View Full Version : Exchanging Wives

06-13-2010, 12:22 AM
So I just started playing KB not too long ago thanks to gog.com. I played through the game then I found this awesome site for modding. One of the things I wanted to do was make a demon army from the start of the game by having Darion give demons instead of humans.

Alas, I have no idea how to do that. I was able to edit my hero txt file to give myself 99k demons (then just put the extras in the castle to restock as leadership allows), but then wanted to know how to get Xeona in my party early on.

Well, I figured out how to do that!

1) Take everything below "wife_rina {" to the last }, cut it.
2) Paste everything you just cut after "wife_xeona {".
3) Cut xeona's information and paste it below "wife_rina {".
4) Get the miller's quest and get rina as your wife. She starts as ghost rina.
5) Say the spell of transformation on ghost wife rina and she becomes xeona.
6) NOTE!!! SHE BECOMES XEONA. There is no way to change xeona back to ghost rina.

This is cool for demon parties or for those who want those extra weapon slots without actually editing the equipment of wives directly. Also, you can edit this trick to make rina become any other wife you might want by just cut and pasting under other heroes. I assume when you find xeona later on she will actually be Rina and, well I don't know what that will do yet! Will test and let you know!

Awesome site here by the way. Very informative!

If anyone can tell me how to trick the game to rearrange town sales of troops lemme know!