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View Full Version : IL2 Birds of Prey 360 (Online)

04-09-2010, 11:51 AM
Hiya there, Im not sure if a thread has already been made on this subject, theres so many here to skim through! :o lol. Anyhow I just purchased IL2 BoP on the 360 this morning, stuck it in, got all the training and controls down, do a few missons then go online....theres no one there! On top of that, the servers are apparently unavaible! Now is this a temporary problem on the games part or have I bought a game where it says online on the box but in fact there is none! Many Thanks


04-09-2010, 12:18 PM
hi there.
the problem with the xbox version is that the community of il2 has drastically decreased since that its clear that no patch is coming out. besides i think that the game has no real servers, so if nobody created a session the moment you search for one, it will always tell you that there are no servers available at the moment.so either you have to wait until someone has created a session, or you create one by yourself and wait until someone joins in.
but the game is not dead and there are still some people playing il 2 every day.
if you like to play on sim you can add me as a friend.my gamertag is david198502.

04-09-2010, 12:21 PM
welcome to the forum (and another Xbox player hopefully joins our ranks). The on line MP games are hosted by the player. You will only find a game if the lobby (their session) has not started. Games that are under way will not be found and you get the 'server unavailable'. Having said all that, it can get quiet on Xbox but, since release, I have never been on and not found a game. The solution is, soon as you are in a game, to send friend requests and build up a list of players who enjoy your particular level Arcade, Realistic or SIM. Quite a few on here with Xbox so you should be able to start sending friend requests straight away.......as soon as you load BOP it will tell you which players are currently on MP and, by looking at their profile, wether a session has started or joinable.

GT EvangelusE (SIM/occaisional Realsitic)

04-09-2010, 12:22 PM
Whats the patch for? I will add you but Im just getting used to Arcade! lol:grin: I guess I could try sim x3

04-09-2010, 12:38 PM
Lol I just been trying realistic, I stall CONSTANTLY and never can get out :s Seems Arcade is fine with me, but looks of things no1 else seems to do it! D: Anyhow thanks for the usefull info, I know the games not totally dead afterall ;)

04-09-2010, 01:14 PM
Lol I just been trying realistic, I stall CONSTANTLY and never can get out :s Seems Arcade is fine with me, but looks of things no1 else seems to do it! D: Anyhow thanks for the usefull info, I know the games not totally dead afterall ;)

Hit start > options > elevator sensitivity and put it down to just over half (6 notches down?) and work down from there.

04-09-2010, 01:16 PM
.....the sensitivity settings for the various a/c are in a 'sticky' at the top of the forum..........'begginers guide.....".........enjoy!

04-09-2010, 01:50 PM
Hey thanks! Im not stalling now! WAHEY!! :grin: Still, setting up a shot an aiming is even more of pain in the butt now! GAH! :o

04-09-2010, 04:12 PM
practice and practice .........:grin:

04-09-2010, 06:02 PM
i have a different problem. i set up my xbox account...downloaded the game...tried to play online and it said my xbox live limitations do not allow me access..?? but i saw where i could do single player online...so figured i might have to start the game before going multi-player. did the tutorial...and some of the battle of britain...still nothing. everything shows locked up as in if i just got the game. its not giving me credit for completing the game. NOW before i delete it and reload is there something else i should try? i am not too keen on the idea of redoing the whole game from the beginning but if that is what i have to do then oh well. any thoughts??

04-09-2010, 07:27 PM
weird, you shouldn't have to redo the game. Normally you load the game and select On Line. Anything that you have unlocked, including difficulty levels, should be accessible. Wait for more replies as there may be something that you have missed or need to do that I am unaware of.

04-09-2010, 10:05 PM
Got stuck in a 8 player all vs all dogfight this evening, I came top woohoo! Practice makes perfect you were right there ;)

04-13-2010, 10:19 PM
friend me i want to play. xbl gt doddibryce

04-21-2010, 02:43 PM
Hey guys....my gamertag is molsoncanadians. I have ordered the game and should be online soon. Feel free to send me friend requests.
