View Full Version : Global support

04-01-2010, 08:09 AM
Hey, is it the gamers that play the games? Is it the gamers that buy the games? Is it the gamers, who also CREATE the games. Why is it that the GAMERS have no say in what should be done with the game?

I dont know about you, but I want 1C to continue updates for this game, and further development for the PS platform. After all , we are the ones who really have the say so in the end. This game is incredible~!

04-01-2010, 01:51 PM
unfortunatly it's not up to 1c to continue their support (i could be wrong) normally support is paid for by the the publisher in this case 505 games, from what anton says they are no longer willing to pay for the necassary time needed in man hours to further update this game.
It's a shame as i too would like more updates on both platforms

04-01-2010, 04:41 PM
yep, its about profit rather than gaming satisfaction and there are just too few of us compared to the 'block buster' titles playing and buying BOP. Every time a new game is released there is a loss of BOP players and you see them playing something new....such a shame really but understandable...there are a hard core of regulars thankfully on the Xbox but some nights its very quiet!

04-02-2010, 06:35 PM
Sim/ type games have a niche market to begin with. couple that huge cost of development and what you have is a at best a small margin . Only way for to have any real sucess would be on a pay to play bases . And much more control and options in match creation would be need.

That is the Epic fail of BOP sadly lack of control over matchs by allowing host or players to have flexablity in match creation . Filters and the ablity to remove trouble makers from matches is hugly needed.