View Full Version : "Leaving Game Session"

10-11-2009, 04:25 PM
If I'm ever playing a game with you, and it appears that I've quit the session or left the game -- I can assure you, that it is because I've lost my connection. I never quit a game -- even if I'm getting flamed repeatedly (pretty common occurence for 109 pilots). Just figured I'd throw that out there -- especially for anyone who might be a team mate of mine in a "Team Dogfight", "Strike", or "Capture Airfield" game. Believe me -- its twice as frustrating for me, as it is for you. Lets just say that my cable provider is not the best in the world.

10-11-2009, 05:34 PM
Ignore people who send you those messages. I'll state here right now - I'll leave a game without a second thought if real life requires attention. Everyone should do that - it's called responsibility.

I leave games all the time. I have a young child who has needs like any young child an sometimes those needs will interupt a game. I've gotten nasty messages because I joined a game but had to leave right as it started. I just delete them - first off they are morons by thinking they are accomplishing anything by sending silly rants, secondly - it makes me wonder if they are too focused on the game that they might neglect more important real life needs.

Plus, this issue is NOT your problem. The developers need to make it so you can join games already in progress. The current system makes multiplayer more of a chore than it should be.

10-11-2009, 05:44 PM
I hear ya.. I got dinged a few times on "rep" for leaving a game early. I try not to, because I like to finish a game off, and personally hate it when people leave just because they aren't winning. That is a huge pet peave of mine. Another thing is people that crash to avoid getting killed (that just sounds weird). If I am damaged, I still try to keep the plane in the air, so the pilot pursuing me can get his earned kill. But, sometimes, it is simply unavoidable. I got a nasty message from a pilot on my 6 that shot me up. We were in a fight close to the ground to begin with, and he jacked my plane up pretty bad. I held it in the air the best I could, but pretty much lost most all control and couldn't keep my plane upright. I tried to stay up so he could get his kill, but, he just could't get that last shot in me before I hit the ground. I know how frustrated he must have felt after a long earned fight. He should have gotten that kill, but I just could not hold the plane up in the air. It was no fault of mine, and I did not deserve the nasty message. I am sure he dinged my rep too over that. But, it was litterally out of my control.

That also goes for quitting games early like you said. Sometimes, there are reasons, good legitimate reasons. Some technical, some personal. I rarely get cut off due to technical reasons, because I have a good stable network. But, I have quit a couple games early due to personal reasons, NOT game reasons. One I remember my daughter having an issue I had to deal with. I am an older gamer, that has a family, and if something happens here at home while in a game, I am sorry, I will leave a game and deal with that over playing the game. I love the game, and playing, but it is not my life. Sometimes REAL situations happen that forces me to put down the pretend situation. I try not to, but I have to admit, I have quit a game early on a couple occasions due to helping my kid at home with something that suddenly came up. I also quit one game that I got into that I didn't realize they had it set for a LONG game. I played for awhile, then supper was ready, so I went ahead and bailed on the game to eat supper with the family. Again, real life trumped pretend life. That session was simply set for too long of a time that I had to commit to it. My fault I didn't notice that until I was in the game, but again, real reasons..

10-11-2009, 07:20 PM
appreciate the replies fellas. Yeah, as you have both guessed -- I've been the recipient of a few "Nasty Grams" after losing my connection in the middle of a game. However tempting it is to fire back -- I grew out of that crap more than a few years ago. I play the game because I have an interest in the subject matter -- but mainly for FUN.

10-11-2009, 07:50 PM
Dont worry about it dude, there are a lot of people online who are complete a-holes. Ive had a lot of bad rep from simply winning in Street Fighter 4, where the aim of the game is to try and put down the opponent as fast as possible. They rep'ed me as "unsporting", which is frankly a joke when you think about it. Its a fighting game, your not meant to be "sporting" and let them hit you back lol.

Ive had tons of peeps send me messages ranting about quitting a match to. Im not a young man, and sometimes I have to quit due to having sore hands. Plus Ive had a couple of glitches with LIVE also which doesnt help. But if I can I try and at least finish a match if Ive been in it a while, and I dont leave if Im loosing EVER. I dont mind getting beaten at all, as long as I am having fun while playing.