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Old 11-12-2007, 10:44 AM
Raziel Raziel is offline
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Its Fantasy wars i just love how this game is based on combat and leveling your troops and heroes.I've played many turn based games and this one just amazed me so much combat oriented game there is no town building or anything but perks for each unit and heroes, terrain advantages and disadvantages, spells...
battles are also nicely done i thought it would be something like in HoMM but this is very nice,the way cavalry are charging and trample,enemies killed by your heroes it looks awesome.
Graphics are really nice and still it can work great on mediocore machines.I like idea with scouts here they are very useful.3 campaigns with a great story
and the way the are brought together at the end its just great!

i recommend this to anyone who likes games of this type.
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Old 12-10-2007, 05:30 PM
Alucard Alucard is offline
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Im a big fan of offroad sims so for me is the UAZ 4x4 Racing. Its one hell of a game the maps are huge nice customize of the cars. Im playing to the
Full drive: UAZ 4x4 Ural Call and Full Drive UAZ 4x4 2 Hummer. The only problem is that these game is only in Rusian and Im from outside the country so I dont understand the language. but I need to say even if I dont understand the words in the game its still worth for me to play it the grafics and the detail on your upgrades at your car its more than cool. if someone wants to see the pics of those cool games than go to 4x4game.ru . Its a shame that those two games arent in english, but still I wont stop playing them.
Oh yes I forgot when its out it will be Rig N Roll, if it will be joust half so good as from the pics and vids these will be one hell of a truck sim, so hopeing for a soon release.

Last edited by Alucard; 12-10-2007 at 05:35 PM.
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Old 01-04-2008, 04:28 PM
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I'm a big fan of Action Forms, so Cryostasis is guaranteed to be a new favourite of mine once it's released. Love Chasm the Rift and Vivisector Beast Within (although I'm not sure they released these in cooperation with 1C, can't remember everything all the time). Their games usually have a lot of humour (unintentional or otherwise, it's all good) and nice ideas in enemy design/weapons/levels. Simply put, they're a blast to play.

Last year though my favourite 1C game was Death to Spies. Excellent take on the hitman/splinter cell style game, and oh so much more hardcore than those. It's almost Commandos series level in its difficulty. Love it.

Really interested in a ton of other 1C games after browsing the russian games site regularly for a few months. Too bad the games aren't seeing european releases quicker. The Utopia City people's new game seemed interesting, forgot what it was called right now. The UAZ 4x4 games seem really interesting.

..IL-2 is huge aswell of course. They're awesome games, but have been covered so extensively in this thread already it's almost a pointless mention.
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Old 02-03-2008, 09:12 PM
Nightprowler Nightprowler is offline
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I'd say 7.62 and 7.62, and also 7.62
oh, and did I mention 7.62 ?
Right now the game's a bugs nest, it's also a pain to play it since it's a russian version, but being a tactical fan (Jagged-Alliance, X-Com/UFO, Silent Storm, Shadow Company and so on), I'm really having a kick with 7.62 no matter what
Can't wait for the english version, can't wait for Reloaded, can't wait for any other other add-on that could eventually come
Oh, and can't wait for fixes too hehe.
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Old 02-04-2008, 04:17 PM
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Thumbs up

Well... I must say that I totally agree with Nightprowler, both being part of the great fan community for Brigade E5 and 7.62mm. I have even started to help the team translate the game to English because I am too impatient for the English release this summer!

Now as for reasons..

We'll start with Brigade E5;
A few years ago, after finishing Jagged Alliance 2 a few times.. and playing mods and all, I was really hoping for something new, something fresh. But the video game industry had nothing like it apart from Silent storm and a few others, but they weren't as 3D as I wished, or didn't have the freeness I wanted and ESPECIALLY didn't have enough different realistic guns! I am not a great fan of RTS, but I am the greatest fan to Tactical Turn-Based Games. Brigade E5 brought all of that into 1 package! And they even topped it off with a new smart-pause system which is the most brilliant system there is! It's like a mix of real-time, but you can hit the space bar to pause the game, to give your mercenaries commands. A good example of this would be Baldur's Gate series, the pause sytem works pretty much the same way.

Being a gun nut, brigade E5 brought full of nice surprises, about 100 realistically rendered real-world weapons, like MP5's, UZI's, a whole line of HK G3's, another whole line of HK G36's, FN FAL's, HK MSG90, and those are just a few out of a 100 you would ALL want to try out, + being able to add bipods, scopes, lasers, silencers... ! So for anyone who likes realistic representation of guns, this game will beat pretty much any game out there... being a gun nut, trust me, I've tried everything else!

The game is the opposite of linear! You have three factions, the rebels, the national army and some gangster/smugglers [no, not 50 cent type gangsters... REAL drug and weapon dealers!]. You could try and work out missions for all three factions.. or you can do missions for only one faction... you do what you want... it has the freeness of GTA... but you got a whole country to visit! Do not get me wrong, this is in no way anything like GTA gameplay-wise. It is a TACTICAL game, we're you've got some choices to make, battles can be won many ways, you choose... you want to take your time and surround the enemy? You want to mow them down with a machine gunner? you want to stay in the distance and snipe them?.. or maybe like me you like a middle ground.. Something like carrying a HK G36, with a silencer attached, a laser pointer and the integrated scope... and a Grenade launcher to top it off... But this game is not a one man army game! You can easily die with one shot or two! So you gotta hire some mercenaries you can find around the country in bars. They all have different stats, some will join, some no, they all cost different prices... Go get them equipped at the nearest gun dealer shop in one of the many cities! Secretly assassinate the president's son with a Remington 700 Rifle! Work for the rebellion and attempt to bring the smugglers on your side of the war, or work for the Government and also work for smugglers... the choice really is all yours!

