture not loaded bug.
Hmmm.... So I just went into the session folder and copied my old localizations folder into my new project and walla!! it works perfect and I didn't lose any work...
Only problem I have now is that darn naming convention... I suppose I will have to renaim the tool tip for the hundreds of textures :evil:
I really wish the grasses and sands etc.. were all properly grouped and no russion tool tips with this source media download... :(
But what can you do right.... If there is anyway of mass re-naming or re-orginizing please let me know... Much appreciated.
10-01-2010, 11:22 PM
I probley am talking to myself alot here... lol. And answering alot of my own questions out of determination and impatients. However, I believe someone out there may find my issues and fixes some what helpful. So here goes.
I found a strong way of orginizing those textures. It will take several hours to set up, but will save you countless hours later. Re-naming the textures from russian to english is a pain. However, It must be done!! I recomend opening up the first pack (Autumn) Maximizing the texture material window (as it "undos" your word highlight if you mouse over the editor map, really anoying!). Go through and just re-name the russian tip to the actual file type itself..ex; human_rock_01.
Once you renamed that whole package, create children for that package. Now you can mouse over and see human_rock_01, right click it and assign it to your Human Rock child. Go through and put them all in there proper places.... ten hours later you have a wonderful and orginized texture pallete to work with for the next 10,000 hours of game development!
Yay I can finally open just grass and a type of grass!! and read the tool tip!! Halaluya!
Now lets just pray this editor doesn't choke somewhere else next......Or even make me redo all that :(
10-02-2010, 11:18 AM
Okay, the whole Editor is complicated, but worse than that, it's Buggy. It's nothing critical, but may slow, or drive away those who are trying to make new maps (or edit those already made). The worst bugs are related to textures, so I'll post them here.
Here are some things I would like to point out:
Texture related:
-While working on one session without restarting the Editor, there aren't any specific problems, except that the texture layers are hard to get used to and hard to understand. However once you save your work and exit the Editor, then start it again, you will have lots of problems like when you try to texture something you will have a "no texture" drawn on your terrain(just like JonnyFiveAlive mentioned), and the Editor may just crash.
-In the attachment below, you can see what happened to me just some time ago. I unintentionally did that with just two clicks and the third one, which was an attempt to erase it, crashed the Editor completely.
-As mentioned above you will have to organize your textures yourself, which is not a bug, but still a major hassle.
Other stuff:
-While creating a session, just after creating your first map, the Editor crashes. It is not a big deal, as you can just start it again and everything is fine.
-Some minor issues with terrain Levels, which is also no big deal, since you can overcome them with some effort.
-Difficult number input, which had me inputting my numbers several times over to get them right. I don't know exactly why is this, though.
Just one last thing:
-This is only happening on one of my computers, so it might have something to do with my settings, but here it is - All of the helpers like Grid, Chesspieces, Paths e.t.c. are gone, I can't see them, which slows down my work. They started to show sometime ago, but they're gone again, so I would like to know what could affect them?
That's about what I can remember so far. These stuffs(bugs) might not affect other users, or versions, but if they do, then it is only fair to ask for a better version of the Editor.
Regards, Bladeking77.
P.S. Sorry if my English is a little bad.
10-02-2010, 12:44 PM
Hey Bladeking77
Appreciate your feedback, I thought I was alone on this one, lol. And your english is fine btw, probably better than mine for typing :).
So reading your post I got excited, as I thought you would give a salution to your first texture related bug. I did post earlier how I fixed the [tex not found[ bug. However, it started agian! Basicly everytime you leave the editor and come back, and paint, it does it!.
I got so mad, I closed the editor and looked for a reply on this forum as a last resort. It's really my only big issue at this point, and I really cannot work this way.
My only salution for this bug, is too....
step 1) create a new "game session", then make a random map, save and close the editor..
step 2) I then go into my sessions folder, into my old game that has the bug. copy my locations folder (containing the map I made).
Step 3) go back into my "new session", delete locations folder, and paste in my old one....
Step 4) relaunch the game and pray it doesnt crash, if so... Repeat the process....
I seriously can't do this everytime I reload the editor... Please tell me you know an easier way around the [tex not found] bug.... Cause this is really brutal! I would like to stick with one session for more than a
It's basicly ruining my experience and I refuse to go on further until I find a salution. But what about my determination and desire to build more!!!?!!?! Help! :)
-Jonny 5
10-02-2010, 01:05 PM
I went through every texture pack starting from Cave1 down to the last - Spiderboss..
I went through Re-naming the Comments to the the exact name of the texture file.
Through this process I learned a tremendous amount of information, AND found dozens of terrible flaws repitition and naming conventions. As painful as this was renaming all the textures. It actually opened my eyes to what I actually have to work with when painting.
I littrilly recomend doing this, and not just winging it by eye when painting.
Things to note:
1) Several of the textures are used in multipul packs. Example: After renaming my dwarf packs, and going into my elf packs. Most of the texture comments were already re-named for me to Dwarf_dirt_01 etc.. So I right away knew, I was dealing with dwarf dirt not some "new" elf dirt.
2) Alot of the naming conventions are completely messed up. From Human_word_01 to Humen_word1, or Human_word_word_1a.. None of your actually look alikes will ever line up side by side, unless you re-named the textures themselves.. Even more work!! (But thats ok, I have a tip / work around for this).
3) Theres alot of cool "decals" or "alpha channel masks" (leaves, gold, rocks, you can paint ontop of textures). However, theres a few good unique ones in each package, which would work great for any of the packages!.
Helpful Tip!
If you name all the comments, you can then orginize them into children sub folders to really make life easy. Example: DwarfLands, Put your mouse over the first sqaure that reads, Dwarf_grass_01, and place it into a Dwarf Grass folder.. After goign through the list you should have the following: Grass, Ground, Mines, Mountains, Roads, Rocks, Stones...
Result 1: Now you can work your pallet from the ground up!....
Result 2:After renaming all folders, you can open Dwarf Grass, Human Grass, Elf Grass etc.. And work from a broader pallet of just grass!! etc...
Result 3: Now you can open all your "clutter" or "alpha channel" brushes, all at once. Paint leaves, rocks, paths, decals, all over your map with ease!
11-03-2010, 08:22 AM
Any chance to provide editor documentation in the same way you did with the textures? (as a Sticky?) It can be in Russian, if you don't have English version.
04-27-2011, 08:54 AM
Could you post the file as a torrent?
08-02-2011, 02:35 PM
I went through every texture pack starting from Cave1 down to the last - Spiderboss..
Any chance of uploading this? Could be a really handy resource for anyone who wanted to give this a go. :)
07-21-2012, 07:12 PM
Why does it never end the download? :confused: Can you put the file in torrent or some hostfile, please? Thanks
04-09-2015, 02:08 PM
Link to textures dont works. Please help!
05-16-2015, 01:09 PM
Can you please reupload this textures? I can't find them anywhere on internet :(
12-09-2018, 08:39 AM
Please i would be very thankful i can't find this textures anywhere and i really wan't to create some maps. Please reupload!
01-04-2019, 05:21 PM
Bump. Asking for it as well. Steam doesn't provide it
06-07-2019, 04:08 PM
Here is the llink:
Space Knight
06-08-2019, 01:02 PM
I have got the textures pack and made a torrent for it.
Can you please pack the files in a zip or rar and upload them to a site like Mediafire? I am asking this because I tried the torrent, but It still says 'connecting to peers 0.0%' after a whole day.
06-11-2019, 09:37 AM
Can you please pack the files in a zip or rar and upload them to a site like Mediafire? I am asking this because I tried the torrent, but It still says 'connecting to peers 0.0%' after a whole day.
Please check the new link. I have uploaded the whole file.
Space Knight
06-13-2019, 04:17 PM
Please check the new link. I have uploaded the whole file.
Thanks. It's been years since I first looked for these textures. Also, I'm glad that the files actually contain the textures.
King's Hunty
03-15-2020, 05:34 PM
Can anyone reupload this?
Space Knight
03-15-2020, 08:03 PM
Can anyone reupload this?
I'm gonna try to repack them tomorrow and give you a new link.
Edit: In the meantime, download 7-zip so you can open the archives with the textures.
Edit 2: These should do it:
Edit 3: Don't forget to download all of them!
Edit 4: Try this link instead, which contains all textures in one regular zip archive:
King's Hunty
03-16-2020, 05:28 AM
Thank you very much.
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