View Full Version : So, your favorite plane!

10-03-2009, 08:10 PM
The IL-10 has always been my favorite little hellraiser. It's smaller than the IL-2, but still armed and armored. However, she proved herself the best little airplane ever to me in a CTA Realistic match.

I was coming in for a landing in the beginning of the match. The IL's are a rugged series, so I came in hard. A little too hard. I lose a wheel. I'm missing my right wheel. I still land on the runway, somehow, without getting shot down. I take over the field, and since I am all for preserving my plane for as long as possible, I try to take off.

She takes off.

She stayed in the air for a good while after that, fighting for her fallen comrades. Oh, that IL-10 is a darling.

So, I want to hear your stories about your amazing little feats in your favorite airplane. This game has given me a lot of good stories like that, so I want to hear yours.

10-03-2009, 08:18 PM
my personal favorite is the Spitfire MkII
that eliptical wing beauty has saved my skin many time.
its not as heavly armed as jerry but turns on a six pence.

10-03-2009, 08:22 PM
Hmm... I have to think about this for a bit, because there are several.

But, I like the Yak-1B for Capture the airfield. You can scream to a dive, cut the throttle and level off for a dramatic landing. I have had allot of good luck with it. That said, I also like the I-153 for it's nat like manuverability. I like my P-47 for quick dive bombing strikes, because it falls out of the sky like "Steel Rain", but sometimes can be a bear to pull out if you get too overzelious.

I hope that they come out with the Pacific Theater later so maybe I can fly my all time real favorite, the P-40. That, and the P-47 have always been my two favorite era aircraft.

10-03-2009, 08:27 PM
Good ol' Hurricane Mk.II! ;)

Great turning has saved my life many times, and it can withstand plenty of damage (especially wing damage) and keep on flying.

Soviet Ace
10-03-2009, 08:34 PM
Mine's in my sig :D :cool:

10-03-2009, 08:38 PM
Mine's in my sig :D :cool: Soviet, we should play sometime, if you frequent on PSN. PSN ID is Zeroptimus. We can swap favorite planes and our favorite planes' lead!

10-03-2009, 09:34 PM
The answer is in my avatar and my sig :D

the good old hawker hurricane, she's a truly elegant bird. Will look after you.

10-03-2009, 10:26 PM
i like the FW-190 series and the ta-152, but this game does them a terrible injustice, on account of how badly they fly.

my other favorite is the DORIER 335 in my sig

10-03-2009, 10:29 PM
I like to use a different plane every match but when I want to ensure a victory or know that the going will get tough I mount on a Spitfire mk IX, I simply find its guns and platform perfect. Another way of saying this is that when going against a plane I fear and have more respect towards the Spitfire.

I use the Hurricane when I want a competitive match against ME 109's.

The La5 and La7 are simply too perfect for my taste ( if only they overheated like in the PC), maybe when they add redouts and blackouts they will be fun to fly.

However, lately I have fallen in love with the FW 190D-9 and I seem to handle those Messerschmitts pretty well. (This is in Simulation where my enemy has no target on me)

Soviet if you have PS3 please add me too I always enjoy true dogfights

Raw Kryptonite
10-03-2009, 11:21 PM
I love the IL-2M. Variety of loadouts (not that I have them all yet) and it's just a lot of fun to use in both Strike and CTA. It's like a WW2 A-10. It's easy to love a straight up fighter, I like a plane with more meat on it's bones. :-P
I don't know why, but I even love the blindspots with the armor to the sides of the cockpit. It's tough as nails, versatile and has a rear gunner. What's not to love?

(Well, actually unlocking the bigger load outs is what I don't love.)

flying buick
10-04-2009, 01:26 AM

Ever since that first mission you use the Hurricane to bomb the ships, I just fell completely in love. Not to mention the tracers are AMAZING in helping for deflection shooting.

10-04-2009, 02:42 AM
I love the IL-2M. Variety of loadouts (not that I have them all yet) and it's just a lot of fun to use in both Strike and CTA. It's like a WW2 A-10. It's easy to love a straight up fighter, I like a plane with more meat on it's bones. :-P
I don't know why, but I even love the blindspots with the armor to the sides of the cockpit. It's tough as nails, versatile and has a rear gunner. What's not to love?

(Well, actually unlocking the bigger load outs is what I don't love.)