7.62mm brings all this back, with many new weapons... a new country, a new graphics engine with destructible environment {throw a grenade and watch the car blow up.. shoot through a wooden fence and watch it crumble to pieces...and it won't disappear, the pieces stay on the ground! ... Grass that moves when you walk in it! Day night variations as in real life.}. This sequel to Brigade E5 is even much more advanced in choices you have, there is much more freeness in the way you can accomplish missions, or you might even decide to switch sides DURING a mission, by initiating a dialog with your target and letting him entice you.. but again, YOU choose! In both game you can own different types of vehicles to store weapons you pick up to sell to weapon dealers.. and help you get places quicker. Really, Everyone here should try Brigade E5 to start, do not judge the games on the graphics that are somewhat too old.. at first it will feel a little... weird, but just keep playing, visit different towns, get different missions and you will see, you will fall in love!

Everyone here has convinced me of trying IL-2.. which I am downloading the demo right now. I had tried it when it first came out, but had such a slow pc.. I guess now that will have changed..

I am also interested in trying the game Death to spies.. being bit of a Hitman fan.

I haven't tried many 1C games as it's somewhat no much heard about here in Canada.. but I applaud your nice efforts for bringing quality games to the gaming industry! Keep up the good works guys!
http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=4212&dateline=1202700  567
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Old 02-04-2008, 10:54 PM
Nightprowler Nightprowler is offline
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I haven't tried many 1C games as it's somewhat no much heard about here in Canada.. but I applaud your nice efforts for bringing quality games to the gaming industry! Keep up the good works guys!
OMG lies Godspeed !!! well ok, you just don't know it :p
I just figured out myself that 1C published some of the recent UFO series ^^
(they also have the rights for BE5 now, prolly as a part of the 7.62 licence).
So... more or less, I guess it can be said we played a bunch of their games
Despite Cenega is the publisher for france.

Last edited by Nightprowler; 02-04-2008 at 10:57 PM. Reason: added text instead of double posting
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Old 02-05-2008, 12:13 AM
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I've never played the UFO series... The only 1C games I've played are E5 and 7.62..

I'm too much into realistic guns.. Although I've made an exception for Fallout series. Is UFO: [which one is the newest I should try?] like turn-based tactical also? or real-time? I remember trying the old one, free download from abandonia software, but no manual came with it.. and last time I used dos was before windows 95.. so no way to figure the different keys and what they did...
http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=4212&dateline=1202700  567
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:14 AM
Nightprowler Nightprowler is offline
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ewwww *pulls out the nerf-bat of doom for Godspeed*
go fix that mate, the UFO serie's great
hmm, last one's UFO : After... hmm Afterlight.
And yeah, Turn-based.

Last edited by Nightprowler; 02-05-2008 at 05:17 AM.
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Old 02-05-2008, 08:49 PM
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Some other time, I have too many games for my time already!

Still trying to fix Brigade E5
Silent Storm 2
Jagged Alliance 2 1.13
System Shock 2
Arma - Armed Assault
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfigther 2
Flatout 2
I am also sometimes wanting to play X3 - Reunion...

Basically, I have time to play 1 game or maybe 2 per day...

I am also starting to learn how to work with Macromedia Flash Scripting... it's all on a very tight schedule..
http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=4212&dateline=1202700  567
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Old 02-09-2008, 03:29 AM
wulfren wulfren is offline
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Hello Everyone!

I'm new here (actually this is my first post) and I thought this would be the best place for me to kind of sign in & say hi and other things. Right off the bat I have to admit the whole reason I'm here (as in how i knew about this website and forums) is because I recently picked up Brigade E5. To be honest I didn't know (and still do not have a complete list of games made yet but I am working on that. Sadly as it is I have a very slow internet connection (typical dial up in the U.S.A. is about 42-52kbps, due to some bad wiring not repaired yet i connect at between 12.2 and 21.0kbps until they fix the issues) so it takes some time. So my favorite hands down is Brigade E5 as of yet, I've known about IL2 for some years and while i'm a dedicated virtual pilot I've not actually had the chance yet to play it yet. I noticed in one post someone listed Fallout, I can't even begin to think of all the hours of time i've spent on both of those games. My actual list would go something like this

Brigade E5
Fallout 2

Now getting to the reasons why I like my number one pick. Well actually Godspeed nailed it almost perfectly for me, with one exception and that is that I am an gunsmith and the sheer detail put into the items and weapon systems in the game is nothing less than impressive, when I can look at the information and details box on an actual box of ammo in a game and it have an accurate and time proper box image and label ...well its one of those things that quickly builds respect for a game. Now please understand i am not saying that by these details is the perfect end all be all game heh fact of the matter is i've yet to make it past the second phase of the campaign (made it to the first town got the guy there safely I just can't get much further for various reasons) but it does lend a great amount of credit to the people behind the game and makes for game play thats well worth trying to figure out

Well I guess this turned into a big combo message of a first post and favorite game but hopefully it'll work. Its a pleasure to have found this site and this company

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