View Full Version : Song of the Wind scroll

02-05-2010, 04:59 PM
I bought it for 12,000 which was rather a risk and it produced pirates!?!?

Flying or wind-loving creatures? :rolleyes:

EDIT: Ok I take it pirates are fond of wind, but what I'd like to know is - is the troop ever going to change or is it gonna be pirates now whether I try at level 11 or 41?

02-05-2010, 06:59 PM

It depends. Use the cast/reload/use item to produce troops/cast the spell again and see if it changes.
The only mistake in that post is "Hayterants" - since I was still going with the russian version, I assumed it was translated Highterrants.

02-05-2010, 07:00 PM
So, all items that spawn units use the same random value. That means there are two ways to get an unit spawner to change:

1) Go to a different island (I'm not sure why this works, but it does)
2) Use a different unit spawner, such as an egg.

The tried and true method is to:

1) Save
2) Use Scroll
3) If you get an acceptible result, stop
4) Otherwise Reload to first Save
5) Use a single Egg (spider egg, snake egg, etc)
6) Go to step one.