While I love the IL-2M, and it's damn near unkillable-ness, the little IL-10 is more of my style. Same armor, smaller target for Rocketeers. And I prefer the matte olive green paint job to the camouflage. I know, taking one plane over another because its paint job is stupid, but it worked for me. I've gotten just about all of my amazingly bs kills in the IL-10, and I know what it's going to do before it does it. It feels really nice, being in tune with your plane!

10-04-2009, 09:25 AM
well my fav plane has got to be the bf109 if im honest allways has been since i was a little kid ....but...

since ive been trying out the russian plane i found that the la-7 is the perfect plane for my flying style im a little heavy handed and she is so forgiving and she can turn with the best of em
ive been getting more kills per match with the la-7 than i ever have with the bf109 series :)

10-04-2009, 03:42 PM
spit IX or LA7

10-04-2009, 04:20 PM
Whilst I wait for the P-51 to be fixed, I've come to love the IL-2M as a fighter. It's very stable and easy to aim, can take huge amounts of damage, and the machine guns just cut through 109's like butter. :)

The A20G is also my favorite bomber, it can take huge amount of damage and still be controlled pretty well. It's rear gunner has great range and power. It also has alot of maneuverability for a bomber. Also it looks a bit similar to the B25......I can pretend. :P

10-04-2009, 05:08 PM
In the game, I like the I-16. Very manueverable and better guns than the I-153. In RL it's the P-61 Black Widow, mainly because it was my Grandad's favorite and we were very close. Plus, 4x20mm+4x.50cal FTW.:cool:

10-05-2009, 12:59 AM
La-7 ftw!

10-05-2009, 06:43 AM
Bf-109 for me. The G-6 doesn't turn quite as well as some of the others, but the firepower makes up for that greatly. I love the way the G-2 handles, but am less fond of its guns and paintjob. The E-3 is a happy medium between those two (just slower).

10-05-2009, 06:59 AM
It WAS the La 7 until my friends started to say it was no fun flying against me because I was too good in it. So now the Goat flies the Yak 3. Such a beautiful bird. Easlily the pretiest plane in the game.

10-05-2009, 01:47 PM
Look at my username... :grin:

I haven't got the game yet so I can't comment on if the plane is any good in it. It just looks bad ass. :cool:

10-05-2009, 02:10 PM
Actually, the Stuka does a decent job on Capture the Airfield. You can grab the field, then, loiter overhead, dive down and bomb the other team if/when they try to land. If your wingmen aren't lost causes, it works pretty well.

10-05-2009, 03:02 PM
Huge fan of the FW series, unfortunately they're horrid pieces of simulated equipment in this chapter. Spits are fun, but I'd rather get up in the BF109 series. I've yet to have much success online, but, I'm still having a ton of fun with it regardless of whether I kill or get killed.

10-05-2009, 07:33 PM
Bit out of place to say but b-17 as ultimate bomber for me
fighter must be hurricane just flying with your frame if you get 2 shots :P

here is a site with all pictures of b-17 that took damage http://www.daveswarbirds.com/b-17/contents.htm

10-05-2009, 07:49 PM
I know a lot of people like the later model spitfire but after flying the mk it feels like jumping out a sports car and into a Land Rover

10-05-2009, 08:25 PM
I consider only those who have a cockpit, so hurricane ( I enjoy free flight with it) and Il-2M because it is really a tank with wings.

10-06-2009, 08:22 AM
I consider only those who have a cockpit, so hurricane ( I enjoy free flight with it) and Il-2M because it is really a tank with wings.

You're right on that one. I always fly IL, usually the IL-10. Had a guy shoot my engine out on realistic, while his friend was capturing the airfield. I glided in, killed his friend with my last rocket, and went on to capture the airfield. I don't like bailing out, so I sat there until they killed me. And even though I was damaged, it took a really long time. And this one time...actually, the list is pretty long. Maybe later.

10-06-2009, 09:31 AM
I love my easy to fly LA5-FN with its 2 cannon, like I'm a sniper. But that's a problem because i don't like to fly over Berlin, Stalingrad, (where its hard to track enemies) (and I hate Ardennes please never select that map)

As I love Dover and Sicilia, I am frustrated to fly LA5-FN on them because I can almost hear my lobby mates saying
"What's the Fu***k Benrizz, you don't give a sh**t to history"

(Well sometimes its fun when a game starts with Russian against British, like it's an alternative history like the game "Red Alert".)

So I fly a lot of Spits, but what I'm really fan of the BF109-F4 against spit and giving them a hard time.

It's just like saying "I don't need a Spitfire to kick your ass" :grin: :grin: :grin: