View Full Version : Any chance for a hard copy collector's box set?

01-29-2010, 05:01 PM
Any chance that a hard copy collector edition box set of King's Bounty L&AP will be released? Or is there one already that can be found?

02-02-2010, 02:14 PM
According to 1C, as they tend to dodge this question, not any time soon. You see they are too busy creating useless mods for the 1 to 2 geeks that play the game 16 hours/day.
It would be nice if 1C shed some light on this subject, one way or another. I suppose making the +1 sword of all hell flame mod is a tad more important.
At this rate BOTH Dragon Age Origins, AND the expansion Awakenings will be out before AP. Where can I buy stock in 1C? They are visionaries